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移情这一概念的兴起可以上溯到19世纪末20世纪初,它首先出现在德国审美心理学研究中。随后,在美学、心理学、现象学哲学,有时是三者的交叉领域,移情概念被广泛地论述和频繁地使用。虽然移情的意义具体到各个领域会稍有不同,不同的理论家在使用这一概念时其指向也略有差异,但大体而言,移情概念的核心意义并没有太大改变。它乃是指一个人把他自己感入到或是投射到他者那里,以经验他者的意识或主体性。在大多数情况下,这个“他者”是指他人,不过有时也包括他物。因此,移情现象既可以发生在一个人所感知到的社会对象中,也可以发生在他所感知到的非社会对象中。本文将主要追溯利普斯(TheodorLipps)、胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl)、施坦因(Edith Stein)、舍勒(Max Sheler)以及海德格尔(Martin Heidegger)等人对移情问题的讨论以展示他们围绕移情问题所展开的有关自我、他者、世界的实质性争论。
The concept of empathy (Einfuhlung) can be traced in the end of 19th century to the beginning of 20th century. At first, it was used in the field of German Aesthetics. Then it was treated as a very important concept and was widely used in Aesthetics, psychology and phenomenology, sometimes the intersecting fields of them. Although empathy was given different senses in different fields, topics especially contexts, the core meaning of it never changed. Empathy always means someone (self or ego) feels himself in or projects himself into other objects which he perceived. These objects altogether can be called 'others' and they could be both the non-social things and the social things. My dissertation would focus on introducing the discussion of empathy by some brilliant phenomenologist including Theodor Lipps, Edmund Husserl, Edith Stein, Max Sheler, and Martin Heidegger. What I want to show through the introduction is their intensely disputation about self, others, the world, and the relationship of three of them.
     The reason why empathy had great influence and became very popular in academia at that time is that it was in accordance with romanticism. Philosophers who believed in romanticism thought they had completely different views which were opposed to Classicalism especially Cognition since 17th. For example, philosophers who influenced by romanticism don't agree the idea of regarding reason as resources of human nature and emphasizing the activity of cognition. On the contrary, they emphasized the power of emotion and volition even libido. All in all, this kind of ideas companied with romanticism gave birth and energy to empathy. It was used by many estheticians, psychologists, and phenomelogoists as a way to understand others from myself or ego.
     With the emergence of phenomenology in the early 20~(th) century, many phenomenology philosophers such as E. Husserl, Edith Stein, M. Heiddeger and M. Scheler had profound comments on Lipps' empathy in the background of their critiques on romanticism and psychologism. But their inclinations and purposes are very different. Although at the beginning, Husserl described empathy always accompanied with his critiques to Lipps, the methods they used and the questions they thought are very similar. After all, on the one hand, Husserl accepted the main senses of empathy (Einfuhlung) founded by Lipps. On the other hand, the question Husserl dealt with and even some details Husserl endowed with empathy are similar to Lipps. Husserl tried his best to avoid the negative influence of empathy, but the solipsism had already deeply been implanted in it since Lipps clarified it.
     Following her own master, Edith Stein also claims that empathy which someone understands others from my self could construct the real others. However, her account about empathy itself disconstructs her master's standpoint. Because according to her account empathy is not only the way my self constructs others but others construct my self. Furthermore, only by the repeated empathy I could construct my own body completely, because in that case I could aware that my body is one of many bodies.
     Different from Lipps, Husserl, and Stein, Scheler and Heiddeger criticize the concept of empathy although in different ways. I think their projects are very similar, because they both reveal and emphasize the primacy of others. In fact, the difficult problem behind empathy is the question how my self understands others. By introducing different kind of empathy theories, what I want to clarify is that we don't need empathy to understand others because we have already understood others generally. Likewise, we don't need empathy to construct intersubjectivity, because intersubjectivity is the truth which needn't construct but to reveal.
