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     本研究采用全人类基因组芯片,检测7对乳腺癌及其正常乳腺组织、7例乳腺良性疾病的差异表达基因,通过real-time PCR对芯片试验结果进行验证,并根据GeneOntology(GO)分类体系初步对得出的差异表达基因进行功能分类。
     2.乳腺癌和正常乳腺组织的聚类分析:采用cluster 3.0软件对所得实验数据进行聚类分析,可以发现三种乳腺组织不能完全分开。单纯分析7对乳腺癌和癌旁正常乳腺组织,聚类分析图显示二者也不能够完整的分开。
     Breast cancer has became one of the major malignant diseases which threaten women'health seriously in the worldwild. Since 1980s, the incidence of breast cancer has showed an upward trend with annual increasing rate of 2%~3% in the world. This phenomenon is worse especially in the developing countries than the developed countries. Data has shown that the number of new cases of breast cancer in China has increased by 38.5% while the death number of breast cancer has increased by 37.1% from 2000 to 2005. Currently, the oncogenesis of breast cancer is not very clear, so there are still a lot of confusion in the early detection and treatment of breast cancer. Any oncogenesis is a very complicated biological process. For an individual, the cells of almost the whole body have the same genetic material DNA, why they (including the tumor cells) have different phenotypes? Data show that the selective expression of genome decides the phenotype of different cells. This indicates that the abnormal change of genetic expression is the foundation by which process the normal cell change into tumor cell. All tumors originate from normal tissues. Tumor cells are the cells which lose the ability of aggregation and constituting the normal tissues. RNA is the connection of DNA and protein. By analyzing the difference of RNA levels between different tissues, we can find some theoretic clue for the further study of gene/protein involved in the ontogenesis of some diseases. This is also a good way to find some related genes or protein in some diseases. So comparing breast cancer and normal breast tissue by microarray to find diffenently expressed genes and to do further study will do some help in clearing and definiting the oncogenesis of breast cancer. This study is aimed to explore the differently expressed genes between breast cancer and normal breast tissue, can provide the evidence of the related genes/proteins to breast cancer'development.
     Explore the differently expressed genes between breast cancer and normal breast tissue, explore the differently expressed genes between breast cancer and benign breast disease tissue, to provide some guideline for the study of oncogenesis of breast cancer development.
     In this study,21 breast tissues (7 are breast cancer tissues,7 are their corresponding normal breast tissues,7 are benign breast disease tissues) were detected by microarray. Then we used real-time PCR to verify the results of microarray. We used GeneOntology (GO) system to classify the differently expressed genes.
     1. Differently expressed genes
     There are 344 differently expressed genes between breast cancer tissue and corresponding normal breast tissues, including 273up-regulated and 71 down-regulated genes. There are 27 genes related to cell proliferation, while 21 up-regulated and 6 down-regulated. Fifteen genes are related to cell adhesion, while 5 up-regulated and 10 down-regulated. Twnety three genes are related to cell apoptosis, while 20 up-regulated and 3 down-regulated.
     There are 235 differently expressed genes between breast cancer tissue and corresponding normal breast tissues, including 140 up-regulated and 95 down-regulated genes. There are 10 genes related to cell proliferation, while 8 up-regulated and 2 down-regulated. Twelve genes are related to cell adhesion, while 7 up-regulated and 5 down-regulated. Elevne genes are related to cell apoptosis, while 10 up-regulated and 1 down-regulated.
     2. Cluster analysis of the two kinds of samples
     Using cluster 3.0 to analyze the data of microarray experiment, the 3 kinds of samples can not be divided to 3 groups directly. To analyze the data of microarray experiment of breast cancer and correspongding normal breast tissue, the result is the same.
     There are obviously difference in the level of mRNA between breast cancer and normal breast tissue. The differented expressed genes in this study refered to some important biological process in the development of cancer, such as cell proliferation, cell adhesion and cell apoptosis. These genes may have some relationship with breast cancer. We still need more study to verify the function of these genes in ontogenesis of breast cancer. By this study, we can limit the related genes for breast cancer from mass of gene information. We can study the related function between these genes, find some candidate genes to study their change in gene or protein in the development of breast cancer.
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