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Along with the huge production and consumption of electrical appliances, our country is a nation with huge output of the used electrical appliances, which can do much harm to the environment but an important recycled resource as well. According with the scientific development including the harmonious development between human and the natural environment and between human and the society, this thesis will start with the used electrical appliances recycling in our country. Making use of some useful technical theories and methods of management science and engineering, the thesis will analyze this problem step by step, referring to the recycling of used electrical appliance in Tianjin as the object of the study to make more empirical study and analysis about it.
     1. Starting with the defining of some basic concepts of used electrical appliance, this thesis analyzes the produce mechanism of used electrical appliance and raises the concept of“four-element distribution”, discussing the distributing features of used electrical appliance (the five main categories of appliance) in the“four elements”. Furthermore, define the concept of the spatial distribution and time evolving law of used electrical appliance in city, which includes dense layer, medium layer and loosing layer and the criteria of judgment. According to the appliance usage data base of the residents in Tianjin, This thesis discusses the evolvement of the five main categories of appliance based on the time sequence and provides the predicting model of the used electrical appliance output based on the fixed and developing period.
     2. The thesis analyzes the product after recycling the used electrical appliance, raising the location principle for the recycling plants. Considering all the elements which affect the location of the recycling plants, establish the location model of the recycling plants. Meanwhile, the thesis also analyzes the output scale of the recycling of the used electrical appliance and the layout of the different functional areas in the plant, and then brings forward the optimizing methods of the layout of the functional areas in recycling plant.
     3. Establish the policy-making models of the network construction of the used electrical appliance in our country, analyzing the network makeup, administrating strategy and operating flow. This thesis also discusses the network nodes location models under both the definite and random modes, especially the location model of the recycling center. And it advances three recycling network modes, the typical two of which was offered quantitative models, and establishes the network optimization models based on the supplying chain model and the model based on under the third side model. At last it discusses the marketing models of the network construction of the used electrical appliance.
     4. Analyzing the recycling system, this thesis advances the principles of the recycling of the used electrical appliance and based on the analysis of the recycling systems in developed countries, it puts forward the construction model, supervising strategies and evaluation criteria of the recycling system in our country. Meanwhile, the thesis analyzes the marketing tactics and strategies of the products after recycling the used electrical appliance, advancing two marketing network construction models. It also provides the recycling construction system by using motivation theory and game model.
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