基于椭圆曲线密码体制的Ad hoc网络安全组通信
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Ad hoc网络是一种没有有线基础设施支持的移动网络,网络中的节点都由移动主机组成,每个节点还要具有路由器的功能,负责把数据包转发到目的节点。
     Ad hoc网络组播是IP组播机制在Ad hoc网络上的实现,有效地降低了网络的通信带宽,节点的电池能量消耗,使得Ad hoc网络得到广泛的应用。
     Ad hoc网络组播的保密性和访问控制主要是利用安全组播组来实现的。即通过组密钥管理算法和协议使得安全组播组共享一个组密钥,发送方利用组密钥对组播数据进行加密,然后组播出去,接收方利用组密钥解密获得组播内容。因此关于组密钥的生成、分发和更新的组密钥管理方案成为Ad hoc网络安全的重要研究内容。
     ECC(Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem),即椭圆曲线密码体制,是基于椭圆曲线离散对数问题ECDLP(Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem)的,是目前比较安全的公钥密码体制。另外椭圆曲线密码体制使用的密钥非常短,主要的运算是点加运算,因此在计算和时间复杂度方面具有极大地优势。
     本文首先介绍了Ad hoc网络的组密钥管理算法研究现状,然后提出了两种基于椭圆曲线的组密钥管理算法,并通过实验分析比较了它们的性能。两种组密钥管理算法只根据用户的标志就能计算出它们的公钥,不需要CA(Certificate Authoriy)进行证书认证,提高了算法的安全性和计算性能。
Ad hoc network is a mobile network without wired infrastructure support, formed by the mobile hosts. Each node is responsible for creating network topology, gathering routing information and forwarding packets in Ad hoc network.
     Ad hoc network multicast could reduce network transmission costs, network bandwidth and network latency, sending a message to multiple recipients at the same time. It has been widely applied.
     Ad hoc network multicast confidentiality and access control is an important part of the Ad hoc network security. It could be implemented by Ad hoc network secure group.
     ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem) is based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, that is, ECDLP and it is a more secure public key cryptosystem now. Key is very short and main operation is the point addition in the elliptic curve cryptosystem, so ECC has great advantages in the computation and time complexities.
     Two group key management algorithms based on ECC have been proposed in this paper. These two algothms could calculate the public key from users’identities, so we don’t require store many CA(Certificate Authority) certificates in the every node in of Ad hoc network. It improves the security and computation performance of Ad hoc network multicast.
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