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Analysis based on transaction costs theory suggests that applications of information technologies (IT) reduce firms' internal coordination costs and transaction costs, leading to changes in firms' boundaries. However, how can IT change firms' boundaries in our country? And what is the relationship between the changes of firms' boundaries and firms' demand of IT? This thesis examines these questions by conducting an empirical analysis, based on data collected from China's manufacturing and IT industries. Results show that, at the current stage, IT applications are associated with increasing vertical integration and diversification. We further find that IT applications increase firms' related diversification but not unrelated diversification. And there is no significant relationship between vertical integration and the demand of IT. But we find that diversification demand more IT investment. Specifically, related diversification demands greater IT investment.
     At the end of this thesis, we make an exploratory study on the relationship among IT investment, firms' boundaries and firms' performance. Research results show that IT doesn't directly improve firms' performance, but it can improve firms' performance through increased firms' diversification, especially related diversification.
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