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     第三章不同规模农户生产技术效率及技术选择行为。本章重点从投入产出的技术关系(生产函数)和技术选择(生产技术)两方面分析农户生产行为,建立和运用超越对数形式随机前沿生产函数(Translog SFA)数理模型,采用陕西省苹果主产区果农微观调查数据,估计不同规模农户生产技术效率及效率损失的影响因素;运用统计分析,揭示了市场化、专业化生产经营农户技术选择与采用的行为特征与偏好。通过不同规模农户生产技术效率及技术选择行为分析,得出以下结论和认识:一是经营规模与农户生产技术效率呈现“倒U型”效应趋势,中等经营规模农户生产效率最高,为76.98%,全体样本户生产技术效率平均值为72.87%,在现有技术和生产要素投入下农户技术效率提升的空间较大。二是在三种经营规模农户中,教育和技术培训等人力资本投资、科技信息的传播对农户生产技术效率都具有显著的正效应,从事非农产业、转包耕地和信用可得性等影响因素有负效应,家庭规模、户主年龄、农民合作组织等因素对不同规模生产效率影响不显著。三是农户技术选择与需求偏好特征主要表现为:不同规模农户技术需求类型选择与生产经营收益和成本付出多少紧密相关;小规模农户的技术获取渠道与中等规模农户、较大规模农户选择行为有明显差异;三种规模农户获取技术信息途径选择行为有助于生产管理技术更快、更低廉的在农户中间传播;不同规模农户技术使用预期效果选择偏好是由农户生产竞争力所能保留的程度,以及他们所能参与高价值农产品市场的程度所决定。
     第五章不同规模农户销售行为及影响因素。基于陕西省苹果主产区果农微观调查数据资料,应用交易成本理论,对不同规模农户销售途径选择行为、市场信息获取行为的统计分析,交易成本影响农户销售行为的理论模型(Order Probit概率模型)设计与运用,影响因素的量化方法选择与估计,形成以下观点和结论:一是农产品生产体系不断向商品化和专业化转变的条件下,农产品销售环节与传统市场制度的分离加重了市场参与者的成本,交易成本成为影响农户参与市场的核心变量。二是交易成本对不同规模农户销售行为的影响及差异显著。信息成本对三类经营规模农户都有较强约束,农户都缺乏及时、可靠的市场信息来源,获取市场信息的成本较高;由于不同经营规模农户参与市场的“进入能力”和“留住能力”不同,谈判成本对三类经营规模农户销售行为的影响差异比较明显;执行(监测)成本对经营规模较大农户销售行为的负面影响明显小于对中小经营规模农户的负面影响;农户特征变量对其销售行为的影响不显著。三是不同规模农户销售途径选择行为倾向集中反映了从事专业化高价值农产品经营的农户在市场交易中面临较大约束;不同规模农户市场信息获取行为有趋同性,获取信息的来源可靠程度有一定显著差异。本文认为,由于交易成本对不同规模农户农产品销售行为的影响存在显著差异,降低交易成本能够增加农户参与市场机会,因而政府支持的着眼点最好集中在增加公共产品供给及制度改革方面。
As the expanding market and the increasing opening-up of agricultural product trade is bringing about the marketization and structural adjustification into China’s agricultural production, they bring also opportunity and challenge to Chinese farmers engaged in high-value labor-intensive agricultural production. These farmers is on the way of professional production, participating as the mainbody in market management, accordingly their economic activities and products are to be involved in market transaction. Hence, the market behavior of Chinese farmers is vital not only to their competitiveness as individual in market but the competitiveness of Chinese agricultural product in international market as a whole. Current study on farmer households’behavior is too general and fails to dig deep into this problem by focusing on one certain type of agricultural industry. This dissertation aims to solve this problem. Using Tanslog Stochastic Frontier Production Function Model and a large set of first-hand household-level survey data from apple growers in Shaanxi Province, this dissertation makes an indepth study of the characteristics of basic market behaviors such as production, marketing, consumption and circulation of different farmer size and their influencing factors, in an attempt to explore the restrictions that each is faced with and enhance the productivity of farmer households and their competitveness in global market.
     This dissertation consists of eight chapters, the main content of each chapter is as follows:
     Chapter 1 briefly introduces the main purpose, the theoretical basis, the main research method and the framework. It elabotates the research background, the purpose and the significance of a study on farmer households’market behavior with a brief view of a changing domestic and international market after China’s accession into WTO and the comparative advantage of farmers engaging in labor-intensive agricultural products; then it makes a thorough and objective review of studies in this area at home and abroad and specifies the necessisty of a quantitative study on farmer-household’s behavior characteristics focusing on a specific type of agiculture industry; then it summarise the method and the data, and finally it mentions the possible originality of this study.