    1 Giambattista Vico.The New Science of Giambattista Vico[M],translation of the 3~(rd) ed.(1744) by Thomas Goddard Bergin and Max Harold Fisch.Ithaca and London:Cornell University Press,1968.75-76
    2 即把自我移入到对象之中。其指向和平以下利普斯要谈到的移情概念非常接近。
    3 Arthur Schopenhaue~The World as Will and Representation[M].trans.E.F.J.Payne.New York:Dover,969.178
    1 舍勒和海德格尔都持这种观点。舍勒追随帕斯卡尔,认为“心自有其理”,情感中包含着我们对价值的认识。而在《存在与时间》中,海德格尔则指出哲学上对理智和情感的二分错过了最源始的牛存现象。世界最初就向我们显现为一个可爱的、可怕的世界。这个“可爱”、“可怕”并不是我们在对世界的认识之上添加上自己的情感或评价。
    2 Max Weber Roscher and Knies:The logicalproblems of historical economics[M].trans.G.Oakes.New York:Free Press,1975.65
    3 Max Weber Roscher and Knies:The logical problems of historical economics[M].trans.Ct Oakes.New York:Free Press,1975.166
    4 Max Weber Roscher and Knies:The logical problems of historical economics[M].trans.Ct Oakes.New York:Free Press,1975.170
    5 需要注意的是,在19世纪末20世纪初,心理学并没有从哲学中独立出来,研究心理概念的学者并不认为自己所做的是我们今天意义上的心理学,他们认为自己做的是哲学。利普斯和弗洛伊德皆是如此。如果那时一个人声称自己做的是“心理学”,他意指自己是在做科学,即实验心理学。为避免误解起见,我在下文将统一把这类和哲学并未脱离的心理学称为“心理学哲学”。
    6 Nancy Eisenberg and Janet Strayer Critical Issues in theStudy of Empathy[A].Nancy Eisenberg and Janet Strayer.Empathy and its Development[C].New York:Cambridge University Press,1987.3
    1 Edgar Wind.Art and anarchy[M].Great Britain:Robert Maclehose and Co.Ltd Glasgow,1964.150-151
    1 参见 Robert Visher.On the Optical Sense of Form:A Contribution to Aesthetics[A].trans.David Britt Emapthy,Form,and Space:Problems in German Aestheties1873-1893[C].Santa Monica:Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities,1994.89-124
    2 有关费肖尔的移情论和弗洛伊德理论的联系参见Gustav Jahoda.TheodorLipps andthe Shift from 'Sympathy 'to 'Empathy '[J].Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences,Vol.41(2),spring 2005.154
    3 Theodor Lipps Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertel and Melvin Rader.A Modern Book of Esthetics[C]fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.371
    4 René Wellek.Discriminations:Further Concepts of Criticism[M].New Haven and London:Yale University Press,1970.170
    2比如和心理学家利普斯一样,当代社会和发展心理学家霍夫曼(Hoffman)用移情来解释利他行为。参见Martin L.Hoffman.Empathy and Moral Development:Implications for Caring and Justice[M].New York:Cambridge University Press,2001.
    3有关从同情概念到移情概念的观念史演变参见Gustav Jahoda.Theodor Lipps and the Shift from 'Sympathy to 'Empathy '[J].Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences,Vol.41(2),spring 2005.151-163
    5利普斯曾编撰过休谟《人性论》(ATreatise of Human Nature)的德文译本。
    6David Hume.Treatise on Human Nature[M].section Ⅺ,ed.L.A.seldy-Bigge,2~(rd) ed.Rev.by P.H.Nidditch.Oxford:Clarendon Press,1987.316-317
    7在德语中,sich einftlhlen是·个反身动词,意思是自行感入。所以有些英文文章把这个德文词翻译为"intropathy"。 参见 A.J.Steinbock.Home and Beyond.Generative Phenomenology after Husserl[M].Evanston:Northwestern University Press,1995.49
    81909年,实验心理学家惕西纳(E.B.Titchener)铸造了移情(empathy)这个英文字来对译德文移情(Einftihlung)。惕西纳移用了Lipps移情论的某些观念,尤其是利普斯移情论中的内模仿说,强调一个人对他人意识的理解不可能是通过理性类推,从自己的心理过程推论出他人的心理过程,而只可能通过一种对他人动作的内模仿。他写道:“我不仅是看到庄严、谦逊、骄傲、谦恭、威严,我还在我的心灵肌肉中感到或是践行它们。我认为这就是移情的简单事例,如果我们铸造一个词对应德文的移情(Einftihlung)。”E.B.Titchener.A beginner's psychology[M].New York:Macmillan,1915.198。在这本书中惕希纳还提到移情是“同情的一个类推词”。E.B.Titchener.A beginner's psycholoy[M1.NewYork:Macmillan,1915.198
    1更多有关移情一词的访j源学考察可以参加O.Ewert,有关移情"Einf(u|¨)hlung"的词条。O.Ewert.Historische W(o|¨)rterbuch der Philosophie[M].vol.3.Darmstadt:Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft,1972.corrected 1995.396-397
    2闵斯特伯格(Hugo Miinsterberg,1863-1916)写过《心理学基础》Grundzage der Psychologie,(Leipzig:Barth,1900)施坦因在她的教授资格论文中专门为闵斯特伯格做了一个附录。参见施坦因的论文《心理学哲学和人文科学》 Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanities[M].trans.M.C.Baseheart and M.Sawicki..Washingtong,D.C:ICS Publications,2000.121-128
    3参见麦农的《论假定》On Assumptions[M].trans.J.Heanue.Berkeley:University ofCalifornia Press,1983.section54
    4胡塞尔《交互主体现象学》第一卷Edmund Husserl.Zur Phginomenologie der Intersubjectivitgit.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].Husserliana,vol.ⅫⅠ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.335.
