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聚合酶链式反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR)广泛应用于生命科学的各个领域。集成化的PCR生物芯片充分利用芯片热容量小、比表面积大、节省珍贵样品的优点使得该项技术应用更加方便快捷、高效可靠。
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is widely used in every field of life sciences. Integrated PCR biochip has the advantages of small heat capacity, high specific surface areas and saving Precious samples, which made its application more convenient, faster, efficient and reliable.
     The research contents of this thesis focus on the temperature proportionality of PCR reaction, to optimize heating electrode shape and the height of micro-cavity Chamber by Finite element analysis. Using Micro-processing technology, Platinum electrode and temperature sensor is integrated into Glass Substrate of 0.2mm. What’s more, polycarbonate hot molding process Parameters is studied and the biochip chamber is made. And then we got Temperature Coefficient of Resistance of platinum sensor that has been made by analyzing Temperature resistance formula of platinum sensor. Later on signal acquisition was studied by applying Amplifying Circuit of High Precision of Precision current source focus on LM336-2.5, AD620 and OP07. Finally control system focused on FPGA was applied; using VHDL Hardware Description Language to implement AMP, AD, PID, PWM, LCD and so on, Compiling and downloading was finished by a software named ISE so as to implement system function. The system can help PCR to upgrade and integrate into Micro-Total Analysis System efficiently.
     The PCR biochip on Glass Substrate and polycarbonate (PC) integrated into functional unit such as DNA chamber, platinum electrode temperature sensor, etc. The Volume of micro-cavity Chamber is about 5 ul. We can lower the PCR biochip cost by simplifying the micro-structure of biochip, Micro-machining process and equipments. Meanwhile the biochip control system was studied and constructed on FPGA .
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