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     效率和安全性是评估一个密码算法的两个重要指标。直到1999年,所有可证明安全的有效签名算法都基于随机预言模型(Random Oracle Model)[11]。而标准模型下签名方案因采用树结构,其可证明安全性以严重的牺牲效率作为代价,因此只具有重要的理论意义而不实用。在随机预言模型中,假定任何用户(合法用户和攻击者)都能访问某个理想化的随机预言机以获得一个随机数,但是这个理想的预言机在现实世界中并不存在,而通常以hash函数代替。文献[33]设计了这样的方案,其在随机预言模型下是安全的,但是在hash函数替代预言机后,方案却是不安全的。从而,满足标准模型下可证明安全的有效签名方案的设计仍是当前研究的热点和难点。
     本文中,我们提出了基于身份的模糊签名的概念(Zhenfu Cao等[83]同时也提出了该概念,并基于Waters签名提出了标准模型下的方案设计),在该方案中,只要公钥信息ω和ω′满足某个预先设定的条件,则验证者可以利用公钥ω′去验证用ω对应的私钥所签署的签名。利用秘密共享的方法,我们提出了一个基于身份的模糊签名方案,其中公钥的距离定义为集合重合度(Set-overlap)。我们的方案满足随机预言模型下适应性选择消息攻击的弱不可伪造性。
     在2007年美密会上,Goyal[73]引入了基于身份的Accountable AuthorityEncryption的概念以削弱密钥托管问题。在该方案中,如果PKG曾经恶意的生成并且散布一个解密密钥的话,那他就将面临被发现并被处罚的危险,因为在其方案中,用户的私钥/公钥对是唯一的,其在和PKG的交互中对自己生成的公钥做了委托而不能更改。
One of the most important developments from the work on public key cryptography is the digital signature,which has many applications in information security,including authentication,data integrity and non-repudiation. It is the crutial technique and theoretical guarantee to realize secure ecommerce and e-government.
     In this dissertation,we focus on our research in the following directions of digital signatures:
     1.Efficient Group Signature Scheme without Random Oracle
     Security and efficiency are two crutial factors to evaluate a cryptographic schemes.Until 1999,all provably secure solutions for efficient digital signature schemes relied on the random oracle methodology[11].In the random oracle model(ROM),all parties(the legitimate ones as well as the adversaries) have black-box access to functions behaving like truly random functions, which are out of reach in the real world.The oracle is usually replaced by hash functions,so adversaries may exploit some weaknesses of the hash functions to attack the schemes.And even worse,many results[33]show separations between the random oracle scenario and standard model.As a consequence,a central line of research in modern cryptography is designing efficient schemes provably secure in the standard model.
     Group signature[15]is a method for allowing a member of a group to anonymously sign a message on behalf of the group,it has the following properties:(1)only members of the predefined group can sign message;(2) anyone can verify the validity of a signature but no one is able to identify which member of the group signed it;and(3)in case of the dispute,the signature can be opened to reveal the identity of the group member who signed it.
     There were a few group signature schemes provable secure in the standard model.Bellare,Micciancio and Warinschi[39]presented the first construction, but the scheme is too inefficient to be used in practice.Ateniese et.al.[41]proposed an efficient group signature scheme without random oracle under some new strong assumptions.Boyen and Waters[42,44]achieved a constant-size group signature scheme by combining a new NIZK proof techniques and the Waters signature in the standard model[74],but the public key length is too long to be utilized in practice.
     In 2006,Okamoto[28]proposed a new efficient signature scheme secure in the standard model,whose security depends on the Strong Diffie-Hellman assumptions.Based on this scheme,we firstly give a variant signature scheme of[28]to hide some information,then we present an efficient group signature scheme in the standard model,combining the variant signature scheme with the technique used by Groth,Ostrovsky and Sahai[43]to hide the identity. The security of the new scheme is based on Strong Diffie-Hellman assumptions and Subgroup Decision Assumption.Compared with the scheme presented by Boyen and Waters[44]:
     (1.)The public key PK in[44]contains about m+4 elements in group G_1 where m at least takes 160,and one element in group G_q,while the public key in our scheme includes 4 elements in G_1,1 element in G_q.
     (2.)The signature in our scheme contains 5 elements in G_1 and one element in Z_n,while the final signature in[44]has 6 elements in G_1.
     (3.)As to the computation,there are about m/2+10 on average multiplicative computation(m+10 at worst case),12 exponentiation computation in[44],while our scheme contains 10 exponentiation computation and 9 multiplicative computation.
     2.Identity-based Linkable(Convertible)Ring Signature
     Ring signature[18],is similar to group signature,with the exception that no one else can reveal the identity of the signer.A user can sign anonymously on behalf of a group on his own choice,while group members can be totally unaware of being conscripted in the group.
     Considering the actual applications,the notion of the ring signature is extended,for example,linkable ring signature[45]and convertible ring signature[47].A linkable ring signature(LRS)additionally allows the signer to have the capacity to make anyone determine whether two ring signatures have been signed by the same group member while still remain the anonymity; and a convertible ring signature(CRS)allows the real signer to convert a ring signature into an ordinary one.In the PKI-based linkable ring signa- ture schemes,the signer can either link arbitrary messages he wants to link (we call it weakly linkable)or all the signatures signed by the same signer must be linked(we call it strongly linkable).Yet,how to construct linkable(convertible) ring signature schemes in the identity-based system is an open problem proposed in[52].