    5Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathv[M],trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.60
    6参见胡塞尔《笛卡尔式的沉思》第五沉思,第44节。E.Husserl.CartesianMeditations[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967.section44
    1 德语中的“精神科学”(Geisteswissenschaflen)在英语世界中被翻译为“human science",中文有时会对译为“人文科学”。而J.S.密尔则曾用“the moral science"对译德语的“Geisteswissenschaften".
    2 参见施坦因《移情问题》第四章。Eidth Stein.On the Problem ofEmpathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications.1989.
    3 马克思·舍勒《共感现象学以及关于爱和恨的理论》Max Scheler.ZurPMinomenologie undTheorie der Sympathiegef(u|¨)le und von Liebe undHass[M].Halle:Niemeyer,1913.这本书曾再版5次。第二版(1922),第三版 (1926),第四版(1948),此版由舍勒的遗孀玛利业·舍勒(Mafia Scheler)出版.第五版是由Manfred Frings 根据玛利亚的版本修订的。题目改为了《共感现象学》WessenandFormender der Sympathie[M].Berne andMunich:Francke,1973.英文本是由 PeterHeath根据第五版翻译的,题目被改为了《同情的本质》TheNature of Sympathy[M].with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,l 954.P75我主要是参考英文本进行翻译,也对照德文本。
    1 Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.11
    2 Max Weber.Roscher and Knies:The logical problems of historical economics[M].trans.G.Oakes.New York:Free Press,1975.185
    3 K.Jaspers.The phenomenological approach in psychopathology[J].British Journal of Psychiatry 114.trans.Anonymous person.London:Royal College of Psychiatrists,1968.1313
    4 K.Jaspers.The phenomenological approach in psychopathology[J].British Journal of Psychiatry 114.trans.Anonymous person.London:Royal College of Psychiatrists,1968.1315
    5 Karl Jaspers.General Psychopathology[M].trans.J.Hoening and M.W.Hamilton.Manchester:Manchester University Press,1963.55
    6 Karl Jaspers.General Psychopathology[M].trans.J.Hoening and M.W.Hamilton.Manchester:Manchester University Press,1963.304-330
    1 Chris Walker.Karl Jaspers and Edmund Husserl Ⅳ:Phenomenology as Empathic Understanding[J].Philosophy,Psychiatry & Psychology Vol.2.Baltimore,MD:Johns Hopkins University Press,1995.247-266
    2 早在古希腊,对世界“始基”的寻找和“认识你自己”就已经相互交织。
    3 参见Edmund Husserl.Cartesian Meditations[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967,section 44.
    1 参见 Marianne Sawicki.Empathy Before and After Husserl[J].Philosophy Today.Vol.41.Celina,Ohio:Messenger Press,Society of the Most Precious Blood,1997 Spring.123-127
    2 Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.64
    1 Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.64
    2 John Stuart Mill.An examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy,and of the principal philosophical questions discussed in his writings[M].London:Longmans,1878.237-238
    1 原文是"Also ist der Schluss ein Sophisma." Edmund Husserl.Zur Ph(a|¨)nomenologie der Intersubjectivit(a|¨)t.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].Husserliana,vol.ⅫⅠ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.38
    2 Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.5-6
    3 Edmund Husserl.Zur Ph(a|¨)nomenologie der Intersubjectivit(a|¨)t.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].Husserliana,vol.ⅫⅠ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.36
    4 Theodor Lipps Weiteres zur 'Einf(u|¨)hlung'[J].Archiv for die gesamte Psychologie,vol.4,no.4.Leipzig:Wilhelm Engelmann,1905.478
    5 Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.41-42
    6 Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenologieal Philosophy Second Book:Studies in the Phenomenology of Constitution[M].trans.by R.Rojcewicz,and A.Schuwer.Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1989.41-42
    1 Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.xlvii
    2 Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.10
    3 Stephan Witasek.Zur psychologischen Analyse der(a|¨)sthetischen Einf(u|¨)hlung[J].Zeitschrift f(u|¨)r Psychologie und und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane Band 25.Leipzig:Barth,1901.1-49。 施坦因认为维塔兹克的观点具有相当的可争论性。
    1 Theodor Lipps Weiteres zur 'Einf(u|¨)hlung'[J].Archiv for die gesamte Psychologie,vol.4,no.4.Leipzig:Wilhelm Engelmann,1905.465.519.迈农(Meinong)和施坦因也都曾讨论过维塔兹克的这一问题。
    2 Theodor Lipps Weiteres zur 'Einf(u|¨)hlung'[J].Archiv f(u|¨)r die gesamte Psychologie,vol.4,no.4,Leipzig:Wilhelm Engelmann,1905.478
    3 Theodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertel and Melvin Rader.A Modem Book of Esthetics[C].fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.P375
    4 Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.19
    5 舍勒在他第二版的《共感现象学》中肯定了施坦因对维塔兹克的这一批评。参见Max Scheler.Zur Ph(a|¨)nomenologie und Theorie der Sympathiegef(u|¨)le und yon Liebe und Hass[M].the second edition.Halle:Niemeyer,1922.24
    6 参见麦农的《论假定》。Alexius Meinong.On Assumptions[M].trans.J.Heanue.Berkeley:University of California Press,1983.223.
