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     (1)利用Rietveld精修的方法确认了La_5Ni_(19)的存在,并在考虑了La_5Ni_(19)、(La,Mg)_5Ni_(19)、Mg_2NiH_4同型转变和LaNi_5-H垂直截面相关系的基础上,建立了La-Mg-Ni-H体系相平衡热力学,并采用ICP、HR XRD、HP DSC、BSE/EDS等方法验证了从热力学相平衡计算得到的La-Ni、La-Mg-Ni、Mg-Ni-H和La-Ni-H体系的相平衡关系,实验研究的结果表明:
There are several hydrogen storage alloys in the La-Mg-Ni system. Somedisadvantages have been found in these alloys, for example, slow kinetics and hightemperature for hydriding/dehydriding of Mg-based alloys, and small hydrogencapacity in the La-Ni-based alloys. A great number of studies were carried out inorder to develop alloys in the La-Mg-Ni system with excellent hydrogen storageproperties, but little achievement was obtained due to lack of theoretical guidance.Therefore, the present work focused on theoretical study. The thermodynamicdatabase of La-Mg-Ni-H system was constructed, and PCT statistic thermodynamicmodel and kinetic model were established to provide the theoretical guidance for thehydrogen storage materials design in the La-Mg-Ni system. Present work consists ofthe following three parts:
     (1) The existence of La_5Ni_(19)was identified by Rietveld refinement method. Thethermodynamic database of La-Mg-Ni-H system was constructed taking into accountof La_5Ni_(19),(La, Mg)5Ni19, phase transformation of Mg_2NiH_4and phase relationshipsin LaNi_5-H vertical section. The phase equilibrium relationships in the La-Ni,La-Mg-Ni, Mg-Ni-H and La-Ni-H systems were experimentally validated, by themeans of ICP, HR XRD, HP DSC, BSE/EDS. The experimental results showed that
     La_5Ni_(19)existed at the temperature range of room temperature to1276K andthe invariant reaction,L+LaNi_5La_5Ni_(19), took place at1276K.
     LaNi_5, MgNi_2and LaMg_2Ni_9could coexist in one sample in thenonequilibrium state. However, MgNi_2would disappear gradually duringannealing treatment, and the final phases were LaNi_5and LaMg_2Ni_9.
     LaNi_5H7decomposed at343and379K when the pressure was kept under1and3MPa, respectively.
     (2) The PCT curve was devided into three stages, i.e. α, α+β and β. A statistic thermodynamic model was dedveloped to describe the PCT curves. The modelassumes the equivalent of hydrogen chemical potential in both the real gas and the Hin metal, takes into the account of the amount of H, the contribution of each unit cellto the total energy, the energy of absorbed hydrogen and interaction energy of H-H.The model was used to analyze the PCT curves of La-Mg-Ni hydrogen alloys, whichshown a good agreement with the experimental data.
     (3) A new diffusion kinetic model was developed on the basis of Chou modeland with the consideration of R_(PB).The effects of temperature and pressure on thekinetic process, the shape of the end of the kinetic curve, and the relationshipbetween hydrogen capacity and R_(PB)were discussed. The kinetic model was used todescribe the hydriding reaction of La-Mg-Ni alloys, and agreed well with theexperimental data.
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