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Chloramphenico1 is one of the antibiotics widely used in aquacuIture. In this study, the
    pharmacokinetic and residuaI characteristics of Chloraznphnicol in hea1thy Perch are studied
    by using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography. In order to provide the theoretical
    bases fOr the clinical use of Chloramphnicol, the multiple-dose pharmacokinetic parameters
    were assessed according to the single-dose pharmacokinetic parameters. The withdrawal time
    was deduced by the elimination of ChloramphnicoI, which must be usefu1 to the residue
    monitoring fOr public heaIth.
    Data were analyzed with the pharrnacokinetic coniputer program MCP-KP. The results
    showed that the plasma concentration-time course of ChloramphnicoI can be described by a
    one-compartment open model with the first order absorPtion after oraI administration
    (80mg/kg). Its theoretical equation was as foIlows: C bItal = 30.8l5 (e -- o.oo14 t - e -- o.bo2 l ), and
    the main pharmacokinetic parameters were those: K. 0'662h-l, T l/2K. I '047h, C max 2l '093 ll
    g/mI, T max 3 '96l h, AUC 438.3 l mg.l-'.h-', Kel 0.06l4h-', T,l2k l l .293h.
    The kinetics process of Chloramphnicol in tissues can all be described by the
    biexponential equation with the first order absorption, and the theoreticaI equations and the
    main pharmacokinetic parameters were as follows f
    C muscIe = 33'515 (e -- o.os5 t - e - 9'2l9 t ), C max 30'8l5 P g/ml, T m.x 7'079h, AUC
    662.370mg. l-I .h-',KeI 0.085h-I, T,,,k 8. 1 74h.
    C li..,= l 8'597 (e -- o.o62 t - e -- l'854t ), C max I 4.23 l u g/ml, T mtx l '894h, AUC 226.9l0mg.I-
    '.h", Kel0.062h- ', T,,2k I l. l l8h.
    C kidney = 26'024 (e -- o.o52 l- e -- o.399 l ), C mas 36.037 u g/ml, T m.x 5'889h, AUC 946.07mg.l'
    '.h-', Kel 0.052h", T,,,k l3.424h.
    The elimination characteristics of muItipIe-dose administrition (40mg/kg) can be
    described by the equations aS fOllows f C bl- = 3.40 e -- o.4o3 1' C mutcIe = 4'342 e -o.45a l' C liv,l
    = 2.l52 e -o.239 t' C kideey = 64.l55 e - I'M3 t. According to the equations, the time taken by the
    concentrations of Chloramphnicol dropping to 0.0l ll glml in blood. muscle. Iiver and kidney
    was l4.l64. l3.26l' 22.476. 6.075 days respectively.
    The resuItS of phdriacokinetic and residual studies show that after oraI administration,
    Chloramphnicol can be absorbed quickly. distributed widely and eliminated slowly. The
    concentrations in tissues were so high that they are almost higher than the MIC of
    ChloramphnicoI fOr most bacteriec Acc6rding to the pharmacokinetic parameters, binding
    with the use in the clinic, we suggest the reasonab1e administration project as that the Perch
    can be given Chloramphenicol once a day by the oral administration dose of 40mg/kg body
    According to the regular of ChIoraznphenicol elimination, we suggest the withdrawal
    time should be about twenty-three days.
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