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The meaning of life is the extent of the individual's feeling of meaning and purpose of their lives, including the value of life and the ultimate goal of life. The meaning of life is a high level of psychological needs. The individual needs to think through the reasons or purposes to survive in order to find the direction and goals of life. Basing on reviewing the research literature about the meaning of life domestic and abroad, I study the status of the meaning of life of middle school students in disaster areas after the earthquake by quantitative and qualitative research methods, analysis influential factors and do the intervention to the students whose level of the meaning of life is low .
     In the first study and the second study, I investigate students of three middle schools from different ares with different disaster situation, the use of a sense of by the meaning of life questionnaire, interpersonal skills comprehensive diagnostic scale and parental rearing style questionnaire. I have 1,200 valid questionnaires back in all. At the same time, I have the semi-structured interviews with 24 students basing on the self-prepared outline of the interview, then sort out the text material of the interview recorded, and encode the text material and do the generic analysis of text material. The results of qualitative research has played a role of complement and certification to the quantitative research. The main conclusions about the status and influential factors of the meaning of life of middle school students from disaster areas after the earthquake are in the following:
     (1) The middle school students from disaster areas after the earthquake have the low level of the meaning of life, mainly because the level of the meaning of life of the middle school students from the most damaged areas is very low, especially the two dimensions——life goals and future expectations.
     (2) Psychological assistance plays an significant positive role on the students from disaster areas.
     (3) Gender and grade have no significant effect on the meaning of life.
     (4) The damage extent to schools, teachers , students and families have a significant effect on the meaning of life.
     (5) Parental rearing styles, interpersonal relationships, and the meaning of life, are significantly positive correlated to each other.
     (6) The damage extent to schools, teachers, students and families, psychological assistance and interpersonal skills can predict the meaning of life. The regression equation is significant.
     In the third study, I do pre-test—post-test quasi-experimental research. I choose 24 students with low level of the meaning of life——especially with low level of life goals and future expectations——from in the first study to participate in the research. They are divided into experimental group and control group. Before the experiment, I use the meaning of life survey questionnaire, and interpersonal relationship comprehensive diagnosis scale to test the two test again. And then I interfere with the interpersonal relationship of experimental group in order to improve the level of the meaning of life. I give two groups test twice by the meaning of life questionnaire, interpersonal relationship comprehensive diagnostic scale after the experiment. The interval is one week. Finally, I do data analysis and get the main conclusion the following:
     (1) The intervention is effective that I interfere with the interpersonal relationship of experimental group in order to improve the level of the meaning of life.
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