     Chapter 2 is a general analysis of farmer household’s market behavior. This chapter firstly gives definitions on terms like high-value agricultural product, labor-intensive agricultural product, farmer household’s productive marketization and specialization from international trade perspective combining with the facts of farmer household’s productive marketization and specialization in china; secondly, it constructs a tentative analysis framework including producer-consumer, production technical efficiency, risk preference, transaction cost, circulation, specialized organization and points out which aspects should be emphasized in a study on farmer households’market behavior like producing, consuming, marketing, circulation. Finally, it explains the reason of choosing farmer household of different size as the analysis basis of this study and provides a definition on farmer household market behavior.
     Chapter 3 is about the production technical efficiency and technical choice behavior of different farmer size. This chapter mainly analysizes farmer household’s production behavior from the aspects of technical relation, productive function and technical choice. Using Tanslog Stochastic Frontier Production Function Model and a large set of first-hand household-level survey data from fruit growers in Shaanxi Province, this chapter makes an attempt at both theoretical and empirical analysis of the production technical efficiency of different farmer size and its influencing factors. The conclusion are: firstly, management size and farmer households’production technical efficiency displays an inverted“U”tendency, that means, medium-sized farmer households have a higher production efficiency than both small-sized and large-sized, and have a bigger room for technical efficiency enhancement; technical efficiency loss shows that regardless of farm size, human resources investment like education, technical training, the extension and popularization of sci-tech information have a marked positive effect on the production efficiency of farmer households, while non-farm management, arable land subtraction and credit availability a negative effect, beaides other factors like family size, age and agro-cooperatives do not show a marked effect. Secondly, concerning technical choice behavior and demand preference feature, there is a high relativity between choice of technical demand type and production management income and cost of farmer households of different size, and a marked difference is found between small-sized and medium as well as large-sized farmer household in terms of the channels trough which they get agricultural technology.
     Chapter 4 gives an analysis of risk cognition of different farmer size and their dodging acts. Farmer households engaged in labor-intensive high value agricultural product are faced with various management risks today. Using statistics analysis method like Crosstabs test andχ2 tests and based on first-hand household-level survey data gathered from Shaanxi Province, this chapter mainly studies on origins of farmer households’production and management risks and risk cognition of different farmer size and their dodging acts. The conclusions are: firstly, besides climate, natural disaster and plant diseases, insect pests, the risk for peasants engaged in high-value agro-product production and management lies in two aspects, namely, output risk and market risk. That the non-standard market supply of means of production in rurul area leads to quality problem of agricultural chemical and chemical fertilizer constitutes the main output risk. Market risks are caused mainly by factors like price uncertainty, market information accessibility and marketing circulation channel. Secondly, the tests shows that market risk is more common than output risk in production management and does less influence to large-sized farmer household than smaller ones. Farmer households of different size and characteristics differ in their cognition of output risks and market risks. Thirdly, single farmer household is at passive position when faced with output risk and market risk.
     Chapter 5 is a general analysis of the marketing behavior of different farmer size and its influencing factors. Based on transaction cost theory and data from Shaanxi Province, choice of marketing channels and access to market information of different farm size are observed and analysized to estimate the relative importance of various transaction costs and farm characteristic variables for the choice of marketing channel. The conclusions are: firstly, with the commercialization and specialization of agricultural production, seperation between marketing of agricultural product and traditional market system magnify participants’transaction cost, thus transaction cost becomes a core variable that affecs the marketing behavior of farmers. Secondly, transaction cost is statistically significant in influencing the marketing behavior of farmer household of different size. Information cost for farmers are relatively high and does not vary greatly across farmers of different size; the influence of negotiation cost on farmers of different size shows a marked difference; the negative impacts of monitoring costs on large-sized farm households are distinctly slighter than that of medium-sized and small-sized; farm households’characteristic variables do not impose significant influence on sales behavior. thirdly, overall inclination on choice of marketing channels reflects that a relatively high restriction is imposed on farmers of high-value agro-products when they are drawn into market transaction, and choice of access to market information by farmer households of different size are highly similar while the reliability of information source shows a marked difference. The paucity of information media avaible in rural area put a restriction on the alternatives that famers may employ to gain access to information.
