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    结 果
    1、①动物实验表明:神经束内电极作为记录电极可稳定地记录到周围神经的电信号。A组电信号波型具有典型的运动神经动作电位特征,B组波型具有感觉神经动作电位特征,C组波型具典型的感觉神经动作电位特征。以神经束内电极作刺激电极可见该侧腓肠肌处肌肉出现收缩,同心针电极可以记录到肌电信号。②改良组和直型组之间不同时期坐骨神经电信号特征基本一致,潜伏期、波幅和传导速度的差异均无显著性(P均>0.05);而神经束内电极的有效存留个体数(P<0.05)和有效存留时间(P <0.01)的差别均有统计学意义。③不同时期A、B组电信号波型大体稳定,潜伏期和传导速度的差别没有统计学意义(P均>0.05),波幅的差别在A组即时电信号组和1月后电信号组之间(P<0.05),以及6-9月电信号组和即时电信号组(P<0.01)、1月后电信号组(P<0.01)、2月后电信号组(P<0.01)、3-6月电信号组(P<0.05)之间均有统计学意义。B组波幅的差别在即时电信号组和6-9月电信号组之间,以及3-6月电信号组和6-9月电信号之间均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。
    结 论
    1、 建立了家兔周围神经电信号检测的
    1、To investigate long-term electrophysiological manifestation after implantation of intrafascicular electrode by different implantation modes in sciatic nerve of rabbits, the influence upon surviving of intrafascicular electrode and electric signals of nerve with modified form and implantation mode. 2、To investigate histological changes of sciatic nerve after implantation of intrafascicular electrode and the relationship with electrophysiology. 3、To study the information of 3 major nerves and the feasibility of nerve-signal controlled prosthesis after implantation of intrafascicular electrodes in the ulnar, radial, median nerve of upper arm in amputee volunteer.
    18 rabbits were divided into 2 groups. 14 of them were divided as experimental group by different experimental periods. Both hind limbs of each rabbit were divided into 2 groups by isobody control researches: one side was implanted with straight intrafascicular electrode (straight group, Z group); another side was implanted with modified intrafascicular electrode (modified group, T group). The rest 4 rabbits belonged to control group for pathologic study.
    Intrafascicular electrode fabricated from external insulated wire 60μm in diameter (95%Pt-5%Ir alloy), and spring-structure made in the head end as modified intrafascicular electrode. Intrafascicular electrode was implanted as recording electrode directly by microsurgery technique into the fascicle of the sciatic nerve in
    rabbit and fixed to epineurium with microsuture. Straight intrafascicular electrode was implanted at one side and modified intrafascicular electrode at the other side in the same rabbit respectively. Another straight electrode was placed outside the fascicle as reference electrode. Both distal ends were coupled to electromyogram. Stimulating with concentric pin electrode inserted at a proximal point (Along-nerve-trunk conduction, Group A) or a distal point (Contra-nerve-trunk conduction, Group B) from the point which the recording electrode threaded the fascicle, the signal of the fascicle was recorded. Stimulating with 2 superficial ringed electrodes at depilated 1st toe of rabbit, sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) (Group C) was recorded. Then threaded concentric pin electrode into gastrocnemius with intrafascicular electrode as stimulating electrode, the signal was recorded.
    As electric signals of the sciatic nerve be harvested at different intervals, the latent period, amplitude and nerve conduction velocity were recorded. Isobody control researches were performed within modified group and straight group at different intervals: the differences of electric signals of group A, B, C, the surviving individual number and the surviving period of intrafascicular electrodes. The electric signals of group A, B, C were compared respectively during different period after implantation of electrodes.
    As detection of electric signals completed, microstructural changes in sciatic nerve at the level of implant, the levels proximal and distal to the implant zone were studied with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) staining, Ammonia Silver staining, and the ultrastructural changes were studied with transmission electron microscope. The diameters of myelinated axons were quantitatively determined by Image Analysis System. The relationship with electrophysiology was investigated.
    As animal experiments confirmed that long-term implanted self-made intrafascicular electrode has good compatibility, stably conducting and recording characters, signals of nerves were harvested by intrafascicular electrodes which were inserted directly as recording electrodes into the fascicles of the three major nerves of upper arm in the amputation stump of amputee volunteer. An electrode was placed outside the fascicle as reference electrode. All distal ends were coupled to electromyogram. When the volunteer in wakefulness imaged various kinds of actions of the lost hand with consciousness, the nerve information sent out by central nerve system to control motions was recorded. Th
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