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Merger control is one of the core elements of antitrust law enforcement. Mergerremedies are the core content of merger control. Merger remedies can preventanticompetitive effects of mergers. Through merger remedies, governments canmaintain the balance between effective competition in the market and economics ofscale in enterprises.
     In this paper, based on methods of comparative research, case study and empiricalresearch, the author undertakes to provide an outline of a model merger remediesregime for China, by analyzing the US and EU experience of legislation and lawenforcement, as well as research reports of international organizations such as ICNand OECD.
     This paper aims to provide policy proposals on the legislation and enforcementof China’s antimonopoly law, based on a systemic analysis of merger remedies inother jurisdictions. For this purpose, this paper focuses on the analysis of thelaw enforcement procedure of merger remedies,such as how to determine remedies, howto implement remedies, how to modify remedies, and how international cooperationin merger remedies is conducted. At the end of this paper, the author also conductsan analysis of legislation and practices of merger remedies in China, and providessuggestions on how to improve China’s merger remedies regime.
     The contents of this paper is summarized as follows:
     Chapter one, the role of merger remedies. In this chapter, the author analyzesthe role of merger remedies in antitrust law. The author provides a comprehensivepicture of merger control, by specifying the rules in defining an anticompetitiveeffect, the rules in pleading, and the rules in merger remedies. Merger remedies,being the core content of merger control, are the fundamental way to remedy ananticompetitive effect. They are important legal measures to maintain the balancebetween effective competition and development of enterprises. In other words,through merger remedies, governments can make competition in the market workablewhile preserving the benefits of enterprise development.
     Chapter two, the different types of remedies. This chapter analyzes differenttypes of remedies which are the foundation of the system of merger remedies. Structural remedies and conduct remedies are the main types of remedies. Structuralremedies normally emphasize intervention in assets ownership of enterprises, whileconduct remedies restrict the conduct of enterprises. Existing stand-alone businessunit is the most favored form of asset divestiture. Structural remedies involvedin asset divestiture such as intellectual property rights divestiture andshareholding divestiture. The form of conduct remedies varies. According to the goalof remedies, conduct remedies are divided into two types of remedies i.e.“measuresfacilitating horizontal rivalry” and “measures controlling merger outcomes”.Access commitment, non-discrimination provisions, purchasing commitment, firewallprovisions, transparency provisions, anti-retaliation provisions and restrictionson reacquisition of scarce personnel assets are typical forms of conduct remedies.
     Chapter three, the judging of remedies. This chapter analyzed how to determineremedies in merger cases. In the process of merger review, to propose remedies isan obligation of enterprises. Antitrust agencies appraise remedies propositionsaccording to the principles of efficiency, proportionality, executable and easy tomonitor and not raise any competition problem. The Market Test is the most importantmethod used in judging remedies proposals. In the past, antitrust agencies preferstructural remedies over conduct remedies. In recent years, U.S. and EU agenciesare changing their traditional attitude towards conduct remedies. Structuralremedies are usually used in horizontal mergers while conduct remedies are usuallyused in vertical mergers. In some cases, structural remedies and conduct remediesare used in the same case.
     Chapter four, the implementation of remedies. This chapter discusses the issuesin implementing remedies. How to guarantee the implementation of remedies is a keyissue, and this chapter analyzes the rules in safeguarding the implementation ofstructural remedies and conduct remedies. Quality control of the buyer and the timingof assets divestiture, preservation of the independence of the assets in the interimperiod, entrusting divestiture trustee and monitoring trustee, setting up crownjewel provisions are the rules in safeguarding the implementation of structuralremedies. Entrusting monitoring trustees and setting up arbitration mechanisms arethe rules of safeguarding the implementation of conduct remedies.
     Chapter five, the modification of remedies. Setting up modification mechanismsare measures often used by antitrust agencies of the U.S and EU to ensure theeffectiveness of remedies. This chapter discusses the application, review andcontents of remedy modification. Because of changing market conditions or othercauses, it is possible that remedies can not be enforced. Therefore, enterprisesoften suggest modification of remedies. The review standards applied by agenciesare the same as the standards applied in the process of determining remedies, andare mainly focused on changing market conditions. If necessary, Antitrust agenciesmay apply the market test to determine the effectiveness of modified remedies. Theforms of modification of remedies are waived, only to modify and substitute remedies.The modification of conduct remedies is most common and its form varies. In somecases, it is possible that agencies agree on extending the divestiture deadline orto change the proposed buyer.
