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Alain Badiou is one of the most original French philosophes in the20th century. He is another French philosophe after Derrida who comes into the stage of the world philosophy. The creative philosophy of Badiou bases on the mathematics, specially his event philosophy is very important in the last20th century and the new century. This thesis mainly investigates Badiou's "inaesthetics" thoughts who basis on his event philosophy, and researches the structure of "inaesthetics" thought system, which including the forming background, fundamental characteristics, philosophical foundation and the art critique practices, etc. Besides the introduction and the conclusion, this thesis divides into six chapters, and these six chapters can separates into three parts:the question part, theoretical part and practice part.
     The introduction explains the origin of the question, and clarifies theoretically the raison of this subject. And then makes the introduction and limitation of the research object, firstly introduces the four faces of Alain Badiou, as mathematician, philosophe, author and critic, secondly clarifies the translation of the conception of Badiou's "inaesthetics", points that the reasonability of "非美学" and the inexactness of "反美学(anti-aesthetics)" and "内美学(intra-aesthetics)". Lastly, on the basis of classification of the current research situations about Badiou, the author states the research thought, main content, research method and the meaning of this thesis.
     The first part of this thesis is the question part, mainly discusses the forming background and fundamental characteristics of the "inaesthetics". Through the rethinking of'anti-aesthetics'in the first chapter and analysis of traditional aesthetic schemata in the chapter2, the author formally proposes the "inaesthetics" thought and schema of Badiou, and makes the induction and descriptions of its essential characteristics.
     Chapter1focuses on the problem of "anti-aesthetics", and investigates the dilemma and solutions of modern aesthetics in the postmodern context. In the postmodern context with prevalence of deconstruction and relativism, the truth crisis is becoming severe generally, and "anti-aesthetics" appears."Anti-aesthetics" presents two forms:the first one is the anti-aesthetics of modernist, characterizes as appreciation of the ugly in the modernist arts; the second one is the anti-aesthetics of post-modernism, mainly manifests as mass culture research of cross-discipline and the aestheticization of everyday life, etc. Badiou disagrees with the deconstruction of truth in the postmodern context, and he specially opposes the anti-aesthetics of Ranciere, believes in the existence of the truth, and insists on the independent qualities of art, therefore, he proposes a new schema- 'inaesthetics'in the postmodern context.
     Chapter2analyses the three traditional aesthetic schemata. In Handbook of Inaesthetics, Badiou takes the relation between art and truth as criterion, divides traditional aesthetics into three schemata, the authors thinks that, to a great extent, this is a rewrite of the given aesthetic history, and his'recount of aesthetic history' cannot be underestimated. Badiou thinks that there are two kinds of relationships between art and truth, that is to say, the art could grasp the truth and the art could not grasp the truth. As for the idea that art who could grasp the truth, mainly presents as the romantic aesthetic schema, in this schema, the relation of truth to art is immanent, but this truth is universal, surpasses the arts, and chooses freely whether and which art it will open. On the basis of the classification principles and examples which Badiou holds, the author develops the analyses of romantic aesthetic schema, thinking that it could be divided into three types, they hold "Tao-Idea","being" and "prototype" respectively. As for the idea that art is incapable of truth, it is mainly divided into didactic aesthetic schema which represented by Plato, and classical aesthetic schema which represented by Aristotle. Badiou considers that the didactic aesthetic schema is incapable of truth, and it can only express the effects of truth and educate the mass. About how the arts express the effects of truth, on the foundation of the discussion of Badiou, the author separates the didactic aesthetic schema into two types:the type of straight-forwardness and the type of obscurity. In the point of classical aesthetic schema, art is incapable of truth, and it is not necessarily to pursue the truth, the function of art is abreaction and catharsis. This chapter mainly analyses the catharsis, psychoanalysis and sinicizational classical aesthetic schema which are extended from Badiou's view. Through these above three traditional aesthetic schemata, Badiou summarizes effectively the relation between art and truth, however, the art in these three traditional aesthetic schemata is not independent, and they have been saturant already, and cannot explain the artistic creations at the present. Therefore, the "inaesthetics" is born.
     The third chapter explains the concept and the main features of "inaesthetics", and exploits its transcendence."Inaesthetics" schema emphasizes the independence of art to philosophy, maintains that the art is the producer of truth and against traditional aesthetic speculation, proposes to find the "intraphilosophical effects" in the arts with independent qualities. In this what Badiou calls the fourth aesthetic schema, art has its own high autonomy, it is not the vassal of truth anymore, but the condition of philosophy. This moment, art is capable of truth; the relation of truth to art is immanent, and truth that art produces has its own singularity. As the relation of truth to art, in "inaesthetics", the relation between artworks and truth is at once singular and immanent, but for the romantic aesthetic schema, the truth is immanent but not singular; in the didactic schema, the truth is singular but not immanent; in the classical schema, the truth is neither immanent nor singular. Hence, we can see the transcendences of "inaesthetics".
     The second part of this thesis is the theoretical part. This part investigates deeply the philosophical foundation of Badiou's "inaesthetics", namely, the theory of truth and subject of Badiou, correspond with the chapter4and chapter5respectively.
