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从 13 世纪开始,世界范围内的银行危机一直不断发生,但大多数是小范围
    的,从上世纪 80 年代中期开始,银行危机频繁地、大规模地爆发。上世纪 80
    年代中期至今的将近二十年间,全世界发生了 100 多起的银行危机。在国际货币
    基金组织的 180 多个成员国中,有 130 个发生过程度不同的银行问题。银行危机
    业银行危机(只在 1998 年海南发展银行因挤兑而倒闭),但并不意味着我国银行
    是定性分析法。定性分析法主要有银行评级法,当前运用最为普遍的是 CAMEL
Bank crisis has a long history, yet in the recent years, did it become a world-wide
    phenomenon. Many countries have experienced bank sector distress of various
    degrees of severity, and some have suffered repeated bouts. The bank crises cause a
    lot of costs and loss to a country’s economy and social welfare, so, it is very important
    to study the early warning system (EWS) of bank crisis.
     To study the EWS of bank crisis, it is necessary to learn the theory of bank crisis.
    Bank crisis is caused by many factors and here the author depicts the bank crisis as a
    cycle. First, as a financial sector, the bank is fragile to all kinds of risks and
    disturbances; Second, the problems caused by symmetric of information such as
    moral hazard are also exist in bank sector, which make the bank sector face more risks
    such as market risk, credit risk and so on, the risks make the bank sector more
    inclined to bank crisis. Third, the change of institution and the liberalization of
    finance make the bank sector faced more uncertainties and risks, which lead to the
    banking crises. It is especially common in the developing countries. Fourth, the
    macroeconomic disturbance is also an important factor in the evolutions of bank crisis.
    The empirical results suggest that macroeconomic variables largely determine the
    time of bank failure. Fifth, the management of a bank is also a determined factor, only
    the above factors combine with the weak management of a bank, will the bank burst
    into crisis. sixth, a important factor is “contagion”, the contagion makes a single bank’
    s crisis become system crisis。
     In the following chapter ,the author study the ante-crisis character of some bank
    crises, such as the US bank crisis, Nordic bank crisis , UK bank crisis ,Japan bank
    crisis and the south-east bank crisis, some of the bank crisis are also “twin crisis”,
    which is together with currency crisis or debt crisis. all these bank crises show some
    common ante-crisis characters: first, before the bank crisis broke out, the
    macro-economy are with “bubble”to some extent, when the macro-economy went
    disrupts, the bank crisis then broke out; second, before the bank become failure, the
    bank’s loan increase rapidly, part of the loan goes to the more risky areas, which
    means more loans are to become non-performing loans, so the common ante-crisis
    characters of the failed bank are the increase of non-performing loans and the
    decrease of the capital .
     Bank crisis brings great costs and losses to the country and society. first, the
    direct costs the bank crisis brings is the large amount of fiscal spending which is used
    to save the failed bank, the statistics show that average fiscal spending is about
    10-15% of GDP , the indirect losses the bank crisis brings include the slow-down of
    the GDP growth, the increase of the unemployment rate, etc. because the bank crisis
    brings so much costs and losses to a country and society, many countries and world
    organization draw much attention to the establishment of early warning system of
    bank crisis, with which the bank crisis can be prevent from breaking out.
     The current early warning systems can be divided into three categories: the bank
    rating system, the financial ratio analysis system and the statistical system. The most
    common used bank rating system is the CAMEL system, which evaluate the bank in
    five aspects: C-capital, A-asset, M-management, E-earning and L-liquidity, if the
    grade of the bank is become worse, one can predict that the bank may fall into crisis.
    the bank rating system to some extend can predict a proportion of bank failure, but is
    not accurate enough. The financial ratio analysis system is to compare the ratios of a
    bank with the sample banks to decide if the bank is to become failure, to establish
    such system one need a lot of failed banks to collect the data. The statistical system is
    using the statistical technology to establish the relationships of certain leading
    indicators and bank crisis, the system can either predict wh
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