    1 Theodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertel and Melvin Rader.A Modem Book of Esthetics[C].fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.P375
    2 西奥多·利普斯.伦理学底根本问题[M].陈望道译.上海:中华书局,1936.13
    3 Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy Second Book:Studies in the Phenomenology of Constitution[M].trans.by R.Rojcewicz,and A.Schuwer.Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1989.525
    4 Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.13
    1Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.18
    2Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.18
    1这篇论文的原标题是Einfülung,innere Nachahmng,und Organempfindungen。所谓器官感觉(Organemfindungen)在这里是指坐落在身体上的感觉。比如肌肉的运动觉、身体的欲望,诸如饥渴等等。
    2Theodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertel and Melvin Rader.A Modern Book of Esthetics[C].fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.372
    3Yheodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertel and Melvin Rader.A Modern Book of Esthetics[C].fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.P371
    4Theodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertel and Melvin Rader.A Modern Book of Esthetics[C].fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.P372
    1Theodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertel and Melvin Rader.A Modern Book of Esthetics[C].fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.P371
    2Theodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertel and Melvin Rader.A Modern Book of Esthetics[C].fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.P372
    3Theodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertel and Melvin Rader.A Modern Book of Esthetics[C].fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.P372
    4RudolfA.Makkreel.How is Empathy Related to Understanding?[A].Issues in Husserl's Ideas II[C].ed.Thomas Nenon and Lester E.Embree.Dordrecht;Boston:Kluwer Academic,1996.199-200
    1Theodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertel and Melvin Rader.A Modern Book of Esthetics[C].fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.372
    4Theodor Lipps.Asthetik Psychologie des schonen und der Kunst[M].Leipzig:Voss,1923.564
    5Karl Groos是一个行为科学家,他在对戏剧的研究中也运用了和费肖尔相似的移情概念。古鲁斯认为,审美满足是一种内模仿行为。内模仿满足了我们表现冲动,为自我创造出了一个理想的世界。参见Karl Groos.Einleitung in die AsthetikfMl.Giessen:J.Ricker,892.
    6Theodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertel and Melvin Rader.A Modern Book of Esthetics[C].fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.375
    1Theodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertei and Melvin Rader.A Modern Book of Esthetics[C].fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.P378
    2Theodor Lipps.Asthetik Psychologie des schonen und der Kunst[M].Leipzig:Voss,1923.126
    3Theodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertel and Melvin Rader.A Modern Book of Esthetics[C].fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.371
    4Theodor Lipps.Empathy,Inner Imitation,and Sense-Feelings[A].trans.Max Schertei and Melvin Rader.A Modern Book of Esthetics[C],fifth Edition ed.New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,Inc,1979.373-374
    4Gustav Jahoda.Theodor Lipps and the Shift from 'Sympathy' to 'Empathy'[J].Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences,Voi.41(2),spring 2005.157-159
    1Theodor Lipps.Das Wissen von fremden Ichen[A].Psychologische Untersuchungen[C].Bd.1.Leipzig:W.Engelmann Pigman,1995.713
    2Theodor Lipps.Das Wissen von fremden Ichen[A].Psychologische Untersuchungen[C].Bd.1.Leipzig:W.Engelmann Pigman,1995.713-719
    1Theodor Lipps.Leitfaden der Psychologie[M].3rd ed.Leipzig:Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann,1909.1-2
    2Theodor Lipps.Leitfaden der Psychologie[M].3rd ed.Leipzig:Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann,1909.1
    4Theodor Lipps.Leitfaden der Psychologie[M].3rd ed.Leipzig:Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann,1909.3 原文是"das primare oder unmittelbar erlebte Ich"
    5Theodor Lipps.Leitfaden der Psychologie[M].3rd ed.Leipzig:Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann,1909.3原文是"meiner unmittelbar erlebte Macht-Sphare".