     Chapter4researches on the truth theory of Badiou. In the first section mainly discusses the mathematics as the ontology, because the truth theory of Badiou integrates closely with mathematics. Badiou's philosophy bases on the modern mathematics, he thinks that mathematics is the ontology and the science of being qua being. Badiou's truth theory mainly originates the set theory of Cantor and Paul Cohen; he understands all the phenomenon and stats on the basis of set theory. Badiou thinks that the being qua being cannot be presented, hence, he proposes the conception of situation, and the situation is a presented multiplicity and also a presented being, which includes multiplicity, the regime of count-as-one or structure. Situation usually understood as the site which event happens. Through the difference between set and power set, the situation is divided into situation (structure) and situation stat by Badiou, he is thinking of these concepts from mathematics with putting them into the philosophical system and category. Section2discusses the event philosophy of Badiou and the realtion between event and truth. As for Badiou, not every happened thing could be called event, and event mainly existent in the event site, event site partly situated in the situation. Badiou calls the singular, instable and ab-normal multiple as event site. He also separates the being into normality, excrescence and singularity, and considers that the singularity which opposes the excrescent and normality is the natural essence of history, special the natural essence of event site. Event sitejs closely related to singularity of situation, namely, singular multiple. However, not every situation could include event site, therefore Badiou divides situation into natural situation, neutral situation and historical situation, only in the instable history situation, the event has its possibility to appear. Event is composed of a given event site and itself, it is the element that cannot appear in the situation but surpasses the count regime of the situation, although the event cannot be counted as one, but neither counted as zero, it manifests a posture of "ultra-one", concerns with the situation but surpasses it. All of above consists in the event with special characteristic. In the point of view, event is the starting point of truth. A truth is the gathering together of all the terms which will have been positively investigated by a generic procedure of fidelity supposed complete. A truth is the infinite subset of a situation, including endless traces. A truth is indiscernible:it does not fall under any determinant of the encyclopedia. He borrows the terms of Lacan:a truth bores a hole in knowledge. Badiou emphasizes that a truth is the truth of the entire situation, and the truth of situation as being. Section3 explores the generative procedure of truth. Badiou proposes that there are four types of truth generative procedures, that is to say, politics, art, science and love. He considers that a truth of art is immanent and singular, finally, it is a art configure, a generic multiple and un unnamable. An art truth is initiated by an art event, but not every artwork could become as an event.
     Chapter5primarily discusses the subject theory of Alain Badiou. Badiou thinks that there exist two types of traditional subject theories, that is to say, idealist subject theory and materialist subject theory. Different from the material subjective paradigm that reduces the subject to its body, idealist subjective paradigm separates the subject from its body completely, the former one equals to the religious sacrifice, and the later one belongs to vulgar enjoyment. Badiou considers that the world of today is the war between enjoyment and sacrifice, but they all direct to death; therefore, he proposes the third subject paradigm. In this new subjective paradigm, the subject and its body has a immanent difference, neither separability nor reducibility, these two combine together, but also keep their own features. What Badiou gives is a new body as the combination of these two elements. Badiou advocates the faithful subject and opposes the obscure subject and reaction subject. He remarks that the subject is the configuration that beyond the situation, but the combination of subject and its body makes it also can appear in the situation. Badiou understands that the subject situates in the trajectory of the production of truth, who sits between the event and truth, so the subject must be faithful and faithful to event. Badiou also thinks that the subject has the characteristics as instant and a consistent; hence, he divides the subject into a subjectivation and a subject-process. A subjectivation is destructive and instantaneous, which indicates that the emergence moment of subject in a situation, connecting with interruption, it could be divided into two different forms—anxiety and courage, mainly present as riot-movement and insurrection-war respectively. A subject-process is a recomposition after the deconstruction, which is enduring, and its aim is the recomposition of the situation at that moment, it is direct into superego and justice. Superego is a horrible subject process and conservative. In the opinion of Badiou, the different associations of the anxiety and courage, superego and justice could constitute different types and functions of the subject. The third part of the thesis is the practice part, namely, the chapter6. In this part, we discuss the "inaesthetic" critical practices of Alain Badiou. At first, mainly introduces Badiou's thoughts about contemporary arts. In his heart, through the sensibility, the art constructs a new universality, and it is different from the universality caused by money, power and globalization, and artistic truth is also different from the truth produced by science, politics and love, which brings with the feature of sensibility. Artistic truth is the sudden occurrence of idea in the sensibility. The new universality of art is a new formal creation of sudden occurrence of idea in the sensibility. An art is a possibility, a force
     with creativeness and rebellion and liberation. Badiou hopes to create a new artistic subject, which is
     neither an "enjoyment" nor a "sacrifice", artistic subject leads to a creation, but not a death. The
     subject of art is not artists, its existence is artworks. Badiou considers the contemporary art as an
     "empire art", which presents as "the mixture of romanticism and formalism". After the summarization
     of Badiou's thoughts about art, the author takes Mallarme's poems and Wagner's music as example
     and explores concretely the practice stats of poetic criticism and musical criticism of Alain Badiou.
     His poetic critical strategies could be divided into three steps:firstly, he drags the normal poetics from
     its given situation; then he uses the form of prose to describe the poem as an act process; finally, he
     puts it from the prose state back to the poem and experiences its real meaning. He believes that
     Mallarme's poem is an artistic event, achieves an event site in the void of text, and walks on the road
     to the truth generative procedure. The interpretation of Badiou towards Wagner's music is totally
     different from that of Nietzsche, Adorno and Lacoue-Labarthe, he thinks that Wagner's music has no
     relation with the fascism and culture industry; on the contrary, Wagner's opera is a great art in his
     mind, and it is an art event that can produce the truth and embody a faithful of a new artistic subject. The conclusion concerns about three questions. Firstly, as a Platonist, Badiou is always
     misunderstood as traditional and conservative, but he is not a traditional Platonist, but realizing the
     return and transcendence of Plato. Then, Ranciere accounts that Badiou is a twisted modernist, in fact,
     he is a thinker after post-modern, achieves the double surpassing of modern and post-modern. At last,
     illustrates the meaning and a prospect of Badiou's thought, he almost finishes the mission of double
     recompostion of philosophy and aesthetics that Nietzsche, Foucault and Derrida did not complete in
     their old ages.
① 目前国内Badiou的译名有巴迪欧、巴丢和巴迪乌三种,本文统一用“巴迪欧”。
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    ① Raymond Boudon, Que sais-je? Le Relativisme, Vendome:PUF,2008, p.24.
    ② [美]托马斯·库恩:《科学革命的结构》,金吾伦、胡新和译,[M]北京:北京大学出版社,2003年,第157页。
    ③ Raymond Boudon, Que sais-je? Le Relativisme, Vendome:PUF,2008, p.26.
