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With the rapid development of the Internet and the popularity of handheld devices, Mobile payment is no longer far-fetched. To compete in a marketplace dominated by wireless devices, operators must devise effective mobile payment strategies. Building successful strategies begins by recognizing the forces driving mobile payment's emergence.
     However, many researchers believe in the success of mobile payment There are little research results how to develop a consumer-oriented mobile payment strategy If we consider view of commerce, we don't ignore a consumer aspects and effects about mobile payment so,for the sake of Service Provider establishing correct marketing strategies and promoting prosperity of mobile payment market,it is of great significance to, based on foreign studies, study the mechanism and factors affecting of mobile payment under the circumstances of Chinese culture, and sum up the rules of customers' adoption of mobile payment.
     This paper mainly attempts to study the forming factors affecting and mechanism of customers'adoption to mobile payment.
     Paper'innovation can be concluded that:
     1 It established and empirically proved the behavior model of mobile payment consumers.
     This paper build a initial model of influencing factors based on TRA, TPB and TAM model. In this paper, The greatest impact on consumers of the factors were the System Security, Merchants number Operators credit, Business scope and relative advantages of mobile payment (perceived usefulness) The findings of this paper indicate that Merchants brand have no remarkable influence on real consumption variable. This paper reveals the particularity of consumption behavior of mobile payment Factors proved to be remarkably influential to consumption behavior,e.g Accessibility, compatibility and novelty Through questionnaires and empirical analysis,this paper does empirical research on key hypothesizes of the theoretical model and draws some important conclusions
     2 From the perspective of consumer' psychology, reveals the formation of consumers' adoption of mobile payments.
     Customers' adoption intends to fundamentally is a series of psychological process. This paper from the impact of factors on the consumer that three stages of the mechanism of psychological (needs, gather information, evaluate the program) to reveals the formation of consumers' adoption of mobile payments.It provides a new research perspective.
     3 Building safety assessment index system of mobile payment system.
     Based on the probability of uncertainty and uncertainty consequences happened, the paper build safety assessment index system of mobile payment system. The index system solves how to quantify the safty of security problems.
     Finally, this paper from the enhancing security of mobile payment system, strengthening consumer trust of the operators, reduce consumer costs and increase consumers' mobile payment incoming dimensions, makes strategys that operators increase consumers' adoption of mobile payment.
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