    6利普斯的《心理学教程》的第一版和胡塞尔的《逻辑研究》基本上是同时出版的。因此,有些研究者认为利普斯不断修正自己的移情论正是为了回应胡塞尔的《逻辑研究》(1901)。参见Dermot Moran.The problem of Empathy[J].Amor amicitae.Leuven:Dudley Peeters,2004.277
    7Theodor Lipps.Leitfaden der Psychologie[M].3rd ed.Leipzig:Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann,1909.222
    8Theodor Lipps.Leitfaden der Psychologie[M].3rd ed.Leipzig:Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann,1909.222
    9Theodor Lipps.Leitfaden der Psychologie[M].3rd ed.Leipzig:Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann,1909.223
    10Theodor Lipps.Leitfaden der Psychologie[M].3rd ed.Leipzig:Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann,1909.225
    11Theodor Lipps.Leitfaden der Psychologie[M].3rd ed.Leipzig:Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann,1909.227
    12Theodor Lipps.Leitfaden der Psychologie[M].3rd ed.Leipzig:Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann,1909.229。胡塞尔对利普斯的这一区分也做了重点标注。
    1Theodor Lipps.Weiteres zur 'Einfühlung'[J].Archiv für die gesamte Psychologie,vol.4,no.4.Leipzig:Wilhelm Engelmann,1905.478.
    2参见Konrad Lange.Das Wesen der Kunst:Grundzüge einer Realistischen Kunstlehre[M].Berlin:G.Grote,1901.
    3参见Antonin Prandtl.Die Einfühlung[M].Leipzig:Barth,1910.
    4Michael Ermarth.Wilhelm Dilthey:the critique of historical reason[M].Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1978.258
    5RudolfA.Makkreel.Dilthey:Philosopher of the Human Studies[M].Princeton:Princeton University Press,1992.6,123,252,290,329.
    1Max Weber.Roscher and Knies:The logical problems of historical economics[M].trans.G.Oakes.New York:Free Press,1975.163-170
    2Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.13
    3Edmund Husserl.Zur Phainomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.74脚注3
    4Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.11 施坦因也赞成舍勒在这里的论述。参见Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.23
    5Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.45-46
    1Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.47
    2Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.23
    3Edmund Husserl Logical Investigations,trans.J.N.Findlay,New York:Humanity Books,2000,Vol.1 P91-94
    4Edmund Hussert.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Tell[M].Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.76注释2.
    原名为Einheiten und Relationen.Eine Skizze zur Psychologie der Apperzeption
    2Karl.Jaspers.The phenomenological approach in psychopathology[J],trans.Anonymous person.British Joumal of Psychiatry 114.London:London Research Centre,1968.1313-1323
    3Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.76
    1参见Edmund Husserl.Uneilstheorie Vorlesung 1905[M].ed.E.Schuhmann.Dordrecht:Kluwer,2002.5
    2Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.64
    3Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.24
    4Edmund Husserl.Cartesian Meditations[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967.150
    5Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.333
    6Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.70
    1参见胡塞尔的《有关被动综合的分析:有关先验逻辑的演讲》Edmund Husserl.Analyses Conceming Passive and Active Synthesis:Lectures on Transcendental logic[M].Husserl Collected Works IX.trans.Anthony Steinbock.Dordrecht:Kluwer,2001.367.
    2Edmund Husserl.Cartesian Meditations[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967.111
    3Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy First Book:General Introduction to a Pure Phenomenology[M].trans.E.Kersten.Dordrecht:Kluwer,1983.6
    4Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Tell[M].1905-1920. Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.26
    1Edmund Husserl.Cartesian Meditations[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967.109
    2Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.84
    1Edmund Husserl.Analyses Concerning Passive and Active Synthesis:Lectures on Transcendental logic[M].Husserl Collected Works IX.trans.Anthony Steinbock.Dordrecht:Kluwer,2001.373-374
    2Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhofl,1973,注释4,"移情的阶段(Stufen der Einfühlung)",62
    3他这些论述写于1909年之前,但可能是在1916年间被整理起来的。参见Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der lntersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.21
    4Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Zweiter Teil[M].1921-1928.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅣ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.5
    5Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Niihoff,1973.22
    1Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.25
    2Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie tier Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.42
    3Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Zweiter Teil[M].1921-1928.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅣ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.4
    1HuaⅩⅣ 6
    1Edmund Husserl.Erste Philosophie Zweiter Teil:Theorie der phanomenologischen Reduktion[M].ed.R.Bochm Husserliana Ⅷ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1965.189
    4参见Edmund Husserl.Cartesian Meditations[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967.100
    1Edmund Husserl.Cartesian Meditations[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967.108
    2Edmund Husserl.Cartesian Meditations[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967.108-109.