    ④ [法]让-弗朗索瓦·利奥塔:《后现代状况》,车槿山译,[M]北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1997年,
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    ② 转引自黄勇《后哲学文化·译者序》,《后哲学文化》(罗蒂著),[M]上海:上海译文出版社,2004年,第40页。
    ③ Timothy Mosteller, Relativism in Contemporary American Philosophy, London&New York:Continuum,2006,
    ④ [美]理查德·罗蒂:《后哲学文化》,黄勇译,[M]上海:上海译文出版社,2004年,第41页。
    ① Timothy Mosteller, Relativism in Contemporary American Philosophy, London&NewYork:Continuum,2006, p.145.
    ① Mario Perniola, "Cultural Turns in Aesthetics and Anti-Aesthetics", Filozofskivestnik, Volume ⅩⅩⅧ,2007 Number2, p43.
    ② Mario Perniola, "Cultural Turns in Aesthetics and Anti-Aesthetics", Filozofskivestnik, Volume XⅩⅩⅧ,2007 Number2, p44.
    ③ Mario Perniola, "Cultural Turns in Aesthetics and Anti-Aesthetics", Filozofskivestnik, Volume ⅩⅩⅧ,2007 Number2, p45.
    ④ Hal Foster, The Anti-Aesthetic:Essays on Postmodern Culture, Washington:Bay Press,1983, ⅩⅤ.
    ① Hal Foster, The Anti-Aesthetic:Essays on Postmodern Culture,Washington:Bay Press,1983, ⅩⅥ.
    ② [英]迈克·费瑟斯通:《消费文化与后现代主义》,刘精明译,[M]南京:译林出版社,2000年,第95-97页。
    ③ [德]瓦尔特·本雅明:《机械复制时代的艺术作品》,王才勇译,[M]北京:中国城市出版社,2002年,第8页。
    ④ [德]瓦尔特·本雅明:《机械复制时代的艺术作品》,王才勇译,[M]北京:中国城市出版社,2002年,第10页。
    ① Ross Wilson, "Book Review:Aesthetics and its Discontents, The Aesthetic Unconscious", British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol.51, No.l, January 2011, p.103.
    ② Sphie Berrebi, "Jacques Ranciere:Aesthetics is Politics", ART&RESEARCH, Volume2. No.1.Summer2008,p1
    ③ Jacques Ranciere, The Politics of Aesthetics, translated by Gabriel Rockhill, London&New York:Continuum,2006, p.10.
    ④ Jacques Ranciere, Aesthetics and Its Discontents, translated by Steven Corcoran, Cambridge:Polity Press,2009, p.32.
    ① Connell Vaughan:"Aesthetics and its Discontents", International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol.18. No.5, p.696.
    ① Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.9.
    ② Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.9.
    ③ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.9.
    ① Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.9.
    ② Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.10.
    ③ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.11.
    ④ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.10.
    ⑤ [古希腊]柏拉图:《柏拉图文艺对话集》,朱光潜译,[M]北京:人民文学出版社,1963年,第70、71页。
    ⑥ [古希腊]柏拉图:《柏拉图文艺对话集》,朱光潜译,[M]北京:人民文学出版社,1963年,第72页。
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    ② [古希腊]柏拉图:《柏拉图文艺对话集》,朱光潜译,[M]北京:人民文学出版社,1963年,第73页。
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    ④ [古希腊]柏拉图:《柏拉图文艺对话集》,朱光潜译,[M]北京:人民文学出版社,1963年,第84、85页。
    ① [古希腊]柏拉图:《柏拉图文艺对话集》,朱光潜译,[M]北京:人民文学出版社,1963年,第87页。
    ② [古希腊]柏拉图:《柏拉图文艺对话集》,朱光潜译,[M]北京:人民文学出版社,1963年,第28、33页。
    ③ [古希腊]柏拉图:《柏拉图文艺对话集》,朱光潜译,[M]北京:人民文学出版社,1963年,第26页。
    ④ [古希腊]柏拉图:《柏拉图文艺对话集》,朱光潜译,[M]北京:人民文学出版社,1963年,第32页。
    ① [古希腊]柏拉图:《柏拉图文艺对话集》,朱光潜译,[M]北京:人民文学出版社,1963年,第37页。
    ② [古希腊]柏拉图:《柏拉图文艺对话集》,朱光潜译,[M]北京:人民文学出版社,1963年,第56页。
    ③ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.10.
    ① 钱穆:《论语新解》,[M]成都:巴蜀书社,1985年,第413页。
    ② 钱穆:《论语新解》,[M]成都:巴蜀书社,1985年,第21页。
    ③ 钱穆:《论语新解》,[M]成都:巴蜀书社,1985年,第424页。
    ① Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.10-11.
    ① [法]卢梭:《论科学与艺术》,何兆武译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1963年,第26页。
    ② [法]卢梭:《论科学与艺术》,何兆武译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1963年,第9页。
    ③ [法]卢梭:《论科学与艺术》,何兆武译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1963年,第9、10页。
    ① [法]卢梭:《爱弥儿》,李平沤译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1996年,第245页。
    ② 参见 Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.15.
    ③ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.15.
    ② [德]贝·布莱希特:《K——类型与P——类型》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第144页。
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    ③ [德]贝·布莱希特:《K——类型与P——类型》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第148页。
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    ② [德]贝·布莱希特:《K——类型与P——类型》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第148-149页。
    ③ [德]贝·布莱希特:《幻觉与共鸣的消除》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第181页。
    ④ [德]贝·布莱希特:《幻觉与共鸣的消除》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第184页。
    ① [德]贝·布莱希特:《幻觉与共鸣的消除》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第184页。
    ② [德]贝·布莱希特:《间离方法笔记》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第217页。
    ③ [德]贝·布莱希特:《幻觉与共鸣的消除》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第186页。
    ④ [德]贝·布莱希特:《批判的立场是一种非艺术的立场吗》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第250页。
    ① [德]贝·布莱希特:《关于革新》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第106-107页。
    ② [德]贝·布莱希特:《关于革新》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第107页。
    ③ [德]贝·布莱希特:《批判立场是一种非艺术的立场吗》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第249-250页。
    ① [德]贝·布莱希特:《评教育剧的演出》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第154页。
    ② [德]贝·布莱希特:《评教育剧的演出》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第155页。
    ① Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.15.
    ② Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.16.
    ③ [德]贝·布莱希特:《评教育剧的演出》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第153-154页。
    ④ [德]贝·布莱希特:《间离的政治理论》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第179页。
    ① Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.11.
    ② Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p11.
    ③ 参见 Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.15.
    ④ [德]黑格尔:《美学》(第一卷),朱光潜译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1996年,第142页。
    ⑤ [德]黑格尔:《美学》(第一卷),朱光潜译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1996年,第135页。
    ① [德]黑格尔:《美学》(第一卷),朱光潜译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1996年,第141页。
    ② [德]黑格尔:《美学》(第一卷),朱光潜译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1996年,第142页。
    ③ [德]黑格尔:《美学》(第一卷),朱光潜译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1996年,第142页。
    ④ [德]黑格尔:《美学》(第一卷),朱光潜译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1996年,第4页。
    ⑤ 蒋孔阳朱立元主编:《西方美学通史》(第四卷),[M]上海:上海文艺出版社,1999年,第679页。
    ① [德]黑格尔:《美学》,朱光潜译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1996年,第211页。
    ② [德]黑格尔:《哲学史讲演录》(第一卷),贺麟、王太庆译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1983年,第126页。
    ③ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetiaue, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.17.
    ① [德]海德格尔:《论真理的本质》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴编选,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第213页。
    ② [德]海德格尔:《论真理的本质》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴编选,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第215页。
    ③ 孙周兴编选:《论真理的本质》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴编选,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第216页。
    ④ 孙周兴编选:《论真理的本质》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴编选,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第221页。
    ① 孙周兴编选:《艺术作品的本源》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴编选,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第276页。
    ② 孙周兴编选:《艺术作品的本源》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴编选,[M]上海:上每三联书店,1996年,第278页。
    ③ 孙周兴编选:《艺术作品的本源》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴编选,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第278页。
    ④ 孙周兴编选:《艺术作品的本源》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴编选,(M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第292页。
    ⑤ 孙周兴编选:《艺术作品的本源》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴编选,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第292页。
    ⑥ 孙周兴编选:《论真理的本质》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴编选,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第233页。
    ⑦ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.17.
    ⑧ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.17.
    ① [日]今道友信:《存在主义美学》,崔相录、王生平译,[M]沈阳:辽宁人民出版社,1997年,第108页。
    ② 孙周兴选编:《诗人何为》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴选编,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第413页。
    ③ 孙周兴选编:《诗人何为》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴选编,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第461页。
    (?) Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.17.
    ① [瑞士]荣格:《心理学与文学》,《荣格文集》(冯川编)[M]北京:改革出版社,1997年,第232页。
    ① [瑞士]荣格:《心理学与文学》,《荣格文集》,冯川编,[M]北京:改革出版社,1997年,第233页。
    ② [瑞士]荣格:《心理学与文学》,《荣格文集》,冯川编,[M]北京:改革出版社,1997年,第234页。
    ③ [瑞士]荣格:《心理学与文学》,《荣格文集》,冯川编,[M]北京:改革出版社,1997年,第242页。
    ④ [瑞士]荣格:《心理学与文学》,《荣格文集》,冯川编,[M]北京:改革出版社,1997年,第247页。
    ⑤ [瑞士]荣格:《美学中的类型问题》,《荣格文集》,冯川编,[M]北京:改革出版社,1997年,第207页。
    ⑥ [瑞士]荣格:《美学中的类型问题》,《荣格文集》,冯川编,[M]北京:改革出版社,1997年,第207页。
    ① [瑞士]荣格:《心理学与文学》,《荣格文集》,冯川编,[M]北京:改革出版社,1997年,第250页。
    ② [英]托·斯·艾略特:《传统与个人才能》,《艾略特文学论文集》,李赋宁译注,[M]南昌:百花洲文艺出版社,1994年,第5页。
    ③ [英]托·斯·艾略特:《传统与个人才能》,《艾略特文学论文集》,李赋宁译注,[M]南昌:百花洲文艺出版社,1994年,第6页。
    ④ [英]托·斯·艾略特:《传统与个人才能》,《艾略特文学论文集》,李赋宁译注,[M]南昌:百花洲文艺出版社,1994年,第9页。
    ① [英]托·斯·艾略特:《传统与个人才能》,《艾略特文学论文集》,李赋宁译注,[M]南昌:百花洲文艺出版社,1994年,第2页。
    ② 此处关于艾略特的论述部分,参见拙作《“传统与个人才能”与<影响的焦虑>之比较》,[J]《世界文学研究与评论》,2007年第1期,第227页。
    ③ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.13.
    ④ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.13.
    ① Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.13.
    ② [古希腊]亚里士多德:《诗学》,陈中梅译注,[M]北京:商务印书馆,2005年,第63页。
    ③ 朱光潜:《西方美学史》,[M]北京:人民文学出版社,1979年,第87页。
    ④ [英]鲍桑葵:《美学史》,张今译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1985年,第87页。
    ⑤ [古希腊]亚里士多德:《诗学》,陈中梅译注,[M]北京:商务印书馆,2005年,第226页。
    ① [德]贝·布莱希特:《戏剧小工具篇》,《布莱希特论戏剧》,刘国彬、金雄晖译,[M]北京:中国戏剧出版社,1992年,第6页。
    ② Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.13.
    ③ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.13.
    ④ [古希腊]亚里士多德:《诗学》,陈中梅译注,[M]北京:商务印书馆,2005年,第170页。
    ⑤ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.14.
    ⑥'Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.14.
    ① [古希腊]亚里士多德:《诗学》,陈中梅译注,[M]北京:商务印书馆,2005年,第227页。
    ② Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthitique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.17.
