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Modern society is a digital society. The increasing internet provides quick and convenient communication network for people eager to chat, and motivates a new cultural phenomena-"BLOG culture" phenomena. Many people begin to create private home, exhibit himself indulgence, genius, emotions, and personality, and freely express insights and ideas. Many BLOGs include lots of travel notes, and share their experience with others.
     Travel notes are a narrative to what he or she saw, listened and felt during traveling. Their generations are often motivated by feeling, and reflect tourism experience hard to say. Therefore, these travel notes in BLOG may be a feasible method to explore tourism experience.
     Guided by this train of thought, the paper focuses on the domestic backpackers travel notes in DALIAN, and analyzes their tourism experience. The aims are three aspects:firstly, travel notes can systematically take on their tourism experience; secondly, based on tourism experience in DALIAN, the paper can theoretically explore tourism experience, and further enrich the theory of tourism experience; thirdly, the paper can provide back-packers suggestion for DALIAN tourism development.
     The paper relies on qualitative method and bases on systematic data, which consist of travel notes in BLOG, field observation, as well as internet survey. The paper collects 300 travel notes, and eliminates the travel notes unsuitable text, and finally reminders 80 travel notes. After merger, the data consist of 50 travel notes. Based on the train of thoughts of grounded theory, the paper uses two methods-classification analysis and contextualization analysis-to further analyze tourism notes. By open coding, axle coding, and selective coding, the paper constructs seven classification:destination image, tourism motive, tourism gaze, tourism identity, tourism consume, personal interaction, tourism aftertaste. Assisted by many typical contextualization, the paper systematically presents a series of tourism experience for tourist to DALIAN. The main findings are follows:
     Firstly, most travelers possess perfect images. In which, "sea images" and "modern metropolis images" denote travelers'original images for DALIAN, and construct the travelers'sense objective for place of DALIAN. The geography, history and marketing of city are all determinant factors for the development of original images of DALIAN tourism. At the same time, the festival activities and propaganda of media is also very important for tourists'temptation image. As far as composite images are concerned, they have both positive and negative images. It's worth noting that it is not highly for tourists'recognition to DALIAN position, that is "romantic metropolis, and fashion DALIAN". There is little tourist reference to "romantic metropolis", which is challenging to the DALIAN images' position.
     Secondly, tourists' internal motives are important. The tourists select DALIAN, mainly because that DALIAN diversifying products can cater tourists' interest and leisure. And the tourists select backpack traveling because of their eagerness for freedom, challenging and independence.
     Thirdly, gaze, the core of which is sight, is one of ways for tourist to experience DALIAN. Tourists'gaze mainly focuses on the layers:seaside scenes, metropolis sights, and DALIAN people. The tourists' gaze on seaside scenes may be seen as a romantic gaze, the places are mainly seaside road and golden stone mound, include almost the key scenery along the seaside. The content is seaside scenes, the world of sea, and the activity of seaside. And the sense is mainly positive, with little negative experience. The gaze on metropolis sights can be seen as a collective gaze, the content is composed of the finding of city, sense of foreign country, and night of dream. Moreover, the people of destination are focus of tourists'gaze. Tourist gaze on DALIAN people is based on drivers, waiters, the general public and relatives. Most tourists find that DALIAN people are friendly, straightforward, cultivated, and high quality, and envy the life environment of DALIAN people.
     Fourthly, as far as consumption is concerned, back-packers have typical characteristics. Most tourists room at the center of city, the seaside hotel, and the hotel of university, and reserve by internet, relatives and friends. Tourists evaluate the catering experience from distinguishing features, weight and service, the results are both positive and negative experience, which show that DALIAN should increasingly strengthen catering. DALIAN is an ideal place for back-packers. While, DALIAN is also a shopping place for female tourism, where female tourist has substantial appetite for shopping, and enjoys the process of shopping, is addicted into appreciation of the beauty, and seeks to group identity.
