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    本点的情况下,利用5 VM的工业特性,进行排胶点的建模,获得好的应用
Machine Learning is to find rules from data and to predict future data in order to better serve human being. While the question of learning from data is ill posed, so some excellent theories cannot satisfy the practical application properly. This thesis researches machine learning using Kernel function and Regularization Theory.
    1) The basic theories used in this thesis were introduced, including Machine Learning, Kernel Machine, Statistical Learning Theory and Regularized Theory. The research situation about Kernel Machine was reviewed. At last, the basic structure, contributions and correlated fields were given.
    2) The thesis proposed a Priori Kernel Principal Component Analysis (PKPCA), which integrates between and within class variances into KPCA, and thus the classification performances can be enhanced. To get sparse sample library and reduce eigenvector dimension, a new concept of reconstructing sample library and its corresponding algorithm are introduced and presented, respectively. Further, both KPCA and Kernel Fisher Discriminant can be proved to be two special cases of PKPCA, and meanwhile PKPCA successfully avoids the disadvantage of KFD that can only get (class number -1) eigenvectors. Simulation results of two numerical function classes, as well as experiment results of a real world dataset involving credit card, chronometer and diseases, show that the proposed algorithm is valid and the classification performance is satisfied.
    3) This thesis proposed a Regularized Kernel Recursive Least Square (RKRLS) algorithm. The coefficients and error of RKRLS model are gotten and the generalization ability is analyzed. Furthermore, this thesis proposed a Recursive Support Vector Machine algorithm. The norm of Dynamic Support Vector is put forward, and the three conditions including e -insensitive, v-sensitive and nonsingular conditions are proved. The recursive algorithms of restricted, increased, decreased mode are deduced without the calculation of the inversion. RKRLS and RSVM have four properties: small samples, controlled generalization ability, good robustness and rapidity, which are applicable to the
    industry case.
    4) This thesis proposed Vector Base Learning (VBL) algorithm. The method to construct BVL is designed through judging the angle of sample and solution space. The increasing-form algorithm and adjusting-form algorithm are deduced. Further more, a new Vector Base Learning (VBL) network is proposed which is based on the concept of Base Vector Set (BVS) and Network Base (NB). A method of automatically generating NBs is developed. The algorithms- of increasing network node, adjusting NB parameter and adjusting weights are presented. The dynamic glycolysis chaotic oscillation process is identified using VBL network, which shows that this algorithm has better convergence property than other algorithms.
    5) This thesis proposed MIMO Vector Base Learning Network, which can be used to model and classify. The weights are trained with Gradient Descent Method. The increase algorithm of BVS, and restricted algorithm, was induced. At last parameter identification and double spirals were simulated,, and good identification result and classification performance were obtained.
    6) This thesis proposed a Vector Base Cognition Model. The basic idea, structure and algorithm are introduced. A simulation is made using this cognitive model, which proved that Vector Base Cognition Model is valid. Three propositions are proposed based the Vector Base Network. Cognition of human being and Vector Base Cognition Model are compared, the corresponding connection is created.
    7) The application for rubber mixing process is given: Abnormal modeling samples first removed, SVM is applied to build the discharge model to establish the rubber discharge condition, and long term practical production validated the discharge modeling method; Adopting dynamic RKRLS and RSVM, Mooney time serials is used to model and predict, which shows better prediction ability than RLS; Using V
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