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     差异显示是一种用来检测哺乳细胞基因表达差异的方法。自从1992年发明该方法以来,至今已有许多条件优化和改进,逐渐发展成一个比较成熟的鉴定两种状态下的差异表达基因的方法。这些改进包括:锚定引物的数量可以从12条减少到4条;应用长引物可在严格的条件下进行PCR扩增;两步PCR法增强实验结果的可靠性。除了综合以上改进外,本文采用先通过狭缝杂交初步筛选上百条的差异条带、再克隆测序、Northern Blot杂交最后确定差异表达基因的策略。该策略由于先狭缝杂交初步筛选,既显著减少克隆测序的工作量和花费,又能保证从最初的上百条差异条带中最终通过Northern Blot杂交鉴定出最有差异表达特征的基因,从而保证实验的质量。另外,我们以整体动物代替通常的培养细胞系作为实验材料,因为细胞在培养状态下不能很好地代表机体正常的生理状态,尤其不能很好地代表由机体多组织协同参与的代谢活动例如糖代谢。
Diabetes is a disease difficult to treat in worldwide. It is the third disease followed cancer and cardiac disease and one of five diseases with the highest incidence and mortality. If we don't try to treat it, in the following thirty years, diabetes sufferer in China will reach 5.0-10.0% which mean the total patient number will reach one hundred million. It is necessary to do research on etiology, underlying basis and best precautionary method of diabetes as soon as possible. Diabetes is a multigenes related disease with obvious inherited tendency which has extremely complex basis. In clinical, diabetes is divided into two group: type I diabetes (IDDM) and type II diabetes (NIDDM), the latter is 90% of total diabetes patient. There are two main strategies in NIDDM gene identification: candidate gene strategy and whole genome scanning strategy. Candidate gene strategy is to select genes participating in glucose metabolism and signal transduction as candidate genes. This strategy is simple and one of main strategy in NIDDM research now. But, as yet the result discovered by this strategy is less. This leads to speculate that NIDDM genes are possible those genes have not been discovered. For this purpose, it is necessary to discover glucose metabolism related new genes with proper methods.
    We have provided a new thought in the research of diabetes here: at first to cloning glucose metabolism related gene, secondly to discover how the related new gene participating into glucose metabolism, to provide basis of identify new candidate gene and of exploit new precautionary method.
    Firstly, we established SD rat glucose auto-regulating model by use of Jugular Vein right atrium intubation. This model is easy to make and has good repetition, has less artificial interference. Then mRNA differential display assay had been done by the use of this model.
    mRNA differential display is a method to isolate differential expressed genes from mammalian cell. There has been many modifications since this method has been established which made it a mature method. These modifications include: the number of anchor primers can reduce from 12 to 4; longer primers are used to make PCR more stringent; two-step PCR can enhance reliability. Beside we adopted these modifications, we adopted a strategy that first screening hundreds of differentially expressed bands through slot blot, then cloning and sequencing candidate cDNAs, Northern Blot ensure the differentially expressed genes at last. Because of slot blot
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