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     首先,建立单根纱线的体数据模型。组成体数据的每一个数据单位称之为体素。在本文中每个体素由R、 G、B、A四个数值组成,由显微CT扫描的纱线切片只可以获取纱线的密度信息即A值,而没有颜色信息。为了给纱线体数据模型赋上颜色,本文使用平板扫描仪扫描真实纱线,得到其彩色图像,采用一个迭代算法使显微CT扫描体数据投影图片的RGB值与平板扫描仪扫描纱线图像的RGB值的统计均值一致即可。
Simulation of Jacquard Fabrics based on volume data is a new direction of research in computer graphics field in recent years. The volume rendering technique is to show all the details at the same time on a two-dimensional image based on volume data. With this technology, it can reflect not only the complex twist and hairiness effect of yarn surface but also fibers crossing and translucent properties, which can not be achieved by other simulation methods such as two-dimensional image technology and three-dimensional surface modeling techniques.
     The paper introduces several common fabric simulation methods and gives their comparisons. First of all, a new method is proposed to build volume data model of single yarn. Then a volume data model of fabric is established. Finally we simulate dynamic fabrics with volume data model based on the principles of mechanics.
     The main research content and contribution includes the following aspects:
     Firstly, a volume data model of single yarn is established. The unit data which composed of the whole volume data is called voxel. The four components in each voxel are R, G, B, A. But the yarn slice obtained by the micro-CT scan contains only A and does not contain R, G, and B. In order to obtain a color volume data model of yarn we use a flatbed scanner to scan real yarn. An iterative algorithm is being adopted to make the two statistics mean consistent.
     Secondly, the volume data model of fabric is established. Multiple yarns interweave in fabric, and the central axis of yarn is represented by cubic B-spline curve. The final fabric volume model is refined by interpolating warped yarn data according to axis position of warp and weft yarns. The effects of hairiness and twist of yarns are manifested via volume rendering.
     Finally, dynamic simulation of fabric volume model is achieved. Using the classic Newtonian mechanics model and the law of motion, we analyze the situation of the model based on the mass-spring model, and gives the composition and expression of internal and external forces of each particle in the volume model. The fabric volume model is dynamically simulated according to the position information of the central axis which is updated after each time step.
     We implemented the algorithm using C++and OSG. Experimental results show that the model is feasible and the simulation results are natural.
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