     Chapter six, the international cooperation of merger remedies. With thedevelopment of economic globalization, international cooperation between antitrustagencies is increasingly important. Over the past decade, the bilateral cooperationof merger remedies such as between the U.S and EU have made great progress. In theinternational cooperation of merger remedies, different countries often exchangeinformation and positive comity. The effective cooperation of different countriesin merger remedies mainly relies on the cooperation of enterprises, especially onenterprises’ willingness to disclose confidential information and reasonablearrangement of merger notification timeframe in different countries.
     Chapter seven, suggestions for Chinese legislation and practices. Based on theanalysis of the institution of merger remedies, this chapter discusses the Chineselegislation and practices, analyzes the issues and provides suggestions.
     Although in China, there are rules on merger remedies, especially structuralremedies, the rules are still inadequate. China should formulate more rules in mergerremedies through a more open legislative process and adopt more varied forms of rules.China should further distinguish the types of remedies, and set up procedures forremedy proposals and the standards of appraisals. China should set up the rules of“up front buyer”,“fix it first”,“crown jewel” and arbitration mechanisms. China should improve the rules in the notification and review of the modifiedremedies. On the other hand, Chinese agencies can promote merger remedies by settingup rules in post-merger monitoring, rules in collecting industry information andtrustee information, and rules in expert consultation.
     In practice, Mofcom has made great progress in handling twelve cases with theuse of remedies showing confidences in enforcing antimonopoly law. However, issuesremain in the enforcement law of Mofcom. Specification on the relevance betweenanticompetitive effects and remedies, on the transparency of remedies, and on themodification mechanisms of remedies is required. Mofcom should provide greatertransparency of remedies and carefully select conduct remedies, especially“measures controlling merger outcome”. Mofcom should emphasize the notificationof anticompetitive effects to the enterprises in a timely manner, and emphasize themarket test of proposed remedies. Mofcom should prevent applying commitments thatare not remedies. It should strengthen the safeguard institutions remedy enforcement,maintain the confidentiality of discreet information of remedies, emphasize themodification of remedies, and clarify the power of Mofcom in monitoring theimplementation of remedies.
    ①Fran ois Lévêque and Howard Shelanski, Merger remedies in American and European Union competition law,Cheltenham, Glos: E. Elgar Pub.,2003.
    ③Stephen Davies&Bruce Lyons, Mergers and Merger Remedies in the EU, Cheltenham: Edward ElgarPublishing Limited,2007,
    ①A Study of the Commission’s Divestiture Process.
    ②Statement of the Federal Trade Commission's Bureau of Competition on Negotiating Merger Remedies.
    ③Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ④Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ⑤Best Practice Guidelines: The Commission’s Model Texts for Divestiture Commitments and the TrusteeMandate under the EC Merger Regulation.
    ⑥DG COMP, European Commission, Merger Remedies Study.
    ①Merger Remedies:Competition Comission Guidelines.
    ②Guidelines for M&A Remedies.
    ③Information Bulletin on Merger Remedies in Canada.
    ④Competition Bureau Merger Remedies Study.
    ①DG COMP, European Commission, Merger Remedies Study.
    ②Stephen Davies&Bruce Lyons, Mergers and Merger Remedies in the EU, Cheltenham: Edward ElgarPublishing Limited,2007, pp.13-17.
    ④Merger remedies review project: report for the fourth ICN annual conference(2005).
    ①Stephen Davies&Bruce Lyons, Mergers and Merger Remedies in the EU,(Cheltenham: Edward ElgarPublishing Limited,2007), pp.41-43.
    ①Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ②A Study of the Commission’s Divestiture Process, available at http://www.ftc.gov/bc/mergers.shtm
    ③Bayer/Aventis Crop Science, Case COMP/M.2547, Commission decision of April17,2002(2004O.J. L107/1),para.1145.
    ①Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ②Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ③Siemens/VA Tech, Case COMP/M.3653Commission decision of July13.
    ①Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ②Toshiba/Westinghouse, Case COMP/M.4153Commission decision of September19.
    ③Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ④Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ⑤Merger remedies review project: report for the fourth ICN annual conference(2005).
    ⑥Merger Remedies:Competition Comission Guidelines.