     Chapter 6 is a theoretical and empirical analysis on farmer households’consumption behavior. This chapter mainly investigates farmer households’consumption behavior characteristics and their demand preference from three levels. Firstly, estimation on micro-characteristics of rural household’s consumption behavior is made by using a two-stage LES-AIDS model and Rural Households’Microdata from Shaanxi Province in 2005. The results indicate that for commodity groups (food, clothing, fuel, housing, durable consumer goods and other commodities), demand is price-inelastic. Housing, durable consumer goods and other commodities are luxury goods, while clothing and food are necessities. Within the food group, price elasticities range from -0.362 to -0.942. Expenditure elasticities are lower for grains, sugar and vegetables and higher for pork, beef, and poultry. Evidence of household characteristic variables itself having a significant effect on food consumption pattern are also found. Secondly, the analysis on rural households’non-food consumption behavior shows that the guiding effect of market on farmer household’s consumption behavior strengthened correspondingly with the number of consumer goods and service that the market can provides to farmers. Thirdly, analysis of consumption behavior of different farmer size in specialized production based on household-level survey data from apple growers in Shaanxi Province reveals a general similarity in their consumption behavior and strong tendency to serve agricultural production.Besides, farmer households in specialized production are faced with the increase of living expenditure and the paucity of rural consumer goods supply.
     Chapter 7 gives an overview of the influence of intermediary organization on farmers’participation in the couse of agricultural product circulation. The conclusions are: Firstly, agro-cooperatives’influence on farmers’participation in the process of market circulation is largely dependent on whether they can reduce transaction cost and help farmers sell their produce. Secondly, farmer brokers play an important role in the process of the marketing of agricultural products. Thirdly, agricultural product wholesale market has a slight influence on farmers’participation in market since farmers are faced with high cost if they make a direct negotiation on price with intermiediary organization in wholesale market. Fourthly, the effectiveness of“company plus farmer household”pattern in leading farmer households participating in market is significantly influenced by its organizing pattern and contract arrangement institution.
     Chapter 8 is a summary of the whole paper. It concludes what the author has done in the research, its originality and put forward some policy implications.
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    ⑥ 参见恰亚诺夫《农户经济组织》(中译本),北京:中央编译出版社,1996 年。
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    ② 更多有关农户模型的研究文献综述见第一章国内外研究动态综述。
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     ① 数据来自中国农业网,http://www.zgny.com.cn/ConsHtml/6/1/1/111754.html,2007-1-24。
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    ② 本文在陕西省苹果主产区调查中,有 21 户 8 亩以上经营规模农户与从事果品加工贸易的企业签订了出口欧盟市场的订单,由于欧盟对农产品质量安全的严格标准,每一个签订订单农业的农户都要通过欧盟有机农业的认证并获得进入欧盟市场的原产地许可,因此这部分农户率先在生产环节执行了有机食品农药标准。
    ① 转引自陆文聪,西爱琴. 农户农业生产的风险反应:以浙江为例的 MOTAD 模型分析[J],中国农村经济,2005(12):68-75.
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    ④ Ellis, F. Peasant Economics, Cambridge University Press, 1987. p105
    ① Binswanger, H.P. & Sillers, D.A. (1983). Risk aversion and credit constraints in farmers’ decision-making: a reinterpretation. Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 20, No.1. 56-67.
    ② 马小勇. 中国农户的风险规避行为——以陕西为例[J],中国软科学,2006(2):22-30.
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    ④ Stern, N. (1986). Book Review in Economic Development and Cultural Change, pp257-259.
    ⑤ De Janvry (1972) 认为缺乏信息或者由于信贷市场、劳动市场不完全,风险是创新的主要障碍。见 De Janvry, A. (1972), Optimal levels of fertilization under risk: the potential for corn and wheat fertilization under alternative price policies in Argentina. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 54, No.1.
    ⑥ Binswanger & Sillers (1983), Hamal & Anderson (1982)认为当农户收入上升时,农户的规避风险态度或者不变、或者下降。转引自 Hamal, K.B. & Anderson, J.R. (1982). A note on decreasing absolute risk aversion among farmers in Nepal. Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.26, No.3, 220-225.
     ① 价格有保证是指出售所得到的价格应该和信息寻找过程中所产生的期望值基本相符。参见王桂霞,霍灵光,张越杰. 我国肉牛养殖户纵向协作形式选择的影响因素分析[J],农业经济问题,2006(8):54-58.
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    ① 数据来自中国农业网,http://www.zgny.com.cn/ConsHtml/6/1/1/111754.html,2007-1-24。
    ② 参见William H. Greene: “Econometric Analysis”, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1997.
     ① 与其它研究不同之处,本文计算了每个弹性的 t 统计值,可以判别每个弹性系数在统计上是否显著。
    ② 不同收入组的分组标准是按陕西省统计局 2005 年农村居民人均纯收入分组的标准。参见《陕西统计年鉴 2005》,北京:中国统计出版社,2006 年版。
     ① 参见张文彤“聚类分析与判别分析”,《SPSS 统计分析高级教程》,北京:北京希望电子出版社,2002 年,第 166-177。
     ① 参见陈传波、张利庠、苏振斌. 农户消费平滑与收入平滑——基于湖北省农村住户调查月度数据的分析[J],统计研究,2006(9):50-53。
    ① 本文所指的农户流通型农产品专业协会,是主要以联合农户进行储运、收购和销售以实现规模经济为主要服务内容的组织,也包括农户技术型与流通型兼而有之的专业协会,不包括纯技术型农户专业协会。
    ② 参见马志艳. 农户流通型专业协会选择的实证分析——以内蒙古开鲁县为例[J]. 农业技术经济,2006(3):20-26.
