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AIM: To deep discuss Chinese Medicine classical theory“eating cold food in cold temperature will hurt the lung”through simulated atmosphere in the lab, and appraise concerned guidelines’inspection.
     Method: Choose 56 healthy Wistar male rats, and divide them into 4 groups randomly, they are: control group, cold-temperature group, cold food-eating group, eating cold food in cold temperature group; 14 ones for each group. Put them into different temperature-controlled boxes or give them different stimulation. During this period, observe their changes, such as their skin, fur, food-eating, stool quality and behaviors. After 7 days, collect samples, observe their pathological changes in pulmonary tissue; exam serum CRP by radioimmunoassay method, the changes of pulmonary tissue homogenate IL-8 contents; examβalexin’s expression in pulmonary tissue through enzyme immunoassay; exam TGFβ1-mRNA’s expression in pulmonary tissue and bronchus through Situ Hybridization Method. Making statistical treating to the experimental data by applying SPSS13.0 statistics software, and analyze the results.
     Result: The rats in cold-temperature group, cold food-eating group and eating cold food in cold temperature group, whose pulmonary tissues have obvious changes; i.e. serum CRP rose, IL-8 contents in rats’pulmonary tissue homogenate increased,βalexin contents decreased, and the expression of TGFβ1-mRNA increased; eating cold food in cold temperature group has most obvious symptom; cold-temperature group has less obvious symptom; the lest obvious symptom for cold food-eating group.
     Conclusion: It’s proved further that“cold-temperature”and“cold food-eating”have close pertinence with lung hurt from multi-layer and multi-angle observation. The experiment also proved that single“cold food-eating”also can case lung hurt; it also reveals the connotation and essence of“eating cold food in cold temperature will hurt the lung”, so as to supply some ways or gist for developing the research and applied scope for this theory.
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