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     支序生物地理学(Cladistic Biogeography)是在支序系统学(Cladistics)理论
    的基础上发展起来的一种历史生物地理学(Historical Biogeography)研究方法。由
    发展而发展,经过了以下几种方法的进化:①累进原则(The progression rule)、
    ②隔离分化生物地理学(Vicariance biogeography)Rosen 1976年的方法、③删
    减区域支序图法(Reduced area cladogram)Platnick and Nelson 1978年的方法、
    ④祖先种的地图法(Ancestral species maps)(Wiley的方法1950,1981)⑤组
    成成分分析(组元分析)Component analysis Humphries(1956)、⑥Brook的简
    约分析方法(Brooks parsimony analysis)、⑦量化的组成成分分析
    (Quantification of component analysis)和⑧特有性的简约性分析(Parsimony
    analysis of Endemicity)。⑤-⑧为目前几种比较成熟的方法,其中⑤和⑥经常结
    育关系。郑哲民等门)依据蝗总科各科形态性状研究了 8科的系统发育关系,
Cladistic Biogeography is the methods derived from Cladistics to deal with the historical biogeography problems. Under the methods, the biota is analysised with consideraton to the phylogenitic relationships among the organism on the regions. This method is quite different from the general biota methods currently used, not only by the theory but also by the way it works. There are 3 matural methods (assumption 0,1,2) widely accepted, and 2 methods newly setup (quantification of component analysis and PAE).
    This paper consisted of two parts: the Cladistics study on the phylogeny of grasshoppers from China, and the Cladistic biogeography study on the grasshoppers from China.
    To do the Cladistics study, 8 grasshopper families were treated as 3 groups to study the phylogenv relationships among genera: First group, Pamphagidae (all 13 genera) ; Second group, Chrotogonidae and Prygomorphidae (all 10 genera); third group, Catantopidae, Arcypteridae, Oedipodidae, Gomphoceridae and Acrididae (selected 51 genera). 12 genera are chosen to study the phylogenetic relationships of species, they are: Atractmopha Sauss; Oxya Serv.; Caiyanda Stal; Sinopodisma Chang; Traulict Stal;Bryodema Fieber; Angaracris B.-Bienko; Oedaleus Fieber; Sphingonotus Fieber; Ceracris Walker;Chorthippus Fieber, Acrida L., A new method is adopted to deal with the character states. All the multistate charactors are setted as nonadditative.
    To do the Cladistic biogeography study, The Cladogram of the Cladistics studies and distributions of organism were edited into Nexus Format File, and treated by COMPONENT 2.0.
    From The Cladistics and Cladistic biogeography studies, we can drawn follow-in Conclusion:
    1. Pamphagidae From China is consisted of 2 Cluster: the ancestral cluster includes 4 Genera (Asiotmethis Uv.,Haplotropis Sauss., Pseudottnethis B.-Bienko and Paratmethis Zheng) , the evolving cluster is consisted of 9 genera: (Thrinchus F.-W, Mongolotmethis B.-Bienko, Beybienkia
    Tzyplenkov,Sinotmethis B.-Bienko, Eoeotmethis Zheng, Eotmethis B.-Bienko, Rhinotmethis Sjostedt, Filchnerella Kamy, Kanotmethis Yin).
    2. Chrotogonidae and Piygomorphidae should be merged into one family.
    3. The evolutionaiy direction in the grasshopper families: Catantopidae, Arcypteridae, Oedipodidae., Gomphoceridaz and Acrididae is Catantopidae→Arcyptericlae→oedipodidae → Acrididae→Gomphoceridaz.
    4. Oxya Serv. from China should be devided into 2 groups; 0. intricata 0. flavefe~4zura and 0. termacingula belong to the ancestral group, 0. intricata is the most ancerstral species in this group and should be considered as a speices, not as a subspeices of 0. liyla. 0. velox, 0. chinensis and 0. adentata forms a prarphyly, and are the evolving species in another group.
    5. Sphingonotus Fieber from China should be devided into 5 groups: Group A is consisted of, S. kirgisicus, S. b~fasciatu~ S. halophilus,S. tsaidarnicus and S. Kweideensis. Group B is consisted of turcmenu.s, S. amplofemurus,S. nig~femoratus, S. yenchiensis and S. Rubescens. Group C is consisted of S. Petikocus, S. maculatus, S. halconemi, S. elegans, S. ningsianus, S. coerulipes, S. bey-bienko, S. carinatus and S. yunnaneu. Group D is consisted of S. qinghaiensis, S. eurasius eurasius, S. salinus, S. tenuipennis and S. longipennis. Group E is consisted of S. tsinhingen.sis, S. octofasciatu.c, S. mongolicus, S. savignyi, S. nebulosus nebulosus, S. zadaensis and S. obsurarus iatiJsim us. The evolutionary direction is A-)~B-~ C-) D-*E.
    6. The study on 40 speices of Chorthippus shows that, except some speices of Altichorthippus, the result support that Chorthz~ppus from China be devided into 4 subgenus: Megaulacobothrus, Chorthippus, Glyptobothrus and Altichorthippus, The evolutionary direction is Megaulacobothrus
    7. According to the phylogenetic relationship of grasshopper Genera, the Fanua of China can be devided into Palaearctic Real
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