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背景:功能核磁共振成像能显示人体的生理及病理过程,提供动态和功能方面的信息。脊髓功能核磁共振(Spinal fMRI)能无创伤性地对脊髓神经元活动进行较准确的定位和分析,近几年来已经成为国内外神经科学研究者在脊髓生理和病理研究领域的一种全新研究手段。用功能性核磁共振探讨脊髓病理生理是一个新兴的研究领域,目前国际上的相关研究甚少,利用fMRI研究脊髓损伤尚处于起步阶段,探讨功能核磁共振技术在脊髓损伤方面的应用将有助于脊髓损伤的基础研究和临床。
     方法:11名健康志愿者按要求进行复杂对指运动与功能性电刺激,6名颈脊髓损伤的受试患者进行功能性电刺激,采用“静息-任务刺激-静息”的时段设计模式,共4次刺激,5次静息,各长35s。同时用单次激发快速自旋回波序列(SSFSE)的1.5 T核磁共振机采集C2~T2节段横断面及矢状位的fMRI信号。获得的fMRI信号用AFNI软件进行后处理,得到激活信号与解剖信号的叠加图、激活信号值曲线。所得fMRI信号变化值进行统计学分析。
Backgroud:Spinal fMRI is a reliable tool for assessing neuron status and localizing activity in the spinal cord. In healthy volunteers the method has proved capable of demonstrating spinal cord neuronal activity in response to different stimulations. Finger tapping is a well-established stimulation task for mapping neuronal function in the human brain. Electrical stimulation is widely used as a diagnostic method in spinal cord diseases and has a long history as a rehabilitation tool for restoring mobility after spinal cord injury. The present investigation is to determine if spinal cord neuronal activation while undergoing a complex finger tapping task and electrical stimulation can be observed by spinal fMRI with a SSFSE sequence. Standard assessment of the condition of the spinal cord after an injury, or when affected by disease, is limited to the information that can be revealed by external signs. Information about the full extent of the cord’s condition, and any changes as a result of clinical interventions, is becoming increasingly valuable as treating spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. The purpose of the work we are carrying out is to apply the noninvasive method of fMRI in the injured spinal cord.
     Purpose: Functional MR imaging of the human spinal cord was carried out on volunteers with complex finger tapping task and functional electrical stimulation, in order to detect image intensity changes arising from neuronal activity. Spinal fMRI was also applied in central cord syndrome patients to investigate the neuronal activity in the cervical spinal cord caudal and to develop spinal fMRI as a clinical diagnostic tool.
     Methods: Functional MR imaging data using single-shot fast spin-echo sequence (SSFSE) with echo time 42.4ms on a 1.5 T GE Clinical System were acquired in eleven healthy subjects performing complex finger tapping task and functional electrical stimulation. Investigation was also carried out in six patients with cervical spinal cord injury (central cord syndrome). Spinal cord activation was measured both in the sagittal and transverse imaging planes. Postprocessing was performed by AFNI (Analysis of Functional Neuroimages) software system.
     Results: Intensity changes (4.2%~13.2%) correlated with the time course of stimulation and were consistently detected in both sagittal and transverse imaging planes of the healthy spinal cord. The activated regions localized to the ipsilateral side of the spinal cord in agreement with the neural anatomy. Spinal cord activity was detected with Spinal fMRI in the spinal cord region, below the site of injury, in four spinal cord-injured subjects studied. In subjects with central cord syndrome, activity was consistently observed in the ipsilateral dorsal horn, corresponding to sensory input. Activity was also detected on the contralateral side of the cord and within the anterior median fissure, but was less prominent.
     Conclusion: Functional MR imaging signals can be reliably detected with finger tapping activity in the human spinal cord using SSFSE sequence. The anatomic location of neural activity correlates with the muscles used in the finger tapping task. We present the first application of Spinal fMRI to spinal cord-injured subjects and the first noninvasive demonstration of activity in the human spinal cord below the site of injury.
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