    ⑦Guidelines for M&A Remedies.
    ⑧Merger remedies review project: report for the fourth ICN annual conference(2005).
    ②Merger remedies review project: report for the fourth ICN annual conference(2005).
    ①BSkyB/Kirch Pay TV, Case COMP/JV.37, Commission decision of March212000.
    ②Lufthansa/Swiss, Case COMP/M.3770, Commission decision of July4,2005, paras.191and199.
    ③Gaz de France/Suez, Case COMP/M.4180, Commission decision of November14,2006(2007O.J. L88/47),paras.1156-1160.
    ④Shell/DEA, Case COMP/M.2389, Commission decision of December20,2001(2003O.J. L15/35), Annex1-3.
    ⑤DaimlerChrysler/Deutsche Telekom, Case COMP/M.2903, Commission decision of April30,2003(2003O.J.L300/62), para.67.
    ①United States v.3D Systems Corp.,2002-2Trade Cas.73,738(D.D.C.2001).
    ②Piaggio/Aprilia, Case COMP/M.3570, Commission decision of November22,2004, paras.63-66.
    ③General Electric/Instrumentarium, Case COMP/M.3083, Commission decision of September2,2003(2004O.J.L109/1), para.347.
    ④NewsCorp/Premiere, Case COMP/M.5121, Commission decision of June25,2008para.103.
    ①Matra/Aerospatiale, Case Ⅳ/M.1309, Commission decision of April28,1999, para.76.
    ②Evraz/Highveld, Case COMP/M.4494, Commission decision of February20,2007.
    ③Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ①United States v. Comcast Corp.,1:11-cv-00106, Competitive Impact Statement3033(D.D.C2011).
    ②VEBA/VIAG, Case COMP/M.1673, Commission decision of June13,2000(2001O.J. L88/1), paras.215-225.
    ③Lagardere/Natexis/VUP, Case COMP/M.2978, Commission decision of January7,2004.
    ④Bombardier/ADtranz, Case Ⅳ/M.2139, Commission decision of April3,2001(2002O.J. L69/50), para.97.
    ①Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ②United States v. Northrop Grumman Corp.,1:02-cv-02432, Competitive Impact Statement18-19(D.D.C.2002).
    ③United States v. Ticketmaster Entm’t, Inc.,2010-2Trade Cas.77,113(D.D.C.2010).
    ④United States v. MCI Commc’ns Corp.,1994-2Trade Cas.70,730(D.D.C.1994)
    ⑤United States v. Ticketmaster Entm’t, Inc.,2010-2Trade Cas.77,113(D.D.C.2010).
    ①Guinness/Grand Metropolitan,Case Ⅳ/M.938, Commission decision of October15,1997(1998O.J. L288/24),paras.184-192.
    ②Boeing/McDonnell Douglas, Case Ⅳ/M.877, Commission decision of July30,1997(1997O.J. L336/16), para.54.
    ③Orkla/Chips, Case COMP/M.3658, Commission decision of March3,2005.
    ④Amer/Salomon, Case COMP/M.3765, Commission decision of October12,2005, paras.172-176.
    ①United States v. Aetna, Inc.,1999-2Trade Cas.72,730(N.D. Tex.1999).
    ②United States v. AlliedSignal, Inc.,2000-2Trade Cas.73,023(D.D.C.2000);
    ①Gotz Drauz, Remedies under the Merger Regulation,1996Fordham Corp. L. Inst.221(Barry E. Hawk, ed.1997).
    ①ENI/EDP/GDP, Case COMP/M.3440, Commission decision of December9,2004, para.913.
    ①Linde/BOC, Case IV/M.4141, Commission decision of June6,2006paras.255-256.
    ②Siemens/STET, Case IV/M.468, Commission decision of February17,1995(1995O.J. L161/27), para.62
    ③Case IV/M.1225, Commission decision of November25,1998(1999O.J. L254/9), para.101.
    ①Case COMP/M.5529, Commission decision of January21,2010, paras.176,181-187and654.
    ②Case COMP/M.5529, Commission decision of January21,2010, paras.182.
    ①Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ②Nordic Satellite Distribution, Case IV/M.490, Commission decision of July19.1995(1996O.J. L53/20), para.154.
    ①Case COMP/M.4439, Commission decision of June27,2007(2008O.J. C47/09), paras.1186-1226.
