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     第二部分是性犯罪被害人保护的基础理论部分。这部分主要涉及两个问题:一是性犯罪被害人的界定和类型,二是性犯罪被害人保护的理论基础。关于性犯罪被害人的界定,本文认为,性犯罪被害人是遭受刑罚明文规定的与性欲的满足和性行为的进行有关的犯罪行为所直接侵害的人,在我国具体包括强奸罪、强制猥亵侮辱妇女罪、猥亵儿童罪、组织卖淫罪等的被害人;关于性犯罪被害人的类型,由于强奸罪是最能体现性侵犯本质的性犯罪,文章以强奸罪被害人为对象,将强奸罪被害人区分为“真正强奸被害人”(Real-rape)与“非真正强奸被害人”(Non Real-rape)。由于性犯罪的生成有很强的加害人、施害人互动,在一些性犯罪中,被害人可能并非完全无可挑剔,所以,不同类型的性犯罪被害人在刑事诉讼中所受的待遇不一样,真正强奸的被害人得到的待遇“最佳”,而非真正强奸的被害人,主要包括有责任的被害人、约会强奸的被害人、熟人强奸的被害人,则可能遭受各种不利的偏见与非议;
Sex crimes are sexual dominant behaviors which are invasive, anti-human and humiliating. The victims of sex crimes suffer the most private insulation relevant to their fundamental dignity. Compared with other victims, the victims of this sort are more vulnerable and more exposed to discrimination and criticism. Besides, they are more likely to suffer secondary damage in criminal proceedings. Therefore, we are supposed to take special protective actions on victims of sex crimes. Actually, they are offered with special protection different from other victims in many countries and regions. While in our country, there is nearly no laws and no attention is paid to the judicial practice in this aspect. In a nation where the concept of virginity is attached great importance and feeling of shame is paid too much attention, victims of sex crimes are reduced to a rather difficult situation because of the crime. Therefore, special protection is regarded necessary in criminal proceedings so that the victims have courage and strength to live on.
     The paper is carried out based on the study and importance of the above subject. In the meantime, in regard to the representativeness of rape in sexual assault, the paper analyzes the protection of sex crime victims in different countries mainly in the perspective of rape.
     There are five parts of the paper.
     The first part is the introduction, which includes the proposition of the problem, the retrospect of the problem, materials and means. Above all, the paper makes an integration of the current studies on the protection of the victims. It puts forward that the theoretical studies of the victim protection are lagged far behind and that the current studies are avoid of forward-looking of the academy and urgency of reality in the aspect of specialty. This puts forward the thoughts of the author on the protection of victims of sex crimes. Then the paper retrospects the literature on the situation of the victims in our country. It believes that it is a long way to go compared with those material subject studies. In the end, the paper makes a corresponding definition on the materials and means of the research. The research materials mainly include the relevant documentation at home and abroad (mainly abroad), combined with suitable empirical investigation and case analyses. The research means are the combination of means from Procedural Law, Criminal Law, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Sociology.
     The second part is about the theoretical basis of the protection of the victims of sex crimes. This part mainly involves two aspects:the first is the definitions and types of the victims of the sort; the second is the theoretical basis of the protection of the victims of sex crimes. For the definition, the paper believes that victims of sex crimes are people who are the directive sufferers of illegal sexual satisfaction and sexual behaviors regulated by the criminal law. They are specifically composed of victims of rape, women molestation, child molestation and organized prostitution in our country. As far as the types of sex crimes victims are concerned, the paper takes the victims of rape as its objects because of the representativeness of rape in sex crimes and divides them into two types:"real rape" and "non-real rape". On the types of the victims of sex crimes, victims of different types are provided with different treatments in criminal proceedings. Victims of real rape are given the best treatment, while the victims not of the real rape, mainly including responsible victims, victims of date rape, victims of acquaintance rape, are likely to receive adverse prejudice and criticism.