    ① 数据参见黎元生. 我国农产品批发市场组织机制:缺陷与创新[J]. 青海社会科学,2006(1):28-31.
    ② 黄祖辉,刘东英研究认为农产品供应主体的分散性,导致由众多小规模、分散的、无差异的农户组成物流主体的一部分是农产品物流的一个特性;一是在以家庭为单位的生产制度下,小农户不能被排除在物流主体之外,农产品物流体系运行中的交易成本必然包含每一个农户独自参与农产品物流的交易成本。因此,降低大量重复的交易成本至关重要。参见黄祖辉,刘东英. 我国农产品物流体系建设与制度分析[J],农业经济问题,2005(4):45-49。
     ① 拍卖交易降低了“信息不对称”,提高交易效率。参见贾生华,刘清华. 拍卖交易与我国农产品批发市场交易方式创新[J]. 中国农村经济,2001(2):63-67。
    ② 转引自蔡荣,虢佳花,祁春节. 农产品批发市场价格形成机制及其交易效率[J],经济问题探索,2007(9):71-74。
     ① 参见陈炳辉,安玉发. 农产品批发市场发展模式国际比较及对中国的启示[J],世界农业,2006(2):7-9。
    ① 该比例是 6 个主产县果业局和农户反映的果品主产县批发市场交易规模大的实际情况。
    ② 农业部. 全国“菜篮子工程”定点鲜活农产品中心批发市场管理办法(试行)[Z].2004.11。该“办法”明确规定:产地批发市场的条件市场位于全国性或区域性鲜活农产品主产区,并具有优越的地理位置和良好的交通运输条件。同时根据不同的农产品,又分为蔬菜、水果、畜禽和水产品。分别的规定:蔬菜批发市场所在地蔬菜播种面积达到 2万公顷以上,市场年交易量占当地蔬菜生产量的 2/3 以上;水果批发市场所在地水果种植面积达到 0.67 万公顷以上,市场年交易量占当地水果生产量的 2/3 以上;畜禽批发市场年交易量占当地畜产品生产量的 1/2 以上;水产品批发市场所在地属于全国重要渔港或淡水产品主产区,市场年交易水产品数量 10 万吨以上。
    ③ 参见黄祖辉,吴克象,金少胜. 发达国家现代农产品流通体系变化及启示[J],福建论坛.经济社会版,2003(4):32-36.
    ① 根据本文在陕西省苹果主产区的调查发现,农产品加工贸易企业与农户的关系主要是松散的买断、供应和收购契约关系,仅仅起到解决本地农产品卖难和提供少量质优价廉的生产资料供应问题,正规一点的产销一体化组织形式也只不过采取“订单让利”的方式,与农户签订的合同价格高于市场价而已。
    ② 何嗣江、张丹将这种产销一体化模式归结为“公司+农户”远期交易模式。参见何嗣江、张丹,“公司+农户”模式的演变与发展路径[J],经济学家,2005(1):118-119。
    ③ 参见郭红东,龙头企业与农户订单安排与履约:理论和来自浙江企业的实证分析[J],农业经济问题,2006(2):36-43。
    ④ 本文在陕西省苹果主产区调查发现,少数农户参加“公司+农户”订单形式产销一体化组织,由于订单安排不完善、履约约束机制设计简单、“剩余索取权”规定模糊,导致订单履约效果不佳带动农户市场经营行为不明显,从第五章农户销售选择途径的统计描述就可看出这一点。
    ⑤ 参见徐金海,“公司+农户”经营组织的制度缺陷及其改进思路[J],农业经济,2002(12):34-37。
    ① 按照文盲半文盲受教育年限为 3 年,小学、初中、高中及中专、大专及以上受教育年限分别为 6、9、12、16 年计算,数据来自《中国农村统计年鉴 2005》。
    ② 参见伊特韦尔(Eatwell,J..)等编,《新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典(英)第二卷(E-J)》北京:经济科学出版社,1996。
    ③ 专业技能培训对于农村收入的影响远高于其它形式的人力资本投资。参见侯风云,中国农村人力资本收益率研究[J],经济研究,2004(12):75-85。
    ④ 中国劳动力市场处于一种分割状态,使得城市劳动力市场二元分化,农民进城主要在低技术含量的非正式部门工作。参见赵忠,中国的城乡移民——我们知道什么,我们还应该知道什么?《经济学(季刊)》,2004(4),Vol.3, No.
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