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It is one of the questions most frequently discussed by the economic circles all the time that income distribution and economic growth have been concerned, and it is also one of the quite disputable questions in the research fields of economics. But what a kind of relation is it on earth to assign to income distribution and economic growth, up till now people have not given out a satisfactory and very effective explanation yet theoretically; correspondingly, people are unable to offer the effective policies directed against realistic conflicts and contradictions between income distribution and economic growth. Consequently, it is necessary to use the scientific mode of thinking and research approach to deepen the analysis and discussion systematically again as to this question according to realistic economic conditions and environments.
    On the basis of domestic and international relevant researches, this paper analyzes the interrelation between China's income distribution and economic growth in the transformation period from theoretical and experiential perspectives, and attempts to set up an integrative analysis frame of "distribution-growth"; and through the theoretical and experiential analysis on the interaction mechanism of the two to seek factors that contribute to the economic growth and have positive influence on improving income distribution, so as to raise resource distribution efficiency further and accelerate economic growth, thus to form a benign cycle mechanism of "distribution-growth" of mutually promoting nature in the course of economic development. The contradictions between fair and efficiency are not absolute; at least it is necessary to coordinate the relation of the two especially in certain developing stage.
    This paper divides into five parts altogether:
    The first part is foreword. It summarizes and recommends the significance to study the relation between China's income distribution and economic growth in the transformation period, domestic and international relevant researches on the relation
    between income distribution and economic growth, and the research train of thought and frame of this paper.
    The second part is the theory retrospect with the relation between income distribution and economic growth. It expounds in detail the general theories of the relation between income distribution and economic growth and the relative researches of domestic and international scholars.
    The third part is the study of the relation between China's income distribution and economic growth in the transformation period. It analyzes in depth the interaction mechanism between China's income distribution and economic growth in the transformation period.
    The fourth part is the experiential analysis of the relation between China's income distribution and economic growth in the transformation period. It carries on quantitative analysis of the relation between China's income distribution and economic growth in the transformation period.
    The fifth part is the concluding remarks. It synthesizes the researches and conclusions of this paper, and offers relative policies and suggestions that will be able to alleviate the contradictions between China's income distribution and economic growth in the transformation period, and proposes the questions need to study further.
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