    ③ 车文博主编:《弗洛伊德文集》(7),[M]长春:长春出版社,2004年,第59、60页。
    ① 车文博主编:《弗洛伊德文集》(7),[M]长春:长春出版社,2004年,第61页。
    ② 车文博主编:《弗洛伊德文集》(7),[M]长春:长春出版社,2004年,第62页。
    ③ 车文博主编:《弗洛伊德文集》(7),[M]长春:长春出版社,2004年,第145页。
    ④ 车文博主编:《弗洛伊德文集》(7),[M]长春:长春出版社,2004年,第146页。
    ⑤ 车文博主编:《弗洛伊德文集》(7),[M]长春:长春出版社,2004年,第153页。
    ① Alain Vanier:Lacan, Paris:Les Belles Lettres,2000, p.98.
    ② 参见 Jacques Lacan: 《Joyce Le Symptome》, Le Seminaire livre ⅩⅩⅢ, Le sinthome,6tabli par Jacques-Alain Miller, Paris:Seuil,2005, p.162.
    ③ Jean-Pierre Clero:Le Vocabulaire de Lacan, Paris:ellipses.2002, p.80-81.
    ① Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.19.
    ② Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.19.
    ① Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.I.其法文原文为:《Par 'inesthetique', j'entendsun rapport de la philosophic a Part qui, posant que l'art est par lui-meme producteur de verites, ne pretend d'aucune facon en faire, pour la philosophic, un object. Contre la speculation esth6tique, l'inesthetique decrit les effets strictement intraphilosophiques produits par l'existence independante de quelques oeuvres'd'art.》阿尔贝托·托斯卡诺是研究巴迪欧思想的专家,他翻译的《非美学手册》于2005年在斯坦福大学出版社出版,他对“非美学”的翻译如下:“By'inaesthtics'I understand a relation of philosophy to art that, maintaing that art is itself a producer of truths, makes no claim to turn art into an object for philosophy. Against aesthetic speculation, inaesthetics describes the strictly intraphilosphical effects produced by the independent existence of some works of art."(Alain Badiou, Handbook of Inaesthetics, translated by Alberto Toscano, California:Stanford University Press,2005)
    ① Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Badiou and Deleuze Read Literature, Edinburgh:EdinburghUniversity Press,2010, P.197.
    ② Jacques Ranciere:"Aesthetics, Inaesthetics, Anti-aesthetics", Think again",Alain Badiou and The Future of Philosophy, edited by Peter Hallward, London&New York:Continuum,2004, P.222.
    ① Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Badiou and Deleuze Read Literature, Edinburgh:EdinburghUniversity Press,2010, P.197-198.
    ② Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.19.
    ① Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.24.
    ① Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.20.
    ② Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.20.
    ③ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.20.
    ④ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.20.
    ① Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.20.
    ② Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.20.
    ③ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.20-21.
    ④ Alain Badiou,Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.21.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou,Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.21.
    ① [德]黑格尔:《美学》第一卷,朱光潜译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1996年,第142、143页。
    ② [德]海德格尔:《艺术作品的本源》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴选编,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第292页。
    ③ [德]海德格尔:《艺术作品的本源》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴选编,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第281页。
    ① [德]海德格尔:《艺术作品的本源》,《海德格尔选集》(上),孙周兴选编,[M]上海:上海三联书店,1996年,第292页。
    ② Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.22.
    ③ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.23.
    ④ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.23.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.23.
    ⑥ Alain Badiou, Deleuze:the clamor of being, translated by Louise Burchill, Minneapolis · London:University of M innesota Press,1999, P.15.
    ⑦ Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari:Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, Paris:Les Editions de Minuit,1999, P.8.
    ⑧ Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Badiou and Deleuze Read Literature, Edinburgh:EdinburghUniversity Press,2010, P.198.
    ① Jean-Jacaues Lecercle, Badiou and Deleuze Read Literature. Edinburgh:EdinburghUniversitv Press,2010. P.198.
    ② Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Badiou and Deleuze Read Literature, Edinburgh:EdinburghUniversity Press,2010, P.198.
    ① Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Badiou and Deleuze Read Literature, Edinburgh:EdinburghUniversity Press,2010, P.199.
    ② Devin Zane Dhaw:'Inaesthetics and Truth:The debate between Alain Badiou and Jacque Rancere', Filozofski vestnik, Volume ⅩⅩⅧ, No.2,2007, P.188.
    ③ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.25.
    ④ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.25.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.25.
    ⑥ Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.26.
    ① Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, P.26.
    ① 参见 J.-B. Mathieu, "La litterature a-t-elle quelque chose a dire a la philosophic?", http://www.fabula.org/revue/cr/198.php,萨波特意将这篇评论附在了其作品列表的后面,该文详尽地阐释了萨波的观点。
    ② Philippe Sabot, Philosophie et Litterature, Paris:PUF,2002, p.51.
    ③ Philippe Sabot, Philosophie et Litterature, Paris:PUF,2002, P.55.
    ④ Philippe Sabot, Philosophie et Litterature, Paris:PUF,2002, P.96.
    ① Alain Badiou:"Philosophy as Biography "http://www.lacan.com/symptom9 articles/badiou 19.html, (本网站为巴黎-美国拉康研习会官方网站,其成员有:法国拉康精神分析学家雅克-阿兰·米勒、记者兼法国文化国际政治专家埃里克·洛朗、精神分析学家琼斯菲娜·阿耶扎、阿兰·巴迪欧和斯拉沃热·齐泽克。)
    ② Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.10,
    ① Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens:"An introduction to Alain Badiou's philosophy", Infinite Thought:Truth and the Return to Philosophy (Alain Badiou), London& New York:Continuum,2004, P.9.
    ② Ed Pluth:Badiou:A Philosophy of the New, Cambridge:Polity Press,2010, P.31.
    ③ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.108.
    ④ 严平编选:《伽达默尔集》,邓庆安等译,[M]上海:上海远东出版社,2003年,第461页。
    ⑤ Situation是巴迪欧思想中重要的关键词之一,因此,对situation的翻译十分重要。关于该词的翻译,陈永国在《激进哲学:阿兰·巴丢读本》中将其翻译为“环境”,’蓝江在《世纪》中将其翻译为“情势”。鉴于巴迪欧在《存在与事件》第523页的补充:“'situation'这个词汇对我们而言,具有萨特式的内涵。在这里,需要将其中立化”,并且还吸纳了盎格鲁-撒克逊学派意义上的situation。众所周知,萨特曾经创作过大量的“情境剧”,而“情境”也是维特根斯坦学说的关键词之一,因此,笔者认为将situation翻译为“情境”更为妥当,因为它能够体现巴迪欧思想在哲学史上的承继性与创新性。
    ① 按照孙周兴在《存在与时间》中的翻译,他将“seiend"和“sein”(存在)相对,将其理解为存在着的具体东西,即,将“seiend”翻译为“存在者”。此处,笔者沿用这一翻译,以上两个词汇所对应的英文为"beings"和“being”,下文不赘。
    ② [德]海德格尔:《存在与时间》,孙周兴译,[M]北京:三联书店,1987年,第5页。
    ③ [德]海德格尔:《存在与时间》,孙周兴译,[M]北京:三联书店,1987年,第8页。
    ④ compte-pour-un,在数学中是指:“计为一”,就是说将某个对象视为一,英语为count-as-one。从集合理论的角度说,计为一是指集合中的某一项(元素或子集)属于这个集合,就被计为一,反之,如不属于该集合,则被计为零。
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:L Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.32.
    ⑥ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.31.
    ① Alain Badiou:"An introduction to Alain Badiou's philosophy", Infinite Thought:Truth and the Return to Philosophy, translated and edited by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London & New York:Continuum,2004, P.11.
    ② Alain Badiou:"An introduction to Alain Badiou's philosophy", Infinite Thought:Truth and the Return to Philosophy, translated and edited by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York:Continuum,2004, P.10.
    ③ Alain Badiou:"An introduction to Alain Badiou's philosophy", Infinite Thought:Truth and the Return to Philosophy, translated and edited by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York:Continuum,2004, P.10.
    ④ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil, P.531.原文为"L'Unn'etant pas, tout effet d'un est le resultatd'uneoperation, le compte-pour-un. Toute situation est structure par un telcompte."首句中提到的“一”用大写,用以指代抽象的概念“一”,因此,笔者将它翻译为“太一”,以区别第二分句中的作为实体的“一”。
    ⑤ Tristan Garcia:"De quoi Badiou est-il nom?", Philosophie Magazine, No.45,2010. P.32-33.
    ⑥ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.32.
    ① Multiple在数学中为多元,例如多元微积分为multiple variable calculus.在哲学术语中,多元论、多元化所对应的英文为pluralism, 而 multiple一般被翻译为多样,multiplicity则为多样性。基于巴迪欧的哲学建立在数学理论的基础上,笔者将取multiple的数学术语,翻译为多元,亦可以和文中所谈到的集合理论中的多个元素相对应。
    ② Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.33.
    ③ Alain Badiou:"Ontology and Politics:an interview with Alain Badiou", Infinite Thought:Truth and the Return to Philosophy, translated and edited by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York:Continuum,2004,
    ④ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.557. ⑤ Ed Pluth:Badiou:A Philosophy of the New, Cambridge:Polity Press,2010, P.36. ⑥ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.119.
    ① P(a)被认为是集合a的幂集,也就是说,集合a中的所有子集,包括空集与a在内,所形成全部集合构成a的幂集,可以写为P(a)或2。。也就是说,a中有n个元素,那么,a中有2n个子集,因此记为2。。
    ① Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.119.
    ② Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.119.
    ① Ed Pluth:Badiou:A Philosophy of the New, Cambridge:Polity Press,2010, P.51.
    ② Alain Badiou:"Ontology and politics:An interview with Alain Badiou", Infinite Thought:Truth and the Return to Philosophy, translated and edited by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York:Continuum,2004, P.9.
    ③ Peter Hallward:Badiou:a subject to truth, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,2003, P.99.
    ① Alain Badiou:"An introduction to Alain Badiou's philosophy". Infinite Thought:Truth and the Return to Philosophy, translated and edited by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York:Continuum,2004, P.37.
    ② Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.551.
    ③ Alain Badiou:L Etre et L Evenement, Paris:Seuil.1988, P.15.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Court Traite D'ontologie Transitoire, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.188.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988. P.551.
    ① Miguel de Beistegui:"The Ontolgoical Dispute:Badiou, Heidegger, and Deleuze", Alain Badiou:Philosophy and Its Conditions, edited By Gabriel Riera, New York:State University of New York Press,2005, P.50.
    ② Alain Badiou:"An introduction to Alain Badiou's philosophy", Infinite Thought:Truth and the Return to Philosophy, translated and edited by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York:Continuum,2004, P.14.
    ③ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.550.
    ④ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.550.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:"An introduction to Alain Badiou's philosophy", Infinite Thought:Truth and the Return to Philosophy, translated and edited by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York:Continuum,2004, P.10.
    ① Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.657.
    ② Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.34.
    ① Michael Potter:Set Theory and its Philosophy, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2004, P.3.
    ② 以上关于集合理论中的符号以及关于方程式的理解,均取自Alain Badiou:L'EtreetL'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988,P61-62.
    ① 参见《数学辞海》第一卷,山西教育出版社、东南大学出版社、中国科学技术出版社,2002年,第640页。
    ② 张锦文:《公理集合论导引》,[M]北京:科学出版社,1991年,第146页。
    ③ 参见《数学辞海》第一卷,山西教育出版社、东南大学出版社、中国科学技术出版社,2002年,第634页。
    ④ 张锦文:《公理集合论导引》,[M]北京:科学出版社,1991年,第146页。
    ⑤ Peter Hallward:Badiou:a subject to truth, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,2003,ⅹⅰ.
    ① Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988,P.193-194.
    ② Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988,P.195.
    ③ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988,P.115.
    ① Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.115.
    ② 关于singular 与 singularite的翻译la singularity作为数学术语翻译为奇点,意思是在某个数学公式中未被定义的点,当且仅当除去该点时,这个数学公式没有意义。我们都知道在方程式中,分母不能为零,例如在y=b/a-x,当且仅当x=a时,分母为零,该分式没有意义。因此,当x=a时,就是这一方程式的奇点。奇点,通俗一点说,就是指一个独特的点,因此,将其形容词singular翻译为独特的,将la singularity翻译为奇点。
    ③ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.551.
    ④ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.543.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.543.
    ⑥ 参见威廉·邓纳姆:《天才引导的历程——数学经典定理》,苗锋译,[M]北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1994年,第299、300页。
    ① Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.556.
    ② Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.556.
    ③ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.146.
    ① Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.567.
    ② Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.129.
    ③ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.197.
    ④ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.179.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.199.
    ⑥ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.200.
    ① Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.200.
    ② Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.202.
    ① Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement. Paris:Seuil,1988, P.542-543.
    ① Alain Badiou:Infinite Thought, translated and edited by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York: Continuum,2004. P.61.
    ② Alain Badiou:Logics of Worlds, translated by Alberto Toscano, London& New York:Continuum.2009. P.71③ “情境的无穷子集”的法语原文为"une partie infinie de la situation巴迪欧是在数学意义上采用的nartie-词,意为子集,英语应该为subset,然而,英译本中都采用了une partie的表层意思,将其翻译为a part,其实这是不准确的。
    ④ Alain Badiou:L'Elre et L'Evenement. Paris:Seuil,1988. P.561.
    ① Jean-Pierre Clero:Le Vocabulaire de Lacan, Paris:ellipses,2002, P.85.
    ② Jean-Pierre Clero:Le Vocabulaire de Lacan, Paris:ellipses,2002, P.85-86.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Infinite Thought, translated and ed by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York: Continuum,2004, P.61.
    ④ Peter Hallward:Badiou:a subject to truth, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,2003, P.154-155.
    ① Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1988,P.187.这张图表也出现在了巴迪欧英文版的文集《无穷思想》(Infinite Thought)书的61页,然而,在从无穷(infini)通向一(Un-)的途径中并没有标出箭头,不足以表达巴迪欧的想法,并且容易引起误解,所以本文采用法文版《前提》中的图示,以期还原巴迪欧的思想原貌。
    ② Alain Badiou:Infinite Thought, translated and ed by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York: Continuum,2004, P.62.
    ③“不可判定(indecidable)在20世纪,集合论存在着两个疑难问题,即连续统假设(Continuum Hypothesis)与选择公理(axiom of choice)1940年,哥德尔(Godel)证明了选择公理(AC)和连续统假设(CH)相对于策梅洛-弗兰克尔公理系统(简称为ZF系统)的相容性。1963年,科恩(Paul Cohen)用他发明的力迫法(英文为orcing法语为Forcage)证明了选择公理和连续统假设相对于ZF系统的独立性,这也就是说连续统假设是不可判定性(inddcidable)的。(参见《数学辞海》第一卷,第593页。)巴迪欧就是在这个意义上使用了“不可判定”,也就是说既不能判定某命题成立,也不能判定它不成立
    ① Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.18.
    ② 参见《全新法语语法:巴黎索邦大学语法教程》,[M]上海:上海译文出版社,2006年,第132页。
    ③ Peter Hallward:Badiou:a subject to truth, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,2003, P.123-124.
    ① Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.549.
    ② Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement. Paris:Seuil,1988, P.549.
    ③ Alian Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.181.
    ① Alain Badiou:L'Etr'e et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.548.
    ② Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.548.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Infinite Thought, translated and ed. by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York: Continuum,2004, P.62.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Infinite Thought, translated and ed. by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York: Continuum,2004, P.62-63.
    ① Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement,Paris:Seuil,1988,P.544.
    ① Alain Badiou:Infinite Thought, translated and ed. by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York: Continuum,2004, P.66.
    ② 巴迪欧对generique的使用源自数学家保罗·科恩(Paul Cohen)所创造的" ensemble generique ",英文为"generic set",作为数学术语,它被译为“脱殊集合”(见张锦文:《公理集合论导引》),鉴于generique一词常在巴迪欧的文中作为形容词使用,因而笔者将其翻译为“脱殊的”。关于这一术语,陈永国在《激进哲学:阿兰·巴丢读本》中将其翻译为“类属性”,蓝江在《世纪》中将其译为“类性”,这样的字眼多少包含着分类的含义,当然,蓝江在《世纪》前言中已经指出了该词含有“一般性”的意思。笔者认为,将该词翻译为“脱殊”更忠实原文,也更符合巴迪欧在数学术语上对它的使用。
    ③ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988,P.361.
    ④ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.361.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou-. L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.361.
    ⑥ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.361.
    ① Alian Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.192.
    ② Alain Badiou:Infinite Thought, translated and ed by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London& New York: Continuum,2004, P.30.
    ③ 连续统假设:关于基数大小的猜测,指连续统的基数假设,通常用No表示自然数集的基数,用c表示实数集合(连续统)的基数,康托尔证明了No    ④ 《数学辞海》(第一卷),[M]山西教育出版社、东南大学出版社、中国科学技术出版社,2002年,第639页。
    ⑤ Thomas Jech:"What Is Forcing?", Institute of Mathematics, AS CR, Progue.2007.12. P.2.
    ⑥ Ed Pluth:Badiou:A Philosophy of the New, Cambridge:Polity Press,2010, P.100.
    ① Alian Badiou:Conditions. Paris:Seuil.1992. P.206.
    ② Alian Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.206.
    ③ Alian Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.206.
    ④ Alian Badiou:Conditions. Paris:Seuil.1992. P.206.
    ⑤ Alian Badiou:Conditions. Paris:Seuil.1992. P.207.
    ① Alian Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.207.
    ② Alain Badiou.-L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.441.
    ③ Alian Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.208.
    ④ Alian Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.209.
    ⑤ Alian Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.209. 110
    ① Alian Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.212.
    ② Alain Badiou:Logics of Worlds, translated by Alberto Toscano, London& New York:Continuum,2009, P.71.
    ① Alain Radinn · Petit Manuel D'ine.vthetinue Paris·Senil.1998 P24
    ② Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998,P.25.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetiaue. Paris:Seuil,1998,P.25-26.
    ④ Peter Hallward:Badiou:a.subject to truth. Minneannlrs:Universiry of Minnesota Press 2003 P196
    ① Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998.P.25.
    ② Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique,Paris:Seuil,1998, P.39.
    ③ Peter Hallward:Badiou:a subject to truth, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,2003, P.196.
    ① Alain Badiou:Manifeste Pour la Philosophie, Paris:Seuil,1989, P.49.
    ② Alain Badiou:Manifeste Pour la Philosophie, Paris:Seuil,1989, P.57-58.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Manifeste Pour la Philosophie, Paris:Seuil,1989, P.58.
    ④ Mallarme: 《Crise de Vers》, Oeuvres Completes, Paris:Gallimard,1945, P.366.
    ① Alain Badiou:Manifeste Pour la Philosophic, Paris:Seuil,1989, P.58.
    ② Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London · New York:Verso,2005, P.142.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London · New York:Verso,2005, P.142.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London · New York:Verso,2005, P.142.
    ① Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London · New York:Verso,2005, P.13.
    ② Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London · New York:Verso,2005, P.141.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London · New York:Verso,2005, P.142-143.
    ④ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement. Paris:Seuil,1988, P.122.
    ① Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London-New York:Verso,2005, P.144.
    ② 在英文中,状态为state,国家为the State;法语中,状态为l'etat,国家则为l'Etat。由于国家是一种情境状态,正是在这个层面上,国家超出了情境,拥有比情境更高的权力。
    ③ Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London-New York:Verso,2005, P.144.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London-New York:Verso.2005, P.146-147.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London-New York:Verso,2005, P.148.
    ⑥ Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London-New York:Verso,2005. P.144.
    ⑦ Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London-New York:Verso,2005, P.150.
    ⑧ Alain Badiou:Metapolitics. translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London-New York:Verso.2005, P.150.
    ① Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and introduced by Jonson Barker, London-New York:Verso,2005, P.I51.
    ② Peter Hallward:Badiou:a subject to truth, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,2003, P.196.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.157.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.157.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.158.
    ⑥ 《数学辞海》第一卷,山西教育出版社、东南大学出版社、中国科学技术出版社,2002年,第631页。
    ① Alain Badiou:Manifeste Pour la Philosophie, Paris:Seuil,1989, P.60.
    ② Alain Badiou:Manifeste Pour la Philosophie, Paris:Seuil,1989, P.61.
    ③ Oblatif在法语中的意思是,某些人为了满足他人的要求而牺牲了自己的需求,因此,笔者将其意译为“无私”英文版中,将该词译为③ ablative",实际上,ablative是语言学术语,作为形容词指“夺格的”,《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》中认为,夺格是指“某些屈折语中的名词、带刺或形容词的一种格,尤其表示动作的主动者或动作赖以进行的工具”,然而,法语中的“夺格”为un ablatif,并不是巴迪欧所说的oblatif",笔者认为,该词的英文译本有问题。
    ④ Alain Badiou:Conditions,Paris:Seuil,1992,P.255-256.
    ① Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.256.
    ② Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.256.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.256.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.256.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:Manifeste Pour la Philosophie, Paris:Seuil,1989, P.63.
    ① Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.262.
    ② Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.262.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.263.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.263-264.
    ① Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.257.
    ② Alain Badiou:Conditions. Paris:Seuil,1992, P.258-259.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.259. 122
    ① Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.272.
    ② Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.270.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.272.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, P.272-273.
    ① Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.135.
    ② Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.136.
    ③ [美]罗兰·斯特龙伯格:《西方现代思想史》,刘北成、赵国新译,[M]北京:中央编译出版社,2005年,第166页。
    ④ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.136.
    ① Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet,Paris:Seuil,1982,P.136.
    ② Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet,Paris:Seuil,1982,P.136.
    ③ 邓晓芒、赵林:《西方哲学史》,[M]北京:高等教育出版社,2006年,第208页。
    ④ [美]罗兰·斯特龙伯格:《西方现代思想史》,刘北成、赵国新译,[M]北京:中央编译出版社,2005年,第221、222页。
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet,Paris:Seuil,1982,P.137.
    ⑤ [美]罗兰·斯特龙伯格:《西方现代思想史》,刘北成、赵国新译,[M]北京:中央编译出版社,2005年,第285页。
    ① [英]罗素:《西方哲学史》(下卷),何兆武、李约瑟译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,2005年,第280页。
    ② [英]罗素:《西方哲学史》(下卷),何兆武、李约瑟译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,2005年,第280页。
    ③ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.139.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.139.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.139.
    ③ 邓晓芒、赵林:《西方哲学史》,[M]北京:高等教育出版社,2006年,第193页。
    ⑦ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.139.
    ① Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.139.
    ② Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris.Seuil,1982, P.139.
    ③ Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6_articles/badiou.html该文为巴迪欧的演讲。
    ① Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6_articles/badiou.html.
    ② Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6_articles/badiou.html.
    ③ Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6_articles/badiou.html.
    ④ Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6_articles/badiou.html.
    ① [德]康德:《纯粹理性批判》,邓晓芒译,[M]北京:人民出版社,2004年,第89页。
    ② Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.294.
    ③ Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6 articles/badiou.html.
    ④ Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6_articles/badiou.html.
    ① Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6_articles/badiou.html.
    ② Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6_articles/badiou.html.
    ③ Ed Pluth:Badiou:A Philosophy of the New, Cambridge:Polity,2010, P.108-109.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.28.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.28.
    ⑥ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.29.
    ① Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L Evennement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.430.
    ② Alain Badiou:Logics of Worlds, London& New York:Continuum,2009, P.46.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Logics of Worlds, London& New York:Continuum,2009, P.50.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Logics of Worlds, London& New York:Continuum,2009, P.46. 132
    ① Alain Badiou:Logics of Worlds, London& New York:Continuum,2009:P.53.
    ② Alain Badiou:Logics of Worlds, London& New York:Continuum,2009, P.53