    ②Agfa-Gevaert/DuPont, Case Ⅳ/M.986, Commission decision of February11,1998(1998O.J. L211/22), paras.111-116.
    ③Germany v. Parliament and Council, Case C-380/03,2006E.C.R. Ⅰ-11573, para.144.
    ④easyJet v. Commission, Case T-177/04,2006E.C.R. Ⅱ-1931, para.133.
    ⑤BaByliss SA v. Commission, Case T-114/02,2003E.C.R. Ⅱ-1279, para.173.
    ①Alcatel/Finmeccanica/Alcatel Alenia Space&Telespazio, Case COMP/M.3680, Commission decision of April28,2005, paras.117-118and120-129.
    ②Bayer/Aventis Crop Science, Case COMP/M.2547, Commission decision of April17,2002(2004O.J. L107/1),para.1071.
    ③Apollo/Bakelite, Case COMP/M.3593, Commission decision of April11,2004, paras.159-163.
    ④Unilever/BestFoods, Case COMP/M.1990, Commission decision of September28,2000, para.177.
    ⑤Cytec/USB Surface Specialties, Case COMP/M.3558, Commission decision of December17,2004, para.42.
    ①Lesaffre/GBI UK, Case COMP/M.5020, Commission decision of July11,2008, para.60.
    ②Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ③ENI/EDP/GDP, Case COMP/M.3440, Commission decision of December9,2004, paras.610-913.
    ④EDP v. Commission, Case T-87/05,2005E.C.R.Ⅱ-3745, paras.
    ⑤Ryanair/Aer Lingus, Case COMP/M.4439, Commission decision of June27,2007(2008O.J. C47/09), paras.1227-1233.
    ⑥F. Lévêque and H. Shelanski (eds), Merger Remedies in American and European Union Competition Law,Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar,160-171.
    ①Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ②MCI WorldCom/Sprint, Case COMP/M.1741, Commission decision of June28.2000(2003O.J. L300/1), paras402,403.
    ③Royal Philips Electronics NV v. Commission, Case T-119/02,2003E.C.R.Ⅱ-1433, para.216.
    ①Group4Falck/Securicor, Case COMP/M.3396, Commission decision of May28,2004, para.148.
    ②TotalFina/Elf Aquitaine, Case IV/M.1628, Commission decision of February9,2000(2001O.J. L143/1),319,362.
    ①Lufthansa/Swiss, Case COMP/M.3770, Commission decision of July4,2005, para.202.
    ③Alison Jones&Brenda Sufrin, EC Competition Law, New York: Oxford University Press,2008, pp.1079-1080.
    ④Philip Marsden, Handbook of research in trans-Atlantic antitrust, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,2006, pp.108-152.
    ⑤Policy Roundtables: Merger Remedies(2003), available at http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/61/45/34305995.pdf
    ⑥Fran ois Lévêque&Howard Shelanski, Merger remedies in American and European Union competition law,(Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,2003), pp.129-134
    ①Jeremy J. Calsyn, Patrick R. Bock,“Merger control remedies: A more flexible administration?”24Antitrust(2010), p.15
    ②ARD v. Commission, Case T-158/00,2003E.C.R.Ⅱ-3825, para.193.
    ③Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ④Lufthansa/SN AirHolding, Case COMP/M.5335.
    ⑤Ticketmaster/Live Nation Final Judgment., available at http://www.justice.gov/atr/cases/ticket.htm.
    ⑥Google/ITA Proposed Final Judgment, available at http://www.justice.gov/atr/cases/google.html.
    ⑦PepsiCo Decision and Order. available at http://www.ftc.gov/os/caselist/0910133/index.shtm.
    ②Final Judgment in United States v. Dairy Farmers of America,2001-1Trade Cas.73,136(E.D. Pa.2000).
    ①Statoil/Conoco Phillips, Case COMP/M.4919, Commission decision of May17,2008.
    ②Statoil/Conoco Phillips, Case COMP/M.4919, Commission decision of May17,2008.
    ①Statoil/Conoco Phillips, Case COMP/M.4919, Commission decision of May17,2008.
    ②Statoil/Conoco Phillips, Case COMP/M.4919, Commission decision of May17,2008.
    ③Statoil/Conoco Phillips, Case COMP/M.4919, Commission decision of Mayt17,2008.