     Fifthly, back-packers'personal interaction in traveling are mainly interaction between tourists, interaction between tourists and local people, as well as personal interaction during consumption. Those different interactions include all kinds of tourism experience. When people exhibit hospitality, kindness, geniality, and so on, the good personal interaction will be generated, and back-papers will experience the truth and warmth under the world, and bring to good experience. Vise versa, when people exhibit contempt, indifference, and commercialization, the personal interaction will bring traveler with suppression and helpless, and generate passive experience, even impact the whole process of traveling. At the same time, most back-packers can deal with the passive personal interaction with an kindly tolerance, and effectively percept the risk and take action to avoid that.
     Sixthly, travelers have all kinds of identity by people, things, objective that they encountered during tourism, which is the core factor of tourism experience. The paper finds that most tourists highly appreciate the traveling to DALIAN, and are expressed by DALIAN beautiful scenes, and generate addictive action of feeling. Meanwhile, back-packers highly percept their role as a tourist, and acquire plentiful tourism experience during role switch. Moreover, back-packers generate explicit identity to self, hometown, race, and nation during the traveling in DALIAN.
     Seventhly, Most back-packers are content to traveling to DALIAN. When finishing the traveling and back to their original life, they percept that their activity, attitude, quality, experience, and value are more or less changed. Travelers acquire most sentiment in aftertaste, and renew the meaning of tourism and home.
     Based on the tourist experience, the paper makes a theoretical dialogue with tourism experience. After analysis of original documents, the paper explores tourism experience from four aspects. First, tourism experience is a "mirror image experience", tourists gaze "other", at the same time, they gaze "self" through the mirror of destination. Second, tourism experience continuously distills over time, and evolutes into the part of life experience and spirit world. Third, tourism experience embodies on layers, which are sense experience, body experience, emotion experience, spirit experience, and soul experience. Fifth, tourism experience is distinguished into ordinal experience and climax experience.
     The paper puts forward to three suggestions from the perspective of experience, the first is to develop back-packers'lines, the second is to strengthen propagation, the third is to perfect services.
     The contributions are two aspects. The paper offers new interpretation for the nature of tourism experience, and concludes that, similar to Mirror Image Experience, image and gaze constitute the core factors of tourism experience. Tourism experience continuously distills over time from dynamic perspective, and embodies the hierarchy both in the depth and in strength. The insights above are beneficial to understand tourism experience.As far as methods are concerned, the paper examines tourism experience by using qualitative research method, the sample from the voyages in BLOG, as well as the analysis of classification and scenario. This research method is novel both in our and western countries, and has significant implications to explore and extend qualitative research method in our country.
     On the one hand, constrained by time, energy, capability and experience, on the other hand, subject to research material and methods, the paper exist several flaws not only in the research contraction but also in research design.
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    ③ Cohen,E.,1979, "Rethinking the Sociology of Tourism",Annals of Tourism Research,Vol.6,Jun.,PP 18-35.
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    ④Nash,D.,2001,Anthropology of Tourism,Kidlingdon:Pergamon.PP137.
    ①Richards,G.,& Wilson,J.,2004, "The global student travel marker:Travel style, motivation and behavior",Tourism Review International, Vol.8,Feb.,PP57-67.
    ②Elsrud,T.,2001, "Risk creation in traveling-backpacker adventure narration",Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.28,Mar.,PP597-617.
    ③Uriely,N.,Yonay,Y.,& Simchai, D.,2002, "Backpacking experiences-a type and from analysis",Annals of Tourism Research,Vol.29,Feb.,PP520-538.
    ④ Ittelson,W.h.,1978,Environmental Perception and Urban Experience, Enviroment and Behavior, Vol.10,Feb.PP 193-213
    ①Milman,A.,1998, "The impact of tourism and travel experience on senior travelers'psychological well-being", Journal of Travel Research,Vol.37,Dec.,PP166-170.
    ①Quan,S & Wang,N.,2004, "Towards a structural model of the tourist experience:an illustration from food experience in tourism", Tourism Management,Vol.25,PP297-305.
    ①Pearce.P.L,1985, "Traveler's Carrier Levels and Authenticity", Australian Journal of Psychology, Vol.37,Feb.,PP157-174.
    ② Chris Ryan,.1998, "The Travel Carrier Ladder:an Apprisal", Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.25 Apr.,PP936-957.
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