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光周期作为植物最为重要的环境信号之一,能够诱导植物内源性生物节律的产生并影响植物生长发育的各个阶段。通过光周期条件的变化,我们筛选到一株对光周期敏感且具有多效表型的T-DNA插入突变体lightperiod dependent dwarf 1 (ldd1)。表型分析的结果表明,整体上ldd1突变体的株高下降、节间缩短、分枝增加、叶形改变、花期可变、营养器官生长缓慢。在全光照条件下,突变体幼叶发育迟缓、形态异常,叶表皮细胞的形态和组成发生明显变化,茎生节间和果荚节间显著缩短,花期推迟,植株生命周期延长。而在长日照和短日照条件下,这些表型消失、减缓或改变,说明这些表型的出现是光周期敏感和依赖的,能够被全光照条件诱导加剧。在遗传方面,ldd1突变体自交后代表型稳定,不会出现分离。其与野生型植株进行杂交后F1代杂合子均表现为野生型植株的表型,说明ldd1突变体为隐性突变。而F2代植株中具有ldd1亲本表型的约占1/4,说明ldd1突变体为单基因或多基因紧密连锁的突变体。
Lightperiod as one of the most important environment signals generate endogenous circadian rhythm and affect many aspects of plant development. We isolated an Arabidopsis lightperiod sensitive pleiotropic T-DNA insertion mutant lightperiod-dependant dwarf 1 (ldd1) by change of the lightperiod condition. In general, lddl shows reduced height, shortened internodes, increased branches, changed leaf shape, uncertain flowering time and slower grown of vegetative organs compared with WT. Under 24hours light condition, lddl has seriously changed shape of young leaves and pavement cells, dramatically shortened internodes between silique and cauline branches, later flowering time, and also prolonged life cycle. But when the lightperiod condition recovered to long-day or short-day, all of these abnormities disappeared, alleviated or even reversed, indicated the appearance of these phenotypes are lightperiod sensitive and dependant.24hours light condition could seriesly strength these mutant phenotypes. Genetic studies showed no phenotypical segregation in lddl selfcross progeny. When back crossed to WT, F1 progeny display a WT phenotype, and about 1/4 F2 progeny kept lddl's phenptypes, suggested lddl is a recessive, single gene or closely linkaged multiple genes mutant.
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