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The complex functions of brain fundamentally depend on the neural networkconstructed by hundreds of millions of neurons. Generally, specific brain function dependson specific neural circuit, which contains local connections and long-distance connections.Electronic and traditional light microscopy can only acquire small, high-resolution localconnnections. Magnetic Resonance Imaging can only acquire coarse, long-distanceconnections. In order to get a overall understanding of brain structure, it’s necessary to getlarge-scale and precise neural network information, which has always been a majorchallenge in neuroscience community. Until recently, a new imaging technique calledMicro-Optical Sectioning Tomograpy made great breakthrough for the first time, reportingthe first high-resolution datasets of Golgi-staining and fluorescence-labeled whole mousebrain. These basic datsets make it possible for people to do research on precise neuralcircuit in whole brain. However, these datasets cann’t be used by neuroscientists directly.Quantitative anaysis cann't be used to reveal the relation between structure and functionuntil neural network structures are extracted from these datasets by neuron tracing.
     In the last decades, considerable progress has been made on neuron tracing technique.But most of them could be suitable only for their specific datset without generalapplication. The datasets above show their unique characteristics, such as large amount ofdataset, the hollow somas and dense dendrites in Golgi dataset, and the long-distanceneuron projection in fluorescence dataset. These unprecedented challenges make it urgentto develop accurate and efficient neuron tracing method for these new datasets.
     In this thesis, we establish effective neuron tracing method for our dataset, and dosome quantitative analysis on the tracing result to address some biological problems.
     (1) Local neuron tracing. For Golgi dataset, an enhanced2.5D morphological method isprovided for soma location; a new gradient-based Rayburst algorithm is presented forthe morphological detection of hollow soma’s irregular surface; via improving the3Dinteractive performance of OpenSnake tracing algorithm, and optimising tracingresults based on neuronal connection, a accurate and semi-automatic method for neuron tracing from Golgi datasets is proposed by integrating our soma detectionalgorithm. The accuracy for soma localization and soma surface detection is greaterthan93%and84%, respectively. For neurite tracing, the accuracy of automatic tracingis more than86%, and the average deviation of traced centerline is about0.5μm.
     (2) Long-distance neuron tracing. For fluorescent mouse brain dataset, we firstly providesthe efficient solution based on Amira software to long-distance neuron tracing.Compared with traditional and inefficient (several days) block tracing and stitching,our method only consumes2to3hours to trace a single neuron projection.
     (3) Quantitative analysis on the morphologies of neuronal in different brain regions. Basedon our local neuron tracing method, several pyrimidal neurons in different cortexlayers were traced and some morphological features such as soma surfce area, volumeand distribution of neurite surface are analyzed. The results show these neurons areembedded with certain differences on these morphological features. These differencesmight have laid a great foundation for the research on neuron classification.
     (4) Location of long-distance neuron projection at nuclei level. The dataset of sparselyfluorescence-labeled mouse brain (Postnatal day14, P14) was used for long-distanceneuron tracing. Since no brain atlas for P14mouse is available now, the P14and adultmouse brain datasets from MRI imaging are chosen as reference for registering alltraced long-distance neurons projection to The Mouse Brain in StereotaxicCoordinates atlas regionally, thus realizing the location of long-distance neuronprojection at nuclei level. The results not only confirm some previous report, such asthe classic bidirectional projection in the somatosensory pathway, but also highlightsome unreported but putative projection pathways, such as the projection from DpG toRtTg. these new findings will provide reference for the research on brain-wideinformation processing functions.
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