    ④Statoil/Conoco Phillips, Case COMP/M.4919, Commission decision of Mayt17,2008.
    ①Statoil/Conoco Phillips, Case COMP/M.4919, Commission decision of Mayt17,2008.
    ①Woolworths/Danks, Public Competition Assessment, available athttp://www.accc.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/142.
    ②Woolworths/Danks, Public Competition Assessment, available athttp://www.accc.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/142.
    ③Woolworths/Danks, Public Competition Assessment, available athttp://www.accc.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/142.
    ①Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ①SEB/Moulinex, Case COMP/M.2621, Commission decision of January8,2002.
    ②Solvay/Montedison-Ausimont, Case COMP/M/2690, Commission decision of April9,2002, para.198.
    ③TotalFina/Elf Aquitaine, Case COMP/M.1628, Commission decision of February9,2000(2001, O.J. L143/1).
    ④Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ⑤SEB/Moulinex, Case COMP/M.2621, Commission decision of January8,2002.
    ⑥Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ⑦Mobil/JV Dissolution, Case COMP/M.1822, Commission dicision of February2,2000.
    ⑧Exxon/Mobil, Case Ⅳ/M.1383, Commission decision of September29,1999(2004O.J. L103/1), para.844.
    ⑨Exxon/Mobil, Case Ⅳ/M.1383, Commission decision of September29,1999(2004O.J. L103/1), para.844.
    ①Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ②FirstGroup PLC and Laidlaw International INC. Sell off School Bus Contract in Alaska to Resolve AntitrustConcerns, http://www.justice.gov/atr/public/press_releases/2007/226377.htm
    ①Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ②Case M4187Metso/Aker Kvaerner.
    ③Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ④Statement of the Federal Trade Commission's Bureau of Competition on Negotiating Merger Remedies.
    ⑤A Study of the Commission’s Divestiture Process.
    ⑥K+S Aktiengesellschaft/Morton International Decision&Order,http://www.ftc.gov/os/caselist/0910086/index.shtm
    ①Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ②Case M2544Masterfoods/Royal Canin.
    ①Logan M. Breed and David J. Michnal: Merger Remedies: the DOJ's New Guide to Old Differences with theFTC,19Antitrust,2005, p.37
    ②Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ③Frequently Asked Questions About Merger Consent Order Provisions.
    ③Merger Remedies Study.
    ①Order to Hold Separate and Maintain Assets, available athttp://www.ftc.gov/os/caselist/c3938.shtm
    ②Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ①Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ②Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ③Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ①William Blumenthal,“Reconciling the Debate over Merger Remedies: A Discussant’s Proposed Decision Rule”,69George Washington Law Review.978.
    ②Casey R. Triggs,“Shielding Consumers from Risk: FTC Divestiture Policy”,17-FALL Antitrust75.
    ③Peter Roth QC and Vivien Rose, European Community Law of Competition, Oxford University Press (2008),731-732.
    ④Merger Remedies Study.
    ⑤William J. Baer, Prepared Remarks Before The Conference Board, Washington, D.C. October29,1996,available at http://www.ftc.gov/speeches/other/hsrspeec.shtm
    ⑥Joe Sims,“Negotiated Merger Remedies: How well do They Solve Competition Problems?”,69GeorgeWashington Law Review.932.
    ②Information Bulletin on Merger Remedies in Canada.
    ③Gordon Blanke, The use and utility of international arbitration in EC commission merger remedies, Groningen:Europa Law Publishing,2006, p.5.
    ①Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ①Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ②Verbund/Allianz, Case COMP/M.2947of11June2003.
    ③UK Competition Commission, Understanding past merger remedies: report on case study research, updatedAugust2008.
    ④See also Stéphanie Yon, Olivier Fréget, e-Competitions, No12542.
    ①Jonas S Brueckner and Thomas Hoehn, Monitoring Compliance with Merger Remedies--the Role of theMonitoring Trustee, Competition Law International, September,2010.
    ②Friesland Foods/Campina, Case COMP/M.5046, Commission decision of December17,2008para.1836.
    ①Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ①Antitrust Division Policy Guide to Merger Remedies.
    ②Elf Aquitaine-Thyssen/Minol, Case IV/M.235, Elf Aquitaine-Thyssen/Minol, September4,1992;[1992]O.J.C232/5.
    ③Telia/Sonera, Case COMP/M.2803, Telia/Sonera,July10,2002;[2002] O.J.C201/19.
