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     目 的
     取细胞悬液Zml,1800r/min离心 smin,用 Hanks液洗涤 2次,加 IMDM培养
     液 Zml,振荡后加 10 ul含 Fura-2/AM(终浓度为 5 "in) 的 DMSO溶液;37’C水浴
     摇床中经 Fura-二/AM负载 60min。弃上清,加 Hanks液洗 2次,1800r/min离心
     smin。弃上清,加 IMDM培养液Zml,测定前将样品 37OC孵育2~3 min,在比色
     发波长为 340urn,发射波长为 500urn,反应时间 2 min。结果以下式算出:
     [Ca’”二=224 X(F-F min)/(Fmax-F)
     式中,F为静息荧光值,F min为加 EGTA后的荧光值,Fmax为加 tritonx.100
     山制备PDE 新鲜小牛脑除去小脑、被膜、血管等,取150g于1000ml缓冲
     液中匀浆,20000 X g4℃离心lh,上清过DEAE6ephadex-A50柱,NaCI线型梯度
     型梯度洗脱,收集活性峰处酶液,透析后分装,80 t保存。
     磷标准曲线,未知样品磷摩尔数可以从曲线上查得。按下式计算PDE 活性(V
     — —XZ
     m标准 CaM的制备及其标准曲线制作①取新鲜小牛脑 1009,如*)处理干
     净,加入缓冲液,高速匀浆。浆液搅拌 lh后离心,保留上清。②将离心上清用 6mol/L
     心,弃去上清。加入 200ml缓冲液,用 lmol/L Tris调 PH至 7.5,离心,保留上
     测各管 OD。s沪合并第 2个蛋白洗脱峰,同上透析,浓缩便得纯化 CaM。将其以 0.l%
     (4)样品中 CaM含量测定 取 0.sml 细胞悬液在电磁搅拌器上磨 30s,4 oC
     1300r/min 离心30nin,上清于100℃水中煮Zmin,冷却后11300r/min4℃离心
     10min,上清用标难曲线制作法测定CaM 含量。绘出激活曲线,选择灵敏点
The spleen provides the materiel basis of the acquired constitution, is the source of
     growth and development, and occupies an important position in the course of life activity. For
     a long time, spleen-deficiency syndrome has been a hot subject people have been studying.
     Especially in recent years, the extensive development of the studies for animal models
     showing syndrome of TCM and the upsurge of molecular biology have laid a theoretical
     foundation for further probe into the essence of nsufficiency of the spleen?.Therefore, the
     experimental research on the signal system, Ca2~+/Cam, of spleen-deficiency syndrome is
     brought into the range of research and has been established as research subject.
     The inner link of dysfunction of the spleen in transport and insufficient nutrient essence
     caused-by spleen-deficieney with the signal system, Ca>ICaM in jejuna snaoolh muscle cells
     is sought for. Then, from the angle of gastrointestinal dynamics, annotations at the molecular
     level are made both on the essence of that the spleen has the function to transport and
     transform nutrients and on the producing mechanism of dysfunction of the spleen due to its
     deficiency. And the experimental materials are provided in order to clarify the mechanism of
     action of Sijunzi Tang.
     Materials and methods
     1. Building of Animal Model of Deficiency of Spleen-energy.
     30 wistar rats, both male and female, were randomly denied into three groups. The rats
     in the control group were fed normally and pleased with normal saline every day. While the
     rats in the model group were fed with half full and perfuse with Xiaochengqi Tang every day.
     The rats in the third group were perfused with Sijunzi Tang first, and then were given the
     Xiaochengqi Tang one or two hours later. The period of building animal model is about 15
     2. Preparation of Jejunal Smooth Muscle Cells
     The rats were killed with decapitation. The jejunal tissues lying 1cm distal to the
     duodero jejunalis junction were obtained. After the serosa and mucous layer were stripped,
     the tissues were cut into pieces and were kept in a container with I Oml of digestive liquid.
     They were digested for 10 minutes under the adequate oxygen and at the constant temperature
     of 3000 .After that, the tissues were recovered by centrifugation (1 800r/min, 5mm) and
     washed with buffer HEPES-Ringer twice. After agitation for 20minites at the constant
     temperature of 30C. The jejunal smooth muscle cells were obtained through a nylon Sieae
     3. Assay of rCa2I in Jejunal Smooch Musele Cells
     Fluorescerce Method Take 2ml of cell suspension, centrifugate it for 5mm at the
     speed of 1 800r/min , add 2m1 of the culture solution , IMDM . After agitation, add 1 Oul of
     DMSD solution containing Fura-2/AM (the final concentration is 5uM). This solution is
     loaded for 60mm in water bath cradle at the temperature of 3700. Throw the upper
     supernatant liquid. Then wash it twice with Hanks solution, centrifugate it for 5mm at the
     speed of 1 800r/min, throw the upper supematant liquid again, add 2m1 of culture solution.
     IIvI7DM. Before the assay. incubate the sample for 2 to 3mm at the temperature oL370C. Then
     put a magnetic rod in a color comparison tube to avoid cell preipitation. At last assay the
     fluorescein intensity with F-3 000 fluorophotometer. In its assay, excitation wave length is
     340nm, emission wave length is SOOnm. the time of
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