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Based on the collection and analyses of more than 230 rice quality standards in over 20 countries and regions, and over 90 wheat quality standards in more than 10 countries and regions, investigations into cereal production, processing and inspection departments and participation in academic conferences, and consultation from experts in related fields, Chinese and foreign quality standards of rice and wheat were compared. The comparative studies focused on the implications, connotations and characteristics of rice and wheat quality standards, especially the roles that rice and wheat quality standards played in cereal production and in increasing cereal quality so as to provide necessary reference to the revision of rice and wheat quality standards and standardized production of rice and wheat in China. The main results were as follows.1. Four trends have been observed in world rice standards. Firstly, rice quality standards are multiple and diverse in implications and connotations. Secondly, quality standards were more systematic. Different series of standards have been developed. Thirdly, unprecedented attention is now paid to hygiene standards, especially to the standards of rice for human consumption. Fourthly, the preciseness of rice appraisal is now becoming higher and higher.(1) Japan, South Korea, Australia, the USA, and the northern part of Chinese mainland and Taiwan are the main producing countries and regions of polished round-grained rice. Japan enjoys the highest representation in polished round-grained rice due to its highly strict standards and inspection. Extremely strict stipulations have been laid on all the details related to rice production including breeding, production, processing and cooking. An infatuated interest in tastes has been found in Japan, so research in this field has developed into a systematic discipline. In some cases, high
    yield and nutritional value have been neglected in order to get a better tastes. In Japan tastes are detected by professionals. And what's more, rice is grounded into taste-meter, which is used for taste detection. Related computer software has also been developed so as to minimize the error caused by undue favor. Strictest hygiene standards in rice quality could also been found in Japan. Since the 1990s, hygiene standards have been adopted in Japan to boycott rice import of from foreign countries. In 1992, 47 indices related to pesticide content in rice for import from China were detected, while in 2004 126 indices were detected. Stricter hygiene rice standards not only improved rice safety but also became a more effective trade barrier to prevent importing too much rice from foreign countries and regions.This paper pointed out that the success of rice industry in Japan lied in its systematically strict standards and their implementation through advanced testing methods, instruments and efficient quality management.(2) The southern part of China, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, India and Indonesia are the main producing countries and regions of long-grained non-glutinous rice. Thailand enjoys the highest reputation for its quality standards. In a short period of 20 years, Thailand has grown into a champion on the international rice market. Much experience can be learnt from its huge success. Rice standards in Thailand are established at a higher point, more diverse in indices, more multiple in system, and thus the most complicated in the world (except hygiene standards). When establishing rice standards, higher attention was paid to the interface between rice production and rice marketing. The most important feature of rice standards in Thailand is the close combination of variety standards and product standards. To cultivate famous rice brand through product standards, to increase rice processing quality and to lead in consumption have become successful practices in Thailand.Based on the analyses of rice quality standards in above-mentioned countries, we could conclude that rice quality standards had undergone three progressive stages, on which different foc
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