    ④Reuters/Telerate, Case COMP/M.3692,May23,2005;[2005]O.J.C154/10.
    ⑤ARD v. Commission, Case T-158/00, September30,2003E.C.R. Ⅱ-3825, paras.295-297.
    ⑥Merger remedies review project: report for the fourth ICN annual conference(2005).
    ①L.G. R. di Brozolo,“Antitrust: A Paradigm of the Relations between Mandatory Rules and Arbitration-A FreshLook at the “Second Look’”[2004] Int. A. L. R.23at35.
    ①CaseT-158/00, ARD v Commission [2003]E.C.R.II-3825.
    ②C. J. Cook and C. S. Kerse, EC Merger Control (London: Sweet&Maxwell,2005),pp.299.
    ③Lufthansa/Eurowings, Case COMP/M.3940,,December22,2005.
    ④Alcan/Pechiney(II), Case COMP/M.3225,,September29,2003;[2003]O.J.C299/19.
    ⑤GE/Instrumentarium, Case COMP/M.3083,, September2,2003;[2004]O.J.L109/1;
    ⑥Vodafone/Mannesmann, Case COMP/M.1795, Commission decision of April12,2000, para.58.
    ①TLP/Ermewa, Case COMP/M.5579, Commission decision of January22,2010.
    ②Alcatel/Finmeccanica/Alcatel Alenia Space&Telespazio, Case COMP/M.3680, Commission decision of April28,2005, para.117.
    ③NewsCorp/Telepiu, Case COMP/M.2876, Commission decision of April2,2003(2004O.J. L110/73), paras.224,259.
    ①Alcatel/Finmeccanica/Alcatel Alenia Space&Telespazio, Case COMP/M.3680,April28,2005;[2005]O.J.C139/37; Piaggio/Aprilia, Case COMP/M.3570, November22,2004;[2005]O.J.C7/5;
    ②Axalto/Gemplus, Case COMP/M.3998, May19,2006, at Sections B.3and C.2.
    ①Gordon Blanke,The Use of Arbitration in EC Merger Control: Latest Decelopments,European CompetitionLaw Review,12,2007.
    ②Gordon Blanke,The Use of Arbitration in EC Merger Control: Latest Decelopments,European CompetitionLaw Review,12,2007.
    ③欧委会在一些案件决定中也曾明确提出仲裁庭应该基于承诺决定作出其有关争议解决的决定,参见Section F.12of the Commitments Letter attached to the Commission’s decision in Axalto/Gemplus,
    ①Gordon Blanke,The Use of Arbitration in EC Merger Control: Latest Decelopments,European CompetitionLaw Review,12,2007.
    ②Gordon Blanke,The Use of Arbitration in EC Merger Control: Latest Decelopments,European CompetitionLaw Review,12,2007.
    ①SEB/Moulinex, Case COMP/M.2621, Commission decision of November11,2003.
    ②Merger remedies review project: report for the fourth ICN annual conference(2005).
    ①Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ②Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ③DONG/Elsam/Energi E2, Case COMP/M.3868, Commission decision of March14,2006, para.24of the Annex.
    ④Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ①Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ②Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ①Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ②Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under the Council Regulation (EC) No139/2004and underCommission Regulation (EC) No802/2004.
    ①United States v. Unilever N.V.,1:11cv-00858, Final Judgment11(D.D.C.2011) and Notice of Extension ofTime.
    ②Hoechst/Rhone-Poulenc, Case Ⅳ/M.1378, Commission decision of January30,2004.
    ③Merger remedies review project: report for the fourth ICN annual conference(2005), Appendix I.
    ①Merger Remedies Study.
    ②Merger Remedies:Competition Comission Guidelines.
    ③Shell/Montecatini, Case Ⅳ/M.269, Commission decision of June8,1994(1994O.J. L332/48), paras.3-21,116.
    ④Siemens/VA Tech, Case COMP/M.3653, Commission decision of July13,2005.
    ⑤Commission decision of July13,2005,欧委会修改了一项决定,宣称交易与共同市场及欧洲经济公共体相融(2005O.J. L329/35)(修改了Bombardier/ADtranz, Case COMP/M.2139, Commission decision ofApril3,2001(2002O.J. L69/50)).
