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Information technology is an important strategic decision, which has large impact on leading the development of education. Education informatization is not only an effective way of promoting education reform and development, narrowing regional disparity, constructing a Life-long Education System, but also the needs of implementing quality-oriented education and cultivation of innovative talents. While the informatization of basic education is the constitute part of the whole education informatization, it plays a basal, significant and complete role in pushing up the course of education informatization. By reviewing the development of informatization of basic education through recent years, some education policies and regulations played a fundamental guiding role in revolution and reform. However, there are some problems to be solved in the developing progress of basic educational informatization in our country.
     It is necessary to establish relevant logical policies and regulations and put them into practice correctly, so as to regulate and ensure the innovation and development of education informatization, the innovation of policy and system has become a powerful pry to develop China's informatization of basic education. Research on basic educational informatization policies and regulations is beneficial to gradually establish and perfect Chinese education informatization policies and regulations and enhance application efficiency of basic educational informatization.
     From the subject view of general policy and education technology, the research uses the methodology of literature, comparison and induction, studies basic educational informatization policies and regulations as a whole, analyzes both basic educational informatization policies and regulations of America, Singapore, China and the existing problems in formulating policies and regulations in our basic educational informatization. Then, combined with the situation of our country and assimilated external experience, thinking prospects of policies and regulations in our basic educational informatization for the future.
     The analysis of basic educational informatization policies and regulations of America, Singapore, China and the thinking prospects of policies and regulations in our basic educational informatization for the future by this paper can provide reference for establishing policies and regulations of basic educational informatization as well as serve as reference for relevant decision-making sections and decision-makers.
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