    3原文是"Die Wahrnehmen eines anderen Menschen ist originale Wahrnehmen hinsichtlich seiner Koperlichkeit;hinsichtlich der fremden Subjektivitat ist es zunachst leere Vergegenwartigung."Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Zweiter Teil[M].1921-1928.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅣ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.523
    4Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy Second Book:Studies in the Phenomenology of Constitution[M].trans.R.Rojcewicz,and A.Schuwer.Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1989.525
    5Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Zweiter Teil[M].1921-1928.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅣ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.527
    1Marianne Sawicki.Body,Text.and Science:The Literary of Investigative Practices and the Phenomenology of Edith Stein[M].Dordrecht:Kluwer,2001.103。“Deckung”其实是一几何学用语,即“全等”,但这里Sawicki 用“overlay(覆盖)”来翻译这个词。
    2Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Zweiter Tell[M].1921-1928.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅣ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.528
    3Edmund Husserl.Cartesian Meditations[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967.80
    4Edmund Husserl.Erste Philosophie Zweiter Teil:Theorie der phanomenologischen Reduktion[M].ed.R.Bochm Husserliana Ⅷ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1965.189
    5Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.400
    1Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Zweiter Teil[M].1921-1928.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅣ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.116
    2Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Zweiter Tell[M].1921-1928.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅣ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.114-115
    3Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Zweiter Teil[M].1921-1928.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅣ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.117
    4Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Zweiter Tell[M].1921-1928.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅣ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.120
    5Alvin Goldman.Emaphy,Mind and Morals[J].APA Proceeding.Washington D.C:the American Psychological Association.November1992.35
    6Edmund Husserl.Cartesian Meditations[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967.120
    7Michael Theunissen.Der Andere[M].Berlin:Walter de Gruyter and Co,1956.72
    1Micheal F.Andrews就认为在《笛卡儿式的沉思》中,胡塞尔的单子是有窗口、可交流的,交流的通道就是移情。因此,他认为借助移情,胡塞尔成功地建构起了一个文化性和社会性的交互主体世界。参见Michael F.Andrews.Edmund Husserl:Empathy and the Transcendental Constitution of the World[A].Analecta Husserliana The Yearbook of Phenomenological Research Volume LⅩⅩⅨ[C].ed.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka.Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,2004.217-237然而,在我看来,《沉思》中所提到的“周围世界”或“生活世界”并不是我们具体的经验世界,而是我们具体经验世界的先验条件。正如胡塞尔谈论“时间意识”并不直接指涉人们对时间的具体经验,而是试图给出人类具体时间意识的先验结构。
    2Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy First Book:General Introduction to a Pure Phenomenology[M].trans.E.Kersten.Dordrecht:Kluwer,1983.101
    3Edmund Husserl.Cartesian Meditations[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967.133-135
    1Edmund Husserl.Cartesian Meditations[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967.124
    2Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Zweiter Teil[M].1921-1928.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅣ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.8
    3Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Tell[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.333
    1Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy Second Book:Studies in the Phenomenology of Constitution[M].trans.R.Rojcewicz,and A.Schuwer.Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1989.85
    1Michael F.Andrews.Edmund Husserl:Empathy and the Transcendental Constitution of the World[A].Analecta Husserliana The Yearbook of Phenomenological Research Volume LⅩⅩⅨ[C].ed.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka.Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,2004.226
    2Michael F.Andrews.Edmund Husserl:Empathy and the Transcendental Constitution of the World[A].Analecta Husserliana The Yearbook of Phenomenological Research Volume LⅩⅩⅨ[C].ed.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka.Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,2004.234
    3Alasdair Maclntyre.Edith Stein:a philosophical prologue,1913-1922[M].Unite States of America:Rowman and Littlefield,2005.80-82
    1原文是"Erfahrung von fremdem Bewusststein überhaupt"Eidth Stein.Zum Problem der Einfühlung[M].Halle:Buchdruckerie des Waisenhauses,1917.11
    2参见Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.3。这一点也被这本书的英文翻译者Waltraut Stein所强调。参见Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.Ⅶ
    3Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy Second Book:Studies in the Phenomenology of Constitution[M].trans.R.Rojcewicz,and A.Schuwer.Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1989.ⅩⅡ-ⅩⅢ
    4Marianne Sawicki.Body,Text,and Science:The Literary of Investigative Practices and the Phenomenology of Edith Stein[M].Dordrecht:Kluwer,2001.151
    5参见Alasdair Maclntyre.Edith Stein:a philosophical prologue,1913-1922[M].Unite States of America:Rowman and Littlefield,2005.100
