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This paper firstly discusses the background that business ecosystem appears,
    domestic and international researches about business ecosystem, etc. Then, the
    important characters of business ecosystem and the reasons that business ecosystem appears
    are summarized in chapter 2. In chapter 3, this paper researches on the essence of business
    ecosystem, which is co-evolution. In chapter 4, this paper researches on the
    evolutionary mechanism of business ecosystem, which contains interior mechanism
    and exterior mechanism. The study indicates that the interior mechanism is
    self-organization, including the condition, dynamic mechanism and mode of
    self-organizational evolution, and the exterior mechanism is environment selection,
    which is not “survival of the fittest” but that the unfittest must be eliminated while the
    diversity and differences in quality and quantity all the time according to the
    differences of their of their fitness. on the basis of the study above, a management
    mode of self-organization for business ecosystem is created. Lastly, The case of Pan
    Acer Group is analyzed in chapter 5, and it is found that Pan Acer Group is a business
    ecosystem in fact, which acts on the evolutionary mechanism of business ecosystem,
    and the core of internet Organization is self-organization.
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