    ①Notice of intention to release certain undertakings accepted by the Competition Commission pursuant to section82of the Enterprise Act2002, available at http://www.competition-commission.org.uk/
    ①United States v. Aluminum Co. of America,148F.2d416,65U.S.P.Q.6(2d Cir.1945).
    ②Bruno Zanettin, Cooperation Between Antitrust Agencies at the International Level, Hart Publishing,2002, pp22-25.
    ①Case Ⅳ/M.555, Commission decision of February28,1995.
    ②Boeing/McDonnell Douglas, Case Ⅳ/M.877, Commission decision of July30,1997(1997O.J. L336/16).
    ③Eleanor M. Fox, Antitrust Regulation Across National Borders: The United States of Boeing versus theEuropean Union of Airbus, Brookings Rev., Winter1998, at31-32.
    ④Eleanor M. Fox, Antitrust Regulation Across National Borders: The United States of Boeing versus theEuropean Union of Airbus, Brookings Rev., Winter1998, at30.
    ⑤General Electric/Honeywell, Case COMP/M.2220, Commission decision of July3,2001(2004O.J. L48/1).
    ①Case No Ⅳ/M.269, Shell/Montecatini, Commission Decision of8June1994,(OJ1994L332/48);Montedison/Shell, FTC Consent Order.
    ②Bruno Zanettin, Cooperation between Antitrust Agencies at the International Level, Hart Publishing,2002. p88.
    ③Commission Decision of24April1996,(OJ1996L294/10)
    ④Federal Mogul Corporation and T&N PLC, FTC Docket. No C-3836, Decision and Order,9December1998.
    ①FTC, Analysis of Proposed Consent Order to Aid Public Comment, available atwww.ftc.gov/os/1998/9803/9810011.ana.htm.
    ②FTC Press Release, FTC Order Prevents Anticompetitive Effects from Pfizer’s Acquisition of Wyeth (Oct.14,2009).
    ③FTC Press Release, FTC Order Sets Conditions on Panasonic’s Acquisition of Sanyo (November24,2009).
    ④FTC Press Release, FTC Order Preserves Competition Threatened by Agilent’s Acquisition of Varian (May14,2010).
    ⑤Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States of America regardingthe application of their competition laws,23Sept.1991, reprinted in4Trade Reg. Rpt.(CCH)13,504, and OJ L95(27Apr.1995), corrected at OJ L131/38(15June1995).
    ①Mario Monti, The Commission Notice on Merger Remedies—One Year After, CERNA, Paris, January18,2002(Commission Press Release SPEECH/02/10of January18,2002).
    ②Exxon/Shell, Case Ⅳ/M.1137, Commission decision of July8,1998.
    ③WorldCom/MCI(Ⅱ),Case Ⅳ/M.1069, Commission decision of July8,1998(1999O.J. L116/1).
    ④Astra Zeneca/Novartis,Case COMP/M.1806, Commission decision of April16,2004.
    ⑤Metso/Svedala,Case COMP/M.2033, Commission decision of January24,2001(2004O.J. L88/1).
    ⑥Solvay/Montedison-Ausimont,Case COMP/M.2690, Commission decision of April9,2002.
    ⑦FTC Press Release, United States and European Union Antitrust Agencies Issue Revised Best practices forCoordinating Merger Reviews, Oct.14,2011.
    ⑧U.S.-EU Merger Working Group, Best Practices on Cooperation in Merger Investigations (2002).
    ①Krisztian Katona and John J, Parisi, The New, Improved Best Practices Guidelines for US/EC MergerEnforcement Coordination, Newsletter of the Merger&Acquisitions Committee of ABA, Fall2011.
    ①Eleanor M. Fox, Remedies and the Courage of Convictions in a Globalize World: How Globalization CorruptsRelief,80Tulane Law Review,571.
    ①Montedison S.p.A., et al., reported in119F.T.C.676(1995) and5Trade Reg. Rpt.(CCH)23,749;Shell/Montecatini, Commission Decision94/811/EC of8June1994, Case IV/M.0269, OJ L332/48(22Nov.1994), revised24June1996, OJ L294/10(19Nov.1996).
    ②Guinness/GrandMetropolitan, Case No IV/M.938, Commission Decision of15October1997[not yet reportedin Official Journal]; Guinness PLC, et al., FTC Dkt. No. C-3801, Decision and Order, Apr.17,1998, reported in5Trade Reg. Rpt.(CCH)24,359.