    6比如Ian Leask在他的《爱迪特·施坦因和他者》这篇文章中就认为施坦因超越了胡塞尔的“唯我论”, 并暗中解构了先验哲学。有关这一点,我将在本章第六节中进行讨沦。参见Ian Leask.Edith Steinand Others[J].The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology.Manchester:Haigh and Hochland,Oct 2002.286-298
    1机械论是指当时仪通过物理学原因来解释现象的倾向。参见Edith Stein.Life in a Jewish Family:Her Unfinished Autobiographical Account[M].trans.J.Koeppel.The Collected works of Edith Stein 1.Washington DC:ICS Publications,1986.185-186.。斯特恩是IQ测量方法的发明者。
    2Edith Stein.Life in a Jewish Family:Her Unfinished Autobiographical Account[M].trans.J.Koeppel.The Collected works of Edith Stein 1.Washington DC:ICS Publications,1986.217。
    3Edith Stein.Life in a Jewish Family:Her Unfinished Autobiographical Account[M].trans.J.Koeppel.The Collected works of Edith Stein 1.Washington DC:ICS Publications,1986.269
    4Edith Stein.Life in a Jewish Family:Her Unfinished Autobiographical Account[M].trans.J.Koeppel.The Collected works of Edith Stein 1.Washington DC:ICS Publications,1986.269
    3Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy First Book:General Introduction to a Pure Phenomenology[M].trans.E.Kersten.Dordrecht:Kluwer,1983.51。
    1Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy First Book:General Introduction to a Pure Phenomenology[M].trans.E.Kersten.Dordrecht:Kluwer,1983.520
    2Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.10
    4Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.10
    1Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.14
    2Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy Second Book:Studies in the Phenomenology of Constitution[M].trans.R.Rojcewicz,and A.Schuwer.Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1989.172
    3Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.16-17
    4有关情感传染的精彩论述参见Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.14-18
    1Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.17
    2Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy First Book:General Introduction to a Pure Phenomenology[M].trans.E.Kersten.Dordrecht:Kluwer,1983.144o
    3Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.21.
    2具体的批评内容参见后文舍勒对利普斯移情论的批评。Max Scheler.The Nature of sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.9-10
    1参见Antonin Prandtl.Die Einfühlung[M].Leipzig:Barth,1910.
    1Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.27
    1Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.42
    1Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.64
    2Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy First Book:General Introduction to a Pure Phenomenology[M].trans.E.Kersten.Dordrecht:Kluwer,1983.420
    1Alasdair Maclntyre.Edith Stein:a philosophical prologue,1913-1922[M].Unite States of America:Rowman and Littlefield,2005.76
    2Alasdair Maclntyre.Edith Stein:a philosophical prologue,1913-1922[M].Unite States of America:Rowman and Littlefield,2005.76
    3在《施坦凶:一个哲学的序言》中,麦金太尔谈到,就是在我们通常以为的最本己的感受层面,交互主体性也是更为本源的。麦金太尔在这里也谈到“疼痛”不可能是完全内在和私人的。和维特根斯坦从语词分析切入这一个问题不尽相同,麦金太尔指出,我们定位疼痛的能力不仅需要第一人称(我)的角度也许要第三人称(他)的角度。参见Alasdair Matintyre.Edith Stein:aphilosophical prologue,1913-1922[M].Unite States of America:Rowman and Litttefield.2005.81
    1Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.69
    1有关象征(symbol)的意义以及它与符号(sign)、暗示(indication)等的区别,参看Eidth Stein,On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.76-80
    2Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.82
    1Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.51
    1Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.87
    1Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.89
    2Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.251
    1Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.110
    2Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.96
    2Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.97
    1Alasdair Maclntyre.Edith Stein:a philosophical prologue,1913-1922[M].Unite States of America:Rowman and Littlefield,2005.86
    1参见Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy First Book:General Introduction to a Pure Phenomenology[M].trans.E.Kersten.Dordrecht:Kluwer,1983.第1节、第46节、第140节、第145节和第151节
    2参见Edmund Husserl.Cartesian Meditmions[M].trans.D.Cairns.The Hague:Nijhoff,1967.45节到58节
    1Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy Second Book:Studies in the Phenomenology of Constitution[M].trans.R.Rojcewicz,and A.Schuwer.Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1989.83
    2Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy Second Book:Studies in the Phenomenology of Constitution[M].trans.R.Rojcewicz,and A.Schuwer.Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1989.265。同时可以参见Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Erster Teil[M].1905-1920.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅢ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.243-247:Edmund Husserl.Zur Phanomenologie der Intersubjectivitat.Texte aus dem Nachlass.Zweiter Teil [M].1921-1928.Husserliana,vol.ⅩⅣ.The Hague:Nijhoff,1973.170-176,416-423
    3Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.100
    1Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.36-37
    2有关施坦因的中后期思想轮廓的介绍可参见AngelaAlesBello.Edith Stein's Contribution to Phenomenology[J].Analecta Husserliana the yearbook of phenomenological research.Dordrecht;Reidel,2002.232-240
    3Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.118
    4Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.27
    1原德文标题是--Zur Phanomenologie und Theorie der Sympathiegefüle und von Liebe and Hass
    2Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.8
    3Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.li
    4Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.242注释1.
