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Genetic engineering in the breeding of flowers, the flowering control is an important research direction.
     The main objective of this study is the use of Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation methods, the use of heat-shock-induced constitutive expression vector, soybean heat shock protein promoter of Arabidopsis thaliana or poplar to connect the FT gene conversion andraeanum flowers, was transformed into plants, applied to convert to a certain stage of plant growth after the induction of the expression of FT, FT exogenous gene which andraeanum flowers bloom on the impact of research, and to explore the use of FT genes control flower flowering time.
     The main findings: The establishment of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation system andraeanum flowers. Petiole to spend for the conversion andraeanum receptors, OD600 = 0.6 in the bacteria in the dip 15min, and then under the conditions in the dark with 100μmol/L AS were cultured in 3d the best available T-DNA transformation efficiency. Using this optimized transformation system of Agrobacterium tumefaciens disseminated and containing Km 100 mg/L and Cef 300 mg/L of the filter medium should be screened for resistant calli have been proliferating to a certain size, differentiate into seedlings and then cultured seedling root, the last of these resistant seedlings for PCR and GFP fluorescence detection. Respectively in this experiment pJCGLOX-AtFT plants into eight lines, pJCGLOX-PttFT1 strain into a plant for further research laid the foundation.
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