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Objective: To investigate the effects of Gongqing grain on the expressions of induced factor and regulating protein of the apoptosis in villi and decidua in hemorrhage after human early medical abortion .
     Method: 180 patients were divided into three groups randomly on their owns accord:the GongQing grain group (n=60,taking GongQing grain at the first day of the medical abortion),QianZhi capsule group(n=60,taking QianZhi capsule at the first day of the medical abortion), the medical abortion group(n=60,only taking mifepristone and misoprostol) ,and artificial abortion group(n=60)was set.Symptoms and signs of each group were observed before and after treatment.Meanwhile villi and deciduas of each group were collected. The experiment utilized electronic microscopic technique,and applied advanced methods of im-munohistochemica、insituhybridization and DNA agarose gel electrophoresis to observe the expressions of epidermal growth factor(EGF)、epedermal growth factor receptor(EGFR)、progesterone receptor(PR)、regulating protein (caspase-3、8)and the change of their mRNA in the villi and deciduas in early medical abortion.
     Results: There was significant difference between GongQing grain group with the QianZhi capsule group and the medical abortion group in the blastocyst discharged time, the period and the amount of lochia ( P<0.05/P<0.01). The electronic microscopic observed indicated distinct change of apoptosis in the GongQing grain group. The obvious DNA ladder was observed in the decidual tissue and chorionic villi in Gong Qing grain group.The level of PR、EGF and EGFR in the villi and deciduas decreased more significantly in the GongQing grain group than the other three groups(P<0.05/P<0.01). The level of caspase-3、8 and the changes of their mRNA increased more significantly in the GongQing grain group than the other three groups(P<0.05).
     Conclusion: It was speculated that GongQing grain resisted early pregnancy because it suppressed the expression of PR、EGF、EGFR,it improved the expression of caspase-3、8and their mRNA in chorionic villi and deciduas. These was its possible scheme that it could shorten the duration of vaginal bleeding after medical abortion.
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