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The Research and study on human capital accounting concerns two major issues:the attribution of human capital accounting and the development of human capital value measurement models,the theoretical exploration of which is fundamental to solving the dilemma whether to include human capital accounting in the category of financial accounting or in the category of management accounting,and fundamental to proper measurement and reflection of human capital value as well.So how to recognize and measure human capital by accounting has been the focus and challenge for both theory and practice in this field,which makes the systematic and in-depth study of it particularly significant both theoretically and practically.On the basis of the existing study and in light of research gap in the existing literature,this research has made some innovative and meaningful exploration centering on two aspects:accounting recognition and measurement.In particular,the Human Capital Value Synthetic Measurement Models developed in this research can help scientifically measure the value of human capital.
     First,through the analysis of relevant theory of accounting recognition and its connotation relating to human capital,and using the AHP method and qualitative statistic method,this thesis scientifically proves the rationality of including human capital accounting into financial accounting,and then re-examines the human capital accounting recognition.That is,while identifying human asset,one should also identify the liabilities and owners' rights and interests;on the other hand,according to the contractual arrangement and two conditions of human capital participating in the distribution of the remaining benefits,this thesis proposes two methods of human capital recognition,which solves the deficiency of lacking the information of human asset in the accounting reports.
     Second,in order to scientifically and reasonably interpret the measurement of the human capital value,the thesis,by means of the analytical hierarchy process and fuzzy synthetic evaluation,proposes a synthetic measurement model to measure the human capital value through the comparison between monetary calculating and non-monetary calculating methods,which means subtracting the evident value of the entrepreneurs' human capital(it can be obtained by the sub-calculating modelⅡbased on the fuzzy synthetic evaluation) from the efficiency value of the human capital(It can be obtained by the sub-calculating synthetic evaluation modelⅠbased on the analytical hierarchy process). The research determines the weight of each calculating model and tests their consistency via questionnaire and AHP,and meanwhile develops a human capital measuring system according to the characteristics of human capital,esp.of the entrepreneurs.That is to say, eight primary indicators such as the entrepreneurs' capability and quality,their entrepreneurship,the talent strategy,market,performance indicators,the long-term developing potential of the enterprise,the creativity,and the corporate culture,and 24 secondary indicators are employed to set up the fuzzy synthetic evaluation system,and the questionnaire data are processed using fuzzy synthetic evaluation method to get the value of L,i.e.the human capital efficiency.The intrinsic value of human capital is thus obtained by dividing the evident value of present human capital with L as the adjusting rate.
     The thesis also analyses the mechanism which determines the value of human capital. An empirical analysis is made on these determinant factors with the two measurement models,and the GMM method is employed for relevant analysis and test to accept(or reject) the theoretical hypotheses.The result indicates that the synthetic measurement model to measure the human capital value on the basis of AHP and fuzzy synthetic evaluation can well reflect the value of human capital,and the value of entrepreneurs in particular.In the end,based on the above research,the main conclusion of the research is given and the future research ideas are suggested.
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