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Digital watermarking tecndque is a new research area of multimedia
    comrnunication and multimedia signal processing in recentIy years. It's widely
    investigated and used as an effective way for boowledge property right protection. 3D
    motions, as a new multimedia cofltent type, have become a hotspot of computer
    animation research, and also have broad aPplication prospect in movie. game'
    control. simu1ation field etc. This paPer discusses typical multimedia watermarking
    algorithms. theory and technique related with 3D motion. By comparing and
    analyzing the existent watermarking algorithms, it proposes two robust watermarking
    algorithms f a 3D motion blind watermark detection algorithIn and a 3D motion bIind
    watermark extTaction algorithIn.
    The chaPter 1 surveys the popular tec[mque of muhimedia watermarkng,
    introduces the basis of digital watermark, explains its definition. background.
    perfOrmance indicator. classification and aPplication field, illustrates a general digital
    watermarking system. It emphasized on the analysis and evaluation of typical
    watermarking algorithIns. It classifies and discusses the attack of watermarking,
    introduces the aPplication of digital watermarking tecboque in industry.
    In the chaPter 2, it summarizes the theory and technique of 3D motion and motion
    signaI processing. It addresses the theory of character modeling' motion
    representation. Then analyzes and cornmeflt on the typical ways of 3D motion
    creation, including motion caPtllfe' motion pictUre sequence tracking. kinematics and
    dynamics. lt introduces the basis of motion signal processing, and finally is our
    motion data viewer program based on OpenGL.
    Based on the theoTy of statistical dctection and research on distribution of DCT
    coefficiefits, the chaPter 3 proposes a robust 3D motion blind watermark detection
    algorithIn, which is a sign correlation detection scheme. Experimental results show
    that this method is resilience to many attacks such as Gaussian White Noise.
    resaxnpling. smoothing and second watermark.
    In chaPter 4, it implemented a robust 3D motion blind watermark extraction
    algorithm. The algorithIn adopts twO well-known ideas called spread spectrum and
    quantization, first applies a frequency transfOrmation on the motion signal, and then
    embeds watermark bits by quantizing proper intermediate frequency coefficients. Our
    experiments show that this method is also robust to Gaussian White Noise.
    resampling and smoothing etc..
    At last, some discussions and conclusions are given.
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