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A literature review shows that the research on project contract management and the research on EVM go separately in their own fields. Focusing on this problem, this paper assumes that the work breakdown structure is properly defined and the authority in project operations is well allocated, builds principal-agent models between a project principal and a project agent for different decision-making contexts where the corresponding contracts that the principal offers to the agent are defined via the schedule variance and the cost variance in EVM, and solve those models. Further, the comparative statics on those solutions are conducted to explore the impacts of exogenous variables on the optimal incentive contracts and the induced project performance. With these studies, we draw a couple of new conclusions as follows.
     (1) Faced with the multi-dimensional property of project objectives, we show under an optimal (simple) synthesized incentive contract that the expected project performance is positively related to the competence of the agent, and negatively related to the agent’s degree of risk aversion and the envirmental risk.
     (2) Based on the muti-dimensional property of project objectives, we give under an optimal differentiated incentive contract the relationship between the incentive intensities on the schedule variance and on the cost variance: When the agent’s efforts are substitutes (complements, independents), the corresponding relationship between incentive intensities is substituting (complementary, independent). Further, we show that the degree of substitution (complementation) increases as the degrees of the agent’s substitution (complementation) between efforts, the magnitude of his/her risk aversion and the marginal relative risk of his/her efforts to reduce the actual costs of the project increase, but decreases as his/her the marginal relative risk of his/her efforts to raise the earned value of the project increases.
     (3) Based on a weighted synthesized performance measure, we give the condition under which an optimal synthesized incentive contract and an optimal differentiated incentive contract are equivalent: the princpal’s relative weight for evalutatin different performance indicators under a synthesized incentive contract is equal to the relative incentive intensity under a differentiated incentive contract.
     (4) We build and solve a very general principal-agent model, explore the impacts of the implicit Chinese guanxi on the ineraction between the principal and the agent, the optimal explicit incentive contract and the resulted explicit economic performance, and then prove the following conclusions. (I) the guanxi parties harmoniously respond to the changes of the coefficient of guanxi benefits, the sharing coefficient of guanxi benefits, and the cost of the principal’s guanxi actions, but their responses to the changes of the cost of the agent’s guanxi actions are not harmonious; (II) an increase of the coefficient of guanxi benefits (an increase of the sharing coefficient of guanxi benefits, a decrease of the cost of the principal’s guanxi actions) tends toward making the sharing coefficient of explicit performance and the expected explicit performance fall, but an increase of the cost of the agent’s guanxi actions raises the expected performance by stimulating the agent to elicit more efforts on the production of explicit performance even if it has no effect on the sharing coefficient of explicit performance; (III) comparing to the case of ignoring the implicit guanxi contract, whether the outcomes of an explicit incentive contracting with the concern of the implicit guanxi contract are better depends on the economic properties involved in producing explicit performance, the characteristics of the guanxi contract and the costs of guanxi actions.
     (5) By introducing the schedule variance and the cost variance as performance indicators into the framework of the principal-agent model in (4), we show under the optimal synthesized incentive contract in a guanxi setting that the expected project performance (I) increases as the agent’s competence increases, (II) decreases as the agent’s degree of risk aversion increases, (III) decreases as the uncertainty of the external environment of the project in question increases, (IV) increases as mutual benefits on the basis of the guanxi increase but is regardless of the characteristic of the guanxi.
     Finally, we summarize the results and point out some possible extensions on the current research.
    25对于事前类型不对称信息情形下的合同选择问题,通常使用逆向选择模型。关于逆向选择的经典文献,见Mussa & Rosen(1978)[100]和Maskin & Riley(1984)[101]。
    26 Turner & Müller(2004)[104]和Müller &Turner(2005)[105]也暗示,沟通可以促进项目合同参与者之间产生和加强信任。
    27关于领导特征与项目业绩之间关系,参见Turner & Müller(2005)[111]的综述。
    28如果将委托人与代理人之间的关系放在项目的临时组织背景下,则项目管理的行为学派(the Behavior School)除研究了领导和沟通之外,还研究了组织行为、构建项目团队、文化环境等社会因素对项目成功的影响(Bredillet 2008)[112]。
    29这三类项目的英文原文分别为Design-Procurement-Construction、SAP implementation和Plant maintenance support service。
     39本章改写自作者论文“基于挣值的项目管理激励合同”,系统管理学报,2009, 18(2): 147-152。
    44本节内容改写自作者论文“基于挣值的项目管理多业绩指标激励合同研究”,中国管理科学2010, 18 (6): 113-121。
    47本节内容改写自作者论文“Equivalence between separate amd synthesized EVM-based incentive contracts in Project Management”, The Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2008: 1856-1860。
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