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    北纬120-200 N。也门西邻红海,南为亚丁湾,北与沙特阿拉伯接壤,东与
    阿曼相邻。其陆地面积包括socotra archipelago(位于东经520-54oE和北纬
    12o-13o 45)在内为527,970 km2(203,750平方英里)。
The Republic of Yemen (Yemen) occupies the southwestern corner of the
    Arabian Peninsula, being confined by longitudes 42o- 53oE and latitudes 12o- 20o
    N. It extends along the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula on the Gulf of Aden
    and meets the Red Sea to the west and Saudi Arabia is to the north and Oman to
    the east. The approximate surface area was estimated at 527,970 km2 (203,750
    square miles) including the Socotra archipelago (extending between 52o - 54oE,
    and 12o - 13o 45??.
     The history of Yemen stretches back over 3,000 years, was being one of the
    oldest centers of civilization in the Near East. The discovery of metal waste
    alongside melting furnaces, casting moulds and pieces of earthenware (porcelain)
    in many places in Yemen is the confirming evidence of the active mining and
    metal works in ancient Yemeni.
     Unfortunately, except oil and salt Yemen's minerals industry is only of minor
    importance. The commodities contributing to the Yemen economy at present
    include salt, gypsum, and building stones. Though much geological and
    exploration works have been carried out exclusively recent 40 years in Yemen
    through bilateral assistance programs or extended contracts, the metallic and
    precious metals in Yemen are still out of the exploitation stage.
    Ph.D Thesis, Al-Nagashi A. M.S
     As a developing country, Yemen needs its mine industry. So the main
    objective of this thesis is to increase the understanding of the geology of NW
    Yemen and to outline the mineral potential of the northwestern parts of the
    Republic of Yemen, which, the present author believe, and the Ministry of Oil and
    Mineral of the Republic of Yemen agree upon, are more important for the
    minerals than other parts at present stage, after more than 40 years of fruitless
    geological research and exploration, than doing some research on a specific
    exploration target. The main methodology used is to collect all geological,
    geochemical, geophysical and remote sensing data to make comprehensive
    comparison with some known deposits and geological settings worldwide and to
    carry out a throughout analysis. However, this seemingly routine work proven to
    be terrible trial, even just to get piece of information would take much effort and
    energy. Fortunately, after harsh work of more than three years, some positive and
    encouraging results are gotten as the followings:
     (1) Based on previous data, and according to analysis on litholigical
    association of exposed impacted marine sedimentary sheets, turbidite rocks
    succession, well development of ophiolite succession and ultramafic rocks of the
    marine upper mantle, predominant parallel deep-seated faults, as well as their
    spatial relationship to other terrane, a new Precambrian terrane, which is
    suggested to belong to an accretion wedge between the oceanic crustal terrane and
    magmatic arc and are most potential terrane for hosting different types of mineral
    occurrences, is proposed for the first time. The attributions and genesis of other
    four terranes are also clarified and outlined.
     (2) Based on data available, relatively comprehensive and complete
    descriptions of some 80 mineral occurrences at different tectonic settings are
    finished with emphasis on their probable genetical implication and within their
    tectonic frame and host rock environment.
     (3) Using the method developed by geologists of USGS, and referring to the
    similar deposits models by USGS and BC, four mineral deposit models have been
    set up for 4 important mineral prospects, namely the Hariqah, Jabali, Suwar,
    Waraqah as a first try, corresponding to sedimentary-hosted Au,
    carbonated-hosted Pb-Zn, mafic-intrusion related Cu-Ni, and hot spring Au-Ag
     (4) According to metallogenic series conception proposed by Chinese
    geologists, 6 mineralization series of different mineral occurrences and 15 deposit
    types probably occur in NW Yemen
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