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Climate change has become the focus of global concerns, the environmental problem resulted from manufacture and consumption of products has attracted more and more public attention. Environmental design has become a vital issue for corporates. Meanwhile, the consumers play a significant role in the action on climate change. Developing public awareness and guiding their purchase behavior towards environment-friendly way is the main task.
     Carbon footprint label marked on the product packaging which show the amount of carbon dioxide emitted throughout the entire product life cycle aims to guide consumer's behavior in the direction favorable to the environment is one of the effective methods. Through carbon footprint analysis, enterprises provide consumers with products carbon footprint information in order to bring them a quantitative understanding of the products'impact on the environment and guide their consumption decisions. However, how effective the implementation of products carbon footprint label? Since the market response and corporate profits are closely related to each other, what is the consumers'real attitude towards the carbon footprint label products?
     In order to solve the problems and put forward theoretical basis for enterprises to better perform the low-carbon economy, based on the review about carbon footprint label and consumer behavior research, this paper studies the influence of carbon footprint label on consumers'evaluation mechanism and involves the external environment of enterprises to develop carbon footprint label. The paper identifies the situational variables which are involvement and national cultural variable (long-term value orientation) through literature review, further examines their influence on the evaluation process. The paper Refines the actual issues into the detailed assumptions and then examines them through the experiment.
     The experiment is between-group design and it is 2 (carbon footprint label products VS. non-carbon footprint label products)×2 (high involvement VS. low involvement)×2 (long-term orientation values VS. short-term orientation values). The results show that the consumers'evaluation on the carbon footprint label products has significant positive effect; involvement will intermediate the evaluation process; the consumers'value orientation under different cultural backgrounds will intermediate the evaluation process.
     Theoretical innovations of this study are:(1) examine the real evaluation effect of the carbon footprint label as a marketing stimulation; (2) as a cross-cultural study, this paper tests the consumers'evaluation process towards the same carbon footprint label product in the different cultural context.
     The paper puts forward the practical significance in the end:promote carbon footprint label products; policy incentives and security; effective promotion and publicity to enhance consumers'awarenesst; identify distinctive marketing strategy according to different cultural values orientation; control the purchase cost of carbon footprint label products.
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