     On the theoretical basis of the protection of sex crime victims, the paper finds that many protection theories on sex crimes victims and those on common victims are almost overlapped. Besides, the latter provides enough theoretical support for the former. Therefore, in order to justify the special protection of sex crimes victims, the paper discusses it from the perspective of its necessities. The necessities include three aspects:firstly, the damages posed by sex crimes (especially rape) on the victims are lasting and endless, which exemplifies itself by "Rape Trauma Syndrome" leading to post-traumatic stress disorder; secondly, the reactions of the society on the victims are special, which means that the victims of sex crimes are more likely to suffer prejudice and unjustified criticism. Undoubtedly, the sex crimes victims should be given more tolerance, understanding and support; thirdly, the response of criminal proceedings on the sex crimes victims is special. The victims are more likely to suffer secondary damage in criminal proceedings because of inappropriate set-up of criminal procedures and unsuitable judicial conducts. The above three necessities decide the special protection of the sex crimes victims.
     The third part is the country studies of the protection carried on the sex crimes victims. The paper is based on the observation of the protection of sex crimes victims in criminal proceedings in American and European countries, Asian countries and regions, in which American and European countries mainly refer to America, the Great Britain, Australia and Germany, and Asian countries and regions mainly refer to Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan and Hong Kong of China. We can find out some commonalities through the observation: firstly, they all regulate special protection on the sex crimes victims; secondly, the protection is very thorough, which means that it penetrates into every section of criminal proceedings; Thirdly, the content of the protection includes the right-to-know, the right to participation, and the right to keep from secondary damage, the right to compensation, and so on; fourthly, when giving special protection to the victims, they try hard to avoid damages of the rights of the victims, thus forming the balance of the rights protection of victims. These commonalities may give reference and revelation of the protection of sex crimes in our country.
     The fourth part is the contents of the protection of sex crime victims. The main contents of the protection include two parts:protection of the sex crime victims in criminal proceedings and protection in judicial conduct. the former includes:the victims are given the right-to-know and the right to participation in the procedures; it is forbidden to carry out inappropriate inquiry on sex crimes victims; the victims are allowed to apply special means of testimony; The victims are endowed with rights of compensation. The latter includes:the sex crimes are dealt with by the specialized agencies composed of specialty personnel; special inquiry room should be built. Among these contents, some are the protective measures taken on victims of other crimes, for example:right-to-know, right to participation, right to compensation, yet victims of sex crimes are treated specially in specific contents and means. Some protection of the sex crime victims may have influence on the rights of the defendant. For example, the forbiddance of inappropriate inquiry of the sex crimes victims (especially rape victims) may influence the right-to-defense of the defendant; the allowance of the special means of testimony may influence the right to confrontation and inquiry of the defendant and the regulation of the hearsay evidence. Therefore, this part also discusses these problems.
     The fifth part involves the protection of the sex crimes victims in our country. Firstly, the paper observes and evaluates the current situation of the protection in our country. Besides, it further analyzes the cases which have significance of reference in investigation. On the basis of that, it puts forward specific suggestions of the perfection of the protection. From the observation on the legislation, judicial interpretation and judicial practice of the protection, we can see that the protection of sex crimes victims is almost neglected. In this aspect, we are supposed to follow three principles:special protection should be carried out according to the crime characteristics of the victims; we should pay much attention to the balance between special protection of the victims and the protection of the defendant; the regulations should be thorough and complete. The victims of sex crimes should be provided with special protection in set-up of the criminal proceedings and judicial conducts, among which victims'right of privacy, right of reputation and right of indemnity should be given more attention.
     The last part, the author proposed the concept of "special rights in criminal proceedings" which means, in criminal proceedings, the rights of victims of specific crimes and the rights of offenders. These special rights are different from the common rights. They are the personalized extension of common rights, such as the juvenile offenders, juvenile victims and victims of sex crimes who, as a special group, should have some speical rights which are different from ordinary people's rights in the criminal proceedings.
