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Peter drucker, in his book the practice of management, raised the sole purpose of enterprises existence is to create their customers and provide goods and services for them. In the 21st century, enterprises are faced with a variety of uncertainties, such as technology updating frequently, excess supply and changes in customer’s demand. In this context, it is the key problem in the surviving and developing for enterprises that how to create superior customer value and win customers’loyalty. In recent years, customer value has become the common concern of the top managers and the scholars in marketing and is regarded as a new source of competitive advantage.
     In the practice of management, many of the top-leaders in enterprise provided customers with more superior value than their competitors, and have bound the competitive advantage. Nevertheless, some of the top-leaders made their business defeated due to ignoring the customer vlaue. The success or failure cases of the business arose our thought about the issues: which of the superior values should the enterprises provide to customers in the intense market competition environment? What roles do the top-leaders need to play in the process of creating the customer value? What influence do the roles of the top-leaders have to the process of creating customer value? Research on these issues will help to enterprise identifying the customer's value migration, and provide reference for top-leaders playing appropriate roles and for enterprise building customer value oriented organizational culture. Withal, it is having import significance for practice of enterprise sustaining developing. Therefore, the paper hackled the correlative literatures about organizational behavior and marketing, reviewed the interrelated researches on leadership behavior and customer value.
     Based on these effort, we tidyde up the clue that top-leader's leadership behavior is the most important factor for effecting the efficiency of leadership which has crucial effect on customer value creation; at the same time the top-leader's leadership behavior has the direct effect on customer value creation, which is the main handhold. The efficiency of leadership contains middle-management bahevior and basic employee bahevior. We put forward that top-leader's leadership behavior effect the behaviors of middle-manager and basic employee. Middle-management behavior comprise business administration behavior and relation facilitating behavior, also effect the behavior of task devotion and contextual behavior. The behaviors of middle-manager and basic employee effect customer value creating directly. Based on the skeleton of research, we brought top-leader's leadership behavior, middle-management behavior, basic employee behavior and customer value into a framework, constructed the relationship modle on top-leader's leadership behavior and customer value creation, discussed the relationship among the factors, tested the relationship modle and the hypothesis. In succession, we discussed the conclusion and openned out the academic value and the significance for management practice. The detailed content shows on following.
     First, reviewed the interrelated theories and literatures. We summarized the leadership theory from three aspects, traditionary leadership, new leadership, and leadership behavior complexity, provided the theorial basis for the explainning the conception of top-leader's leadership behavior and the partition. The research on management behavior Involved explainning the distinguish between manager and leader, reviewed the research on roles and activities of managers, aiming to providing reference for dimensionality partition. We explainned the employee behavior in the paper, and reviewed the literature on employee performance, expounded on the research on organization citizenship behavior aiming to providing reference for dimensionality partition of basic employee bahavior. Finnally, we reviewed the literatures on customer value, related to the connotation, driven factoers and the research modles aiming to providing reference for dimensionality partition of customer value.
     Second, constructed the academic modle on top-leader's leadership behavior and customer value creation and put forward the hypotheses. We partitioned three dimensionality that cover task-oriented behavior, relation-oriented behavior and development-oriented behavior, and the middle-management behavior comprises business administration behavior and relation facilitating behavior. Basic employee behavior comprises task devotion behavior and contextual behavior. Customer value comprises product value, symbolize value and cost value. Based on the analyzing, we put forward the model of conceptions and constructed the relationship model on the variables for testing.
     Third, Empirical Research. First of all, we empoldered the scales for the study throught Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA) which reached the levels of the study on reliability and validity. Secondly, we practised the descriptive statistical analysis on the concerned variables, and do ANOVA on the background variables and the concerned variables. Based on these analyses, we considered that there is unobservably effect between the background variables and the concerned variables, so we would test the hypotheses in accordance with Chapter III. Then, we tested the theoretical model and the hypotheses adopted the AMOS software, and found 22 hypotheses supported, in line with expectations; and the others baulked. Finally, we discussed the results and brought forward the theory and practical significance. Through testing the hypotheses, we discussed the role of the relationship between variables in detail helped to the practice of enlightenment; to the unsupported hypotheses, we combined the actual situation of China's enterprises, and reveal the reasons for its establishment.
     Integrated the research, we obtained the following main conclusions: First of all, the top-leader's leadership behavior has the directly positive effect on customer value creation observably. Top-leaders are the main maker on decision-making, the task-oriented and development-orientd behaviors have significant effect on product value. The development-oriented behavior will be sharp in the external environment to identify opportunities and threats that can show top-leaders extraordinary charm, which have positive effect on symbolic value and cost value. Secondly, top-leader's leadership behavior have an important effect on middle-management behavior. Task-oriented behavior effect the business administration positively. Into the bargain, top-leader's leadership behavior has positive effect on basic employee behavior. Relation-oriented behavior have positive effect on the contextual behavior of basic employee. Business administration behavior effects the task devotion behavior and contextual behavior. Furthermore, middle-management behavior has positive effect on customer value creation. Business administration behavior effects the product value, symbolic value and cost value positively. Finally, basic employee behavior have positive effect on customer value creation observably. Task devotion behavior and contextual behavior have positive effect on product value and cost value.
     In this study, based on existing research, we have the further innovation, mainly in the following areas: First, this paper, based on the literatures on leadership in domestic and foreign scholars, we combined with the status quo of Chinese enterprises, and build The Comprehensive framework on the leadership behavior of Chinese enterprises, tested the framework with empirical test data, innovatively. Secondly, we constructed three-dimensional structure of customer value framework, and developed a 16 measurement scale of customer value, and validated through empirical data, with a certain degree of innovation. Finally, we constructed the integrated model on the relationship between top-leader's leadership behavior and customer value creation, and carried out empirical research by the data from Chinese enterprises, revealed the impact of leadership behavior on customer value creation, having innovation.
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