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     1.不同栽培模式对马铃薯产量有显著影响,各处理之间差异显著,全膜双垄沟栽培单株平均薯重达584g,产量最高为28479.01kg/ hm 2,对照露地产量最低只有22697.87kg/hm2。草膜双覆栽培模式商品率最高,达到了82.89%,全膜双垄沟栽培商品率较低为77.53%,低于草膜双覆栽培马铃薯处理5.36%,对照露地商品率最低仅有70.08%;全膜双垄沟栽培技术较露地栽培技术可显著缩短马铃薯生育期,实现提早成熟。全膜双垄沟马铃薯栽培技术使马铃薯生长发育加快,长势旺盛,各项指标均优于其他三个处理。纵观马铃薯整个生育期,各处理不同土层贮水量的变化规律基本一致,全膜双垄沟栽培处理含水量最高。不同土层土壤温度的变化,四个处理土壤温度在四个土层的变化趋势一致,即土壤温度均随土壤深度的加深而逐渐降低。生育前期,全膜双垄沟栽培各耕层地温均高于其他三个处理,较对照露地栽培的土壤温度平均提高了2.3℃差异显著;生育期后期,各处理间土壤温差较小差异不显著。在不同生育时期各处理地上、地下各部分干物质积累遵循慢—快—慢的变化规律,整个生育期内各部干物质积累全膜双垄栽培模式显著高于对照露地。
     2.转光地膜覆盖栽培加快了马铃薯生长发育的进程,生长势最为旺盛,各生育期较对照露地提前,生育天数缩短为118d,提前成熟。转光地膜覆盖栽培出苗率最高为83.24%。能提高耕层温度,尤其是在苗期。转光地膜覆盖单株平均薯重最重,达558g;转光地膜覆盖产量最高为28750.71kg/ hm2,较露地对照增产26.42%,达到极显著性差异;商品率黑色地膜覆盖处理最高为78.43%,略高于转光地膜覆盖栽培处理。
All-film double ridge technology (ADRT) combines man-made farmland micro-engineering with the whole ground covered by plastic, and is an innovative, revolutionary new dry farming technology with two technologies: Micro-water Harvesting and film mulching. This article studies on water-saving and temperature-raising and yield effects of potato with different ridges, different mulching types, different film types and different uncovering time. the The following is the main conclusion.
     1.Different Potato cultivation modes have significant impact on yield, and it had a significant difference between treatments, with all-film double ridge cultivation, potato weight per plant was averagely 584g, the yield was 28479.01 kg/hm2, and the commodity rate was 77.53 percent, which was below the ridge straw mulching cultivation (5.36%), all-film double ridge potato cultivation technology can significantly shorten the growing period of potato, and early maturity. all-film double ridge potato cultivation technology accelerate the growth and development, grow strong, the indicators are better than the other three treatments which was significant among treatments. Throughout the whole potato growing period, the changes of water in different soil layers were basic similar, all-film double ridge potato cultivation technology with the highest water content. Soil temperature changes of different layers had the same trend--the soil temperature decreased as soil depth deepen gradually. During the earlier growing stage, the topsoil temperature of all-film double ridge potato cultivation is higher than the other three treatments and increase by 2.3℃compared with control open field cultivation; while during later growing period, the soil temperature difference among treaments was not significant. At different growth stages, the dry matter accumulation above and below ground part followed a trend slow - soon– slow, throughout the growth period of dry matter accumulation of film double-ridge cultivation model was significantly higher than the control open field. The above results showed that:all-film double ridge cultivation techniques had obvious effects of precipitation collection and soil moisture conservation, and achieved efficient use of rainfall from passive to active drought-resistant and drought control, effectively solved the water problem.
     2.The results of mulching with different materials test indicated that sunlight-conversion film(SCF) cultivation accelerated the growth and development of potato, and had the most vigorous growth potential, the growth stage compaired with the control open field was ahead, 118 d, and earlier maturity. The germination rate was relatively the highest 83.24 percent with SCF. SCF can also improve topsoil temperature, especially in the seedling stage. Potato weight per plant of SCF was the heaviest up to 558 g; and yield maximized to 28750.71 kg/hm2, 26.42% higher than CK; the commodities rate of black film treatment was 78.43%, slightly higher than SCF. Among three different film materials, SCF had a better peformance, and with this method achieved high-yielding. 3.Different time removing film test results showed that the emergence of plastic film mulching in whole growing seasons, removing plastic film in budding stage and uncovering plastic film in expanding stage was ahead of control 12 d, shorten the whole growth period, and earlier maturity. Soil moisture and soil temperature changes in time and space were basicly the same trend line among different treatments, that is, in terms of time, soil moisture content and soil temperature of all levels rised in prophase of growth and declined in postphase of growth; as for space, soil moisture content and soil temperature decreased with the depth. The differences among treatments declined as potato growing, in early part of growth with large difference, and with small differences in the latter part. The soil temperature changes in five layers the trend is the same, that is, the soil temperature decreased as soil depth deepen gradually, shallow soil temperature had a large variation, while the soil temperature changes in 20 cm, 25cm are quite limited. Throughout the growth period, soil temperature changed similarly with the temperature. from homogeneous seedling stage to full-bloom stage, soil temperature of plastic film mulching in whole growing seasons, removing plastic film in budding stage and uncovering plastic film in expanding stage changed little, 2 ~ 2.5℃higher than CK. During postphase of growth, the difference of soil temperature among four treatments was not significant. In the reproductive period, soil temperature, soil moisture content of plastic film mulching in whole growing seasons were significantly higher than that of other treatments, while the open ground they were the lowest; the yield of plastic film mulching in whole growing seasons was the highest up to 27957.27 kg/hm2, 23.17% higher than that of open field, lower than that of uncovering film in full-bloom stage. Commodity rate of removing film in budding stage was the highest amount to 85.43%, 3.15% higher than uncovering film in full-bloom stage, 9.99% higher than plastic film mulching in whole growing seasons; it could relief the low commodity rate and white pollution problems to remove film in budding stage.
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