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Objeetive: To analysis and evaluate the clinical features of viral hepatitis in old Hui patients in our hospital for the further research on viral hepatitis in old Hui patient in our courtry. Methods: A retrospective study was made on 109 elderly Hui patients who are suitable for the standard with viral hepatitis (group Hui) during the last six years. To analyze occupation, family history of HBV, habit of alcohol, dwelling place, etiology, clinical manifestations,the laboratory data and complications with Han patients (≥60, group Han)with viral hepatitis as controls. Results: (l)There were more farmer patients 102 cases (94%), more patients had family history of HBV 24 cases (22%)and fewer patients 3 cases(2.8%) had the alcohol history in the old Hui patients group while there were 146(39%) farmer patients,33(8.82%)patients had family history of HBV,39(10.4%) patients had the alcohol history in the old Han control group. Compared with above informations there were significant differences(P<0.05). (2) Our study shows that hepatitis B 102 cases (93.6%), chronic hepatitis 28 cases(25.6%), liver cirrhosis,respectively decompensated liver cirrhosis 76 cases(68.8%)were common in old Hui patients the same as the old Han patients; (3) The general symptoms and signs were common in old Hui control group,such as acratia, jaundice, abdominal enlargement, edema, and ascites; (4) The complications and other diseases were both common. Compared with the old Han control group,hepatocellular carcinoma(23.9%)and diabetes mellitu(s22%)were higher than the old Han patients, Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage(21.1%)and alcoholic liver disease(7.5%)were lower than the old Han patients; (5) The liver function tests showed that the blood glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol were higher in the Hui control group. Serum bilirubin were higher in both of the two group. (6)No Hui patients died in hospital but more Hui patients required to discharge when they felt worse or worst. Conclusion: In our study, we find that there were a lot of common clinical features in both groups such as men, HBV, chronic hepatitis, decompensated liver cirrhosis, digestive symptom, jaundice, many complications and other diseases. Meanwhile compared with the Han control group there were also some differences in the old Huis such as more farmer patients, HBV history were obviously, hepatocellular carcinoma and diabetes mellitus were common, fewer old Hui patients had upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage and alcoholic liver disease in our hosptial. More Hui patients were apt to discharge.
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