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In the age of network information, text categorization, as a fundamental technology of massive text processing, has wide application prospect. With the research progression, text categorization technology is becoming more and more mature. As text categorization has entered into application stage, it's more difficult to get breakthrough innovation of text categorization algorithms. Under such situations, it's of great significance for the developement of text categorization technology research to find new research entry points, start with fundamentals, solve key technology problems, and apply them into improving performance of classifiers.
     By proceeding with analysis on document type features, we brought forward the subject of research on term coexistence relation, and analyzed it in two aspects:association and correlation. Several methods of applying terms association and terms correlation in text classification were presented, which can be generalized in two categories such as direct use of building text classifier based on association or correlation analysis, indirect use of improving text classifier based on other techonologies.
     The concepts of association and correlation were derived from data mining as evaluation of rule interestingness. In this paper, we applied them into text classification, and adopted the general definition of correlation in statistics, analyzing term correlation in the methods of linear and nonlinear analysis. Thereinto, analysis on linear correlation includes linear equation parameters solution and linear correlation coefficient calculation, and with regard to nonlinear coreelation analysis, measurement indexes based on probablistic theory were calculated.
     As for the applications of association analysis in text categorization, we performed research work in associative text classification and assocative text feature selection. Associative text classification model is based on rules. As to classification rules mining, we proposed a method of genetic algorithm design for mining long frequent itemsets based on variable neighborhood search (VNS-GA), and when it comes to document type classification, we proposed a discriminating algorithm based on rules match length calculation. During the research of text associative feature selection, we summarized two principles of feature selection such as ability of document type identification and document coverage rate, and presented the selection method of combination set of k-frequent sets. Experiments on Yahoo Chinese text data set showed that the long frequent itemset mining algorithm proposed in this paper could be applied effectively into associative text classification, and the proposed method of associative feature selection could improve the classification performance of naive bayes (NB) text classifier.
     In this paper, what we studied about the applications of correlation analysis in text categorization included text classifier based on linear least square fit (LLSF), ensemble text classifier combining LLSF and NB classifiers, and improved bayesian classifiers based on probabilistic correlation analysis. Several conclusions from results of experiments on Reuters-21578 corpus may be safely drawn. First, LLSF classifier didn't get good results, that could be explained as weak linear relation among terms, which caused comparetively much deviation for the classifier based on linear relation assumption. Second, that LLSF+NB ensemble text classifier got better performance than any single of them showed that, as a mature algorithm, the value of LLSF classifier still existed despite its not-so-good classifying results. And last, improved bayesian classifier based on probabilistic correlation analysis was proved notably better performance overall than NB classifier by experiments, which verified the effectiveness of the method of term set correlative degree calculation applied into improve NB classification.
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