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The concept of knowledge management and ontology engineering approach was introduced to emergency response domain to guide and regulate the emergency system construction and realize management of the existing knowledge of emergency response domain at the same time.
     The research focuses on the expression and reuse of emergency response knowledge. A practicable plan is proposed to achieve the system’s ultimate goal, that is searching the explicit knowledge and reasoning the tacit knowledge of the emergency domain needed by the policy-maker through the semantic search system; and the knowledge is expressed in the way of semantic navigation. It gives important prompts and connects to similar knowledge or cases to assist the policy-makers make quick decision. At the same time new emergency domain decision knowledge is created.
     Followings are the innovation achievement of the research in theory, technology and implementation:
     1. Emergency domain knowledge (EDK) construction model was accomplished. it includes explicit knowledge (property mechanism contains Know-What, and Evolution process contains Know - Why) contained in emergency and tacit knowledge (management system contains Know-Who, and management mechanism contains Know-How) contained in emergency management. Ontology is the best way to express knowledge in emergency response domain.
     2. A new ontology project method was proposed. In this way the combination of forward foundation and reverse acquisition can reduce dependency on expert, reuse the production existed. And the combination of OWL language nominalization expression and UML graph visualization expression can realize the communication between emergency business staffs and information technology staffs, man and machine can understand the model in the same way as well.
     3. The emergency domain knowledge ontology model (ontoEDK) was accomplished, evaluated and used it in application. It applied the new ontology project method to establish the ontoEDK, and used the OntoQA formulas to quantitatively evaluate it from different angles. Based on ontoEDK, EDK semantic search and browse prototype system was developed. As an example, the prototype system verified that ontoEDK is effective and scientific, also provided a basic platform for the construction, storage, extraction, expression of knowledge in emergency response system.
     Besides, beneficial exploration was made to reuse the ontology of emergency response domain knowledge in emergency preplan research based on semantic and in the emergency information sharing by different systems or domains.
     The research adopted the most advanced techniques of emergency management, knowledge management and information science, combined existing performance with a high starting point. The analysis and design of the ontology of emergency domain take advantage of set theory in algebra, system project, reverse project, description logics, and so on. We adhere to combined norms and empirical studies, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, the observation & summarization and interpretation & reasoning, and use the prototype system to verify the theory and promote the relevant theoretical research.
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