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Nano-Photonics have received widespread attention in recent years. Especially the new devices and new applications of micro/nano-fiber optic communications, sensing and other areas have been an increasing interest. Using micro/nano-fiber excellent performance to realize some applications in quantum optics, for example trapping and guiding of atoms and EIT-like effect, are the main contents of this thesis. The main contents of this thesis are as follow:
     Firstly, an overview of the history and development of laser cooling and trapping of cold atoms are provided, and the current research situation and updated achievements in China and abroad are reviewed. The application prospects of laser cooling and trapping of cold atoms are predicted. Principle of laser cooling and trapping of atoms as well as techniques used in laser cooling and trapping are described.
     Secondly, a two-color scheme of atom guides and 1D optical lattices using evanescent wave fields of different transverse modes with optical planar waveguides and fibers is proposed. The optical waveguide carries a red-detuned light and a blue-detuned light, with both modes far from resonance. The atom guide and 1D optical lattice potentials can be transformed to each other by using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer to accurately control mode transformation. This might provide a new approach to realize flexible transition between the guiding and trapping states of atoms. On the basis we propose a two-color scheme of atom guides and 1D optical lattices using evanescent wave fields of different transverse modes around an optical micro/nano-fiber.
     Finally, we research another optical effect, the optical analogy of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) effect, by using micro/nano-fibers. Due to the excellent resonating characteristic of micro/nano-fiber ring knot optical resonator, the optical analogy of EIT can be realized by using the two coupling micro/nano-fiber knot ring resonators. We establish a calculation model of EIT-like effect, and make some theoretical analysis. Then we experimentally realize the two coupling of the micro/nano-fiber knot ring resonators, and observe the EIT-like effects.
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