    ③ABB/Elsag Bailey, Case No IV/M.1339, Commission Decision of16Dec.1998; In the Matter of ABB AB andABB AG, FTC Dkt. No. C-3867, Decision and Order, Apr.22,1999, reported in5Trade Reg. Rpt.(CCH)24,552.
    ④Astra/Zeneca, Case No IV/M.1403, Commission Decision of26Feb.1999; Zeneca Group plc, FTC Dkt. No.C-3880, Decision and Order, June10,1999, reported in5Trade Reg. Rpt.(CCH)24,581.
    ①Guinness/Grand Metropolitan, Case Ⅳ/M.938, Commission Decision of15October1997,(OJ1998L288/24);Guinness PLC, et al., FTC Docket No. C-3801, Consent Order and Compliant,17April1998, reported in5TradeReg. Rep.
    ②Bill Baer,‘International Antitrust Policy’,1998Fordham Corporate Law Institute321.
    ③Halliburton/Dresser, Case No Ⅳ/M.1140, Commission Decision of6July1998(OJ1998C239/16); UnitedStates v. Halliburton Comp. and Dress Industries, Inc.
    ①Halliburton/Dresser, Case No Ⅳ/M.1140, Commission Decision of6July1998, at6.
    ②Submission by Mark W. Friend and Antonio F. Bavasso, Allen&Overy, in response to Advisory CommitteeMultijurisdictional Merger Review Case Study questionnaire re the Federal-Mogul/T&N transaction (April14,1999).
    ③Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States of America regardingthe application of their competition laws,23Sept.1991, reprinted in4Trade Reg. Rpt.(CCH)13,504, and OJ L95(27Apr.1995), corrected at OJ L131/38(15June1995).
    ①Commission Report, dated May11,1998, at5, available on the Homepage of the European Commission'sCompetition Directorate at http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg04/interna/en/rapport0598.pdf.
    ②1998Fordham Corp. L. Inst.(B. Hawk ed.1999), at295-6,325-26(remarks of Calvin S. Goldman), and332(remarks of Jacques Bourgeois).
    ③John J. Parisi, Enforcement Cooperation among Antitrust Authorities, before the IBC UK Conferences SixthAnnual London Conference on EC Competition Law,19May1999.
    ①International Competition Policy Advisory Committee, Final Report (2000).http://www.justice.gov/atr/icpac/finalreport.html
    ②WorldCom/MCI(Ⅱ),Case Ⅳ/M.1069, Commission decision of July8,1998(1999O.J. L116/1).
    ③Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Commission of the EuropeanCommunities Regarding the Application of Their Competition Laws,23September1991.
    ④Report on Positive Comity——Making International Markets More Efficient Through ‘Positive Comity’ inCompetition Law Enforcement.
    ①Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States of America on theapplication of positive comity principles in the enforcement of their competition laws.
    ②Joel R. Paul,‘Comity in International Law’,(1991)32Harvard International Law Journal1,27.
    ③Bruno Zanettin, Cooperation Between Antitrust Agencies at the International Level, Hart Publishing,2002,p.183.
    ④International Chamber of Commerce, Commission on Law and Practices relating to Competition, Comments onEU-US Positive Comity Agreement,12March1997.
    ④Bruno Zanettin, Cooperation between Antitrust Agencies at the International Level, Hart Publishing,2002. p185.
    ①International Competition Policy Advisory Committee, Final Report (2000).http://www.justice.gov/atr/icpac/finalreport.html
    ②John J. Parisi, Enforcement Cooperation among Antitrust Authorities, before the IBC UK Conferences SixthAnnual London Conference on EC Competition Law,19May1999.
    ①John J. Parisi, Enforcement Cooperation among Antitrust Authorities, befor the IBC UK Conferences SixthAnnual London Conference on EC Competition Law,1999.
    ①D. Geradin, Remedies in Network Industries: EC Competition Law vs. Sector-specific Regulation, IntersentiaPublishing (2004),57-59.
    ②Balto, D.A.(2001), Lessons from the Clinton Administration: the Evolving Approach to Merger Remedies, TheGeorge Washington Law Review,69(5/6).
    ①Merger remedies review project: report for the fourth ICN annual conference(2005).
    ②Dina Kallay, U.S.-China Antitrust Cooperation: Onward and Upward, CPI Antitrust Chronicle, February2011(2).
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