     In addition,although ring signature has simple group formation,but in most ring signature scheme,the signature size linearly depends on the group size,as the verifier needs to know at least the group descriptions.Thus,the schemes need too much computation which will restrict their application. To deal with designing less complicated schemes,some interesting primitives were used broadly,among which,accumulator scheme is a powerful primitive, and it provides a new method to construct constant size group signature or ring signature schemes.
     To construct identity-based ring signature with linkable and convertible requirements,we consider the problems in two steps:
     In the first step,we consider identity based ring signature with weak linkability,i.e.the signer has the right to determine which signatures to link. We can construct the scheme in this way:If the signer with the identity ID wants to link the signatures of two messages,he can choose r∈Z_p randomly,and compute rP or rH(ID)as the identification,then construct the corresponding signature schemes based on proof of knowledge.
     We take Zhang and Kim's identity-based ring signature scheme[49]as an example,and give a concrete scheme to show how to add linkability to some identity-based ring signatures.Then two efficient schemes are given, one satisfying weak linkability,and the other satisfying both linkability and convertibility.
     In the second step,considering efficiency and strongly linkable requirement, we extend the work to construct a short constant-size scheme satisfying strongly linkable requirement using accumulator scheme.In our scheme,it is the PKG but not the signer as in the traditional scheme produced the identification. So,the scheme is signer anonymous to all the verifier except for the PKG,and the PKG has the power to open the identity of the signer. In addition,we propose a concrete scheme of Interactive Zero-Knowledge proof system,based on which,we can construct a concrete scheme using the method of Signature Based on Proof of Knowledge.
     3.Fuzzy Identity-based Signature
     Identity-based system can provide a more convenient way than the traditional PKI cryptosystem,for not maintaining a list of issued certificates. One common feature of all previous Identity-based systems is that they view identities as a string of characters,such as name or email address.Here,we view identity as a set of descriptive attributes,such as biometric identities, which fits the framework of identity-based system very well.
     Using the biometric identities,such as the fingerprint,as the identity has the following advantages:
     (1.)It is an inherent trait and will always be with a person;
     (2.)It is unique if the underlying biometric is of a good quality.
     Since biometric measurements are noisy,they can not be utilized in the existing identity-based system directly.The new construction must tolerant the error when extracting the identity each time.Sahai and Waters[59] presented the conception of Fuzzy Identity based Encryption to allow for a private key to decrypt a ciphertext encrypted with a slightly different measurement of the same biometric.In this dissertation,we bring forward of the conception of Fuzzy Identity-based Signature(At the same time,Zhenfu Cao et.al[83]also presented the same conception,and they presented a scheme in the standard model),which allows the verifier with the identity w' to verify the signature signed with the secret key for the identity w if and only if w and w' are within a certain distance of each other as judged by some metric.
     Using the method of secret sharing,we construct a fuzzy identity based signature scheme in the random oracle model using set-overlap as a similarity measure between identities,while in[83],they presented a scheme in the standard model using the structure of Waters signature.Unlike the encryption scheme whose public key size grows linearly with the number of potential attributes, the public key in the signature scheme is simple and constant.And we prove our construction is weakly unforgeable against adaptively chosen message attack.
     4.Key Escrow Problem
     Key escrow problem has been rooted in the identity-based system since its introduction,and it is a significant disadvantage for PKG knows all the secret of the user.In[22],Boneh and Franklin solved this problem to a extent by the introduction of multiple PKGs using threshold techniques,but this inevitable involves extra communication.There are many schemes[63,64,26] to combine the best aspects of identity based cryptography and the public key infrastructure,among which the certificateless public key cryptography is the most noticeable.Since its introduction,a lot of work has been done to research on the attack model and construction methods.
     In the key generation algorithm defined in the original paper on certificateless public key cryptosystem and followings,first PKG generate one partial secret key(sk)for the user corresponding to user's identity;then the user generate another partial secret/public key pair(sk_1/pk_1).This operation makes it impossible to sue the malicious PKG if it replaced the secret/public key pair of the user.In addition,the malicous PKG may choose some special parameters to deduce the secret key that the user set.
     In CRYPTO 2007,Goyal[73]introduces the concept of Accountable Authority Identity based Encryption(A-IBE)to mitigate the key escrow problem. In his system,if the PKG ever maliciously generates and distributes a decryption key for an identity,it runs the risk of being found and prosecuted, for the user only has one possible decryption key.
     We first introduced the idea of Goyal to certificateless public key cryptography, and change the operation position of the two secret keys generation, i.e.first the user generate the secret/public key pair(sk_1/pk_1),then PKG generate another secret key corresponding to pk_1 and user's identity.Thus, the user will only have one possible secret/public key pairs.
     In addition,we propose two concrete key generation algorithms.Using one of the key generation algorithms,we construct a certificateless encryption scheme and signature scheme respectively,which are secure under the adaptively chosen ciphertext(message)attack in the random oracle modle. In addition,in the certificateless signature scheme,if we regard the public key rP as one of the identity of the user,which will be released as part of the signature,i.e.the verifier can verify the signature only use the ID information, then the scheme is indeed an identity-based signature scheme secure against malicious PKG.
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