    11 Estrich, Real rape, Cambridge, MA:Haward University Press,1986, p.64.
    14 Estrich, Real rape, Cambridge, MA:Haward University Press,1986, p.66.
    17详见《影楼发生强奸案的反思》http://www.xmg.com.cn/news/article/xm 62982.asp,《影楼半的强奸案》http://hb.qq.com/a/20100315/003828.htm访问时间:2010年7月28日
    21 Deborah L.Rhode, Feminist and the State, Havard Law Review Volumel,1994.p.98.
    23 Martha Chamallas.Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory, Aspen Publishers,2003.p.134.
    24 Martha Chamallas.Introduction to Feminist Legal Theory, Aspen Publishers,2003.p.160-167.
    23 Frug M J.A Postmodern Feminist Legal Manifesto, Harvard Law Review,1992.p.143.
    26 Frug M J.A Postmodern Feminist Legal Manifesto,Harvard Law Review,1992.p.143.
    27 Mackinon C A.Feminism,Marxism,Mothod, and the State:Toward Feminist Jurisprudence, Journal of Women in Culture and Society,1983,8 (4)
    38[美]Lawrence S.Wrightsman:《司法心理学》,吴宗宪译,北京:中国轻工业出版社,2004年版,第261页。
    39[美]Glenn R.Schiraldi:《创伤后压力调适》,冯翠霞译,台北:五南图书出版股份有限公司,2002年版,第40页。
    40[美]Glenn R.Schiraldi:《创伤后压力调适》,冯翠霞译,台北:五南图书出版股份有限公司,2002年版,第40页。
    41[美]Glenn R.Schiraldi:《创伤与后压力调适》,冯翠霞译,台北:五南图书出版股份有限公司,2002年版,第48页。
    42 Uli Ort, Secondary Victimization of Crime Victims by Criminal Proceedings, Social Justice Research, Vol.15, No.4, 2002.p.97.
    43 Uli Ort, Secondary Victimization of Crime Victims by Criminal Proceedings, Social Justice Research, Vol.15, No.4,2002.
    46 Isabel Correia, Jorge Vala, Patricia Aguiar, The Effects of Belief in a Just World and Victim's Innocence on Secondary Victimization, Judgements of Justice and Deservingness, Social Justice Research, Vol.14,No.3,2001.p.143.
    35 William G. Doerner, Steven P.Lab, Victimology, Anderson publishing co.1998, p.124.
    36 Uli Ort, Secondary Victimization of Crime Victims by Criminal Proceedings, Social Justice Research, Vol.15, No.4,2002.
    37 Uli Ort, Secondary Victimization of Crime Victims by Criminal Proceedings, Social Justice Research, Vol.15, No.4,2002.
    58 Andrew kamen, Crime Victims:An Introduction to Victimology, Wadsworth/Thomson Learning,2004, p.158.
    60 Ulrich Orth, Andreas Maercker, Do Trials of Perpetrators Retraumatize Crime Victims, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol.19, No.2,2004.
    63 Uli Ort, Secondary Victimization of Crime Victims by Criminal Proceedings, Social Justice Research, Vol.15, No.4,2002.
    68 Andrew Karmen, Crime Victims:An Introduction to Victimology, Wadsworth/Thomson Learning,2004, p.4.
    69 Robert Elias, Which Victim Movement? The Politics, inEzzat A. Fattah ed.,Towards a Critical victimology, Martin's Press,1992,p.75.