    5Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.xlv.
    1Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.130
    2Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.216
    3Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routtedge and Kegan Paul,1954.8
    4Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.8
    1Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.5
    2Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.12
    1舍勒认为公共舆论就是这样形成的。参见Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by、W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954。这里的讨论和海德格尔《存在与时间》中第二十九节中的讨论非常相似。舍勒在这里所言的情感传染并非是和认知生活平行的情感生活,而是和认知生活扭结在一起的日常生活形式。
    2Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.17
    3Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.24
    1Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.35
    2Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.36
    3Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.32
    2Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.25
    3Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.37
    4Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.39
    1Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.160
    1Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.12
    2Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.9-11.
    1Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.8
    2Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.9
    1Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.10 参照德文Max Scheler.Wessen and Formen der Sympathie[M].Berne and Munich:Francke,1973.21。斜体是我加上的。
    1Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.244
    2Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.243
    2Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.255-256
    3Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.252
    4Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.255
    2Eidth Stein.On the Problem of Empathy[M].trans.Waltraut Stein.Washington,D.C.:ICS Publications,1989.34
    1Martin Heidegger.Being and Time[M].trans.John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.156-157
    2Martin Heidegger.Being and Time[M].trans.John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.67-68
    1Martin Heidegger.Being and Time[M].trans.John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.150
    2Martin Heidegger.Being and Time[M].trans.John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.68
    1Martin Heidegger.Being and Time[M].trans.John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.119
    1Martin Heidegger.Being and Time[M].trans.John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.163
    2Martin Heidegger.Being and Time[M].trans.John Macquarde and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.162
    1Martin Heidegger.Being and Time[M].trans.John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.162
    1Martin Heidegger.Being and Time[M].trans.John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.163
    2Martin Heidegger.Prolegomena zur Gesehichte des Zeitbegriffs[M].Gesamtausgabe vol.ⅩⅩ,ed.P.Jager,Frankfurt:Klostermann,1979.147
    3Martin Heidegger.Being and Time[M].trans.John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.163
    4Martin Heidegger.Being and Time[M].trans.John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.162
    5Ludwig Binswanger.Grundformen und Erkenntnis menschichen Daseins[M].Zürich:M.Niehans,1953.66
    1 Martin Heidegger.Being and Time.Trans[M].John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.142,156
    2 Martin Heidegger.Being and Time.Trans[M].John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.363
    3 Max Scheler.The Nature of Sympathy[M].trans.Peter Heath.with a general introduction by W.Stark.London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1954.242
    1 Martin Heidegger.Being and Time.Trans[M].John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.73
    2 Martin Heidegger.Being and Time.Trans[M].John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.156-157
    1 Martin Heidegger.Being and Time.Trans[M].John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.157
    2 Martin Heidegger.Being and Time.Trans[M].John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.153-154
    3 Martin Heidegger.Being and Time.Trans[M].John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.154
    1 Martin Heidegger.Being and Time.Trans[M].John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.154
    2 Martin Heidegger.Being and Time.Trans[M].John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson.New York:Harper and Brothers,1962.152
    1 在这本书的第三章第六节中,施坦因认为胡塞尔并不是对这个问题毫无觉察,只不过他轻易地把这个问题回避掉了。参见Eidth Stein.Endliches and ewiges Sein,Versuch eines Aufstiegs zum Sinn des Seins[M].Freiburg:Herder,1950.
    2 Eidth Stein.Endliches and ewiges Sein,Versuch eines Aufstiegs zum Sinn des Seins[M].Freiburg:Herder,1950.52
    3 Eidth Stein.Endliches and ewiges Sein,Versuch eines Aufstiegs zum Sinn des Seins[M].Freiburg:Herder,1950.52
    1 Edmund Husserl.Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy Second Book:Studies in the Phenomenology of Constitution[M].trans.R.Rojcewicz,and A.Schuwer.Netherlands:Kluwer Academic Publishers,1989.282
    2 在这篇文章中,Zahavi举出了胡塞尔、海德格尔、列维纳斯、萨特、梅洛·庞蒂等人对主体间性的构想,并认为揭示主体问性的关键在于超越移情论。他认为萨特有关自我和他者的论述表面上和胡塞尔相反,但实质上却是胡塞尔移情论的另一版本。而胡塞尔自己倒是在某些地方超越了移情论。参见Dan Zahavi.Beyond Empathy:Phenomenological Approaches to Intersubjectivity[J].Journal of Consciousness Studies:Controversies in Science and the Humanities vol.8.UK:Imprint Academic,1994.151-167
    3 参见Chales Taylor.The Ethics of Authenticity[M|.Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1991.25-53。在那里,泰勒从政治哲学的角度阐述了为对话是比独自更为源始的现象。
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