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Copyright law and digital library in a internet age have drawn much attention of researchers in law all over the world in recent years. The formation of the internet environment has led to the change of the copyright law. Thus we are confronted with many questions and problems that have to be answered and solved in the development and management of the digital libraries. The substance of copyright issues of digital library is about digital technology, because it has changed the original situation of creation, communication and use of works, and then changed the balance of interests. So this article study the problems related to copyright and digital library in the internet environment from theory and practice.
     Because of the lack of the law, the founder of the digital library facing various difficulties, and they must solve many problems. In fact, the core issues of digital library copyright protection is that digital technology has changed the way of creation, dissemination and use of the work. Such changes affect the interests balancing mechanism which is the cornerstone of the copyright law. From the microscopic point of view, the creators of intellectual, author does not guarantee its share of interests are not subject to criminal violations. And the user cannot get the information they want free and convenient. From a macro point of view, if their interest cannot be guarantee, the enthusiasm of the author will be affected significantly. Finally, it will affect the progress of the whole human civilization.
     First, the main content of this paper is the issues of copyright protection of digital library, so we must pay more attention to the nature and character of the digital library. The first chapter is mainly about the conception, nature, characteristics, legal status of the digital library, as the theoretical background for the further research. In the traditional copyright law system, the libraries is consider as the final users of the works. But with the changes of characteristics, the digital libraries cannot have the same rights as the traditional library. And digital library is more likely as a communicators but a users, so the legal status have been changed a lot.
     Second, because the digital library cannot use the works under the restrictions of the copyright law, so the authorization mode of the digital library is worth to research. From the current practice, the major authorization mode is open access model, creation of common mode etc, This chapter mainly reviewed these mode and introduce the Google mode. The Google library mode implemented opt-out mode, which can be said as the most successful and suitable mode. But it still lacks of legal basis.
     The third chapter introduce the digital library from the specific operating level. In the current society, network and computer technology have changed copyright law a lot. In such an environment, the copy and network communication behavior of the digital library facing great difficulties. What is the nature of the digitization of the works and temporary copy? How to define the ILL behavior and users behavior.
     Fair use is a historic institution, which is the best embodies the spirit of a copyright law legislation system. Because the challenges of the new rights under the network environment, the fair use system gradually lost its role in balancing the interests of all parties. With the shrinking of fair use space, some scholars proposed to abolish fair use system. This chapter combine technological protection measures discusses the theoretical basis of the fair use, and try to suggest some idea of rebuild the system of the fair use.
     Finally, the article introduces the situation of the construction of the digital libraries under China's environment. It have been unable to adapt the actual situation of network society to use the single mode, we must combined with the advantages of each mode, to improve the legal protection of digital libraries.
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    158 《中华人民共和国著作权法》第1条
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    165 台湾地区《著作权法》第十条第一款
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    168 《伯尔尼公约》第9条第1款
    169 《中华人民共和国著作权法》第10条第5款
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    180 《中华人民共和国著作权法》第10条第12款
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    189 《中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例》第21条
    193 《中华人民共和国著作权法》第二十二条
    194 《中华人民共和国著作权法》第二十三条、三十二条第二款、三十九条第三款、四十二条第二款、四十三条。
    195 郑成思,《版权法》,中国人民大学出版社,1990年版
    196 An Act for the encouraging of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times mentioned therein。
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    199 Register of Copyright, Report of the Register of Copyrights on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law
    200 Stephen M. Stewart, International Copyright and Neighboring Rights Law.
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    208 同135
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