    70 Frank Schmalleger, Corrctions in the 21st Century, The Mc Grawu.Hill Co.,2002, p.570-589.
    71 Largen, Grassroots centers and national task force:A History of the anti-rape movement,1981.p.142-146.
    72 Largen, Grassroots centers and national task force:A History of the anti-rape movement,1981.p.142-146.
    73 D. Kelly Weisberg, Sex, Violence, Work, And Reproduction, Temple University Press1996, p.233-245.
    74 Largen, Grassroots centers and national task force:A History of the anti-rape movement,1981.p.142-146.
    75 Robin, Forcible rape:Institutionalized sexism in the criminal justice system,1977, p.136-152.
    80“化学阉割”始于美国,它并非真正的“阉割”,而是一种药物控制法,通过注射或服用荷尔蒙,使男性性犯罪者降低睾丸激素分泌,抑制性冲动,但并不会使人丧失性能力。http://news.sohu.com/20100728/n273812371.shtml?pvid=tc 5e0Ce5835480f868访问时间:2010年7月3日81同注80。
    83内山绚了:“性犯罪被害の实态——性犯罪被害调查をもとにして”,警察学论集,第53卷4号,第91页,2000年4月; 转引自谢协吕:《论犯罪被害人在刑事诉讼程序之权利保护—以性犯罪被害人之权利保护为中心》,国立台湾大学法学研究所,2005年博士论文。
    97内山绚了:“性犯罪被害の实态--性犯罪被害调查をもとにして”,警察学论集,第53卷4号,第91页,2000年4月; 转引自谢协吕:《论犯罪被害人在刑事诉讼程序之权利保护-以性犯罪被害人之权利保护为中心》,国立台湾大学法学研究所,2005年博士论文,第107页。
    99 Peter Murphy, Murphy on Evidence, Blackstone Press Limited,2000, p.131.
    101 Josephine Ross, He Looks Guilty:Reforming Good Character Evidence To Undercut The Presumption of Guilty, 65U. Pitt. L. Rev.227 (2004), p.229-256.
    102 Robert F. Thompson Ⅲ, Character Evidence And Sex Crimes In The Federal Courts:Recent Developments,21 U. Ark. Little Rock L. Rev.241 (1999), p.242.
    103 United states v. Enjay,134 F.3d 1427,1433 (10th Cir.1998)
    104 Report of the Judicial Conference on the Admission of Character Evidence in Certain Sexual Misconduct Cases,159 F. R. D.51,53 (1994).
    105 J. B. Thayer, Preliminary Treatise on Evidence at the Common Law, Sweet and Maxwell, London,1893, p.265.
    107 Edward J. Imwinkelried, A Small Contribution to the Debate over the Proposed Legislation:Abolishing the Character Evidence Prohibition in Sex Offence Prosecution,44 Syracuse L. Rev.1125 (1993).
    108 Thomas Reed, Admission of, Uncharged Misconduct in Sex Offender Cases,21 Am. J. Crim. L.
    109 1978年美国国会通过了所谓“强奸盾牌条款”,即联邦证据规则第412条。根据该规定,在一切涉及不正当性行为的民事或刑事案件中,任何证明被害人其它性行为或性倾向的证据,一律不r采纳。后文有相应论述。
    110 John N. Langbein, The Origins of Adversary Criminal Trial, Oxford University Press,2003,p.132.
    111 Aviva Orenstein, A Feminist Analysis of Character Evidence in Rape Trials,49 Hastings L. J.663 (1998).
    112 Joshua Dressler, Understanding Criminal Law, Matthew Bender,1993, p.519.
    113 Isabel Correia, Jorge Vala, Patricia Aguiar, The Effects of Belief in a Just World and Victim's Innocence on Secondary Victimization, Judgments of Justice and Deservingness, Social Justice Research, Vol.14,No.3,2001
    113 Joshua Dressler, Understanding Criminal Law, Matthew Bender,1993, p.519.
    116 Aviva Orenstein, A Feminist Analysis of Character Evidence in Rape Trials,49 Hastings L. J.663 (1998).
    119 Rebekah Smith, Comment, Protecting The Victim:Rape and Sexual Harassment Shields Under Maine And Federal Law, 49 ME. L. Rev.1997. p.443.
    121详见http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/89-478.ZD.html.MARYLAND v.CRAIG,No.89-478访问时间:2010年5月3日。
    122该权利也被称为“眼球对眼球的权利”。coy v. Iowa,487U. s.1019—1020 (1988). http://www.ovez.org/cases/1980-1989/1987/1987_86_6757访问时间:2010年7月18日。
    138 Pischnotte and Quinn:The Victim and Witness Assistance Programe,39A.F.L.REV.1996.
    139 John W.Gillis and Douglas E.Beloof, the Next Step for a Maturing Victim Rights Movement. Enforcing Crime Victim Rights in the Courts,33McgeorgL.REV.2002
    140 134Peggy M.Tobolowskyr, Crime Victim Rights and Remedies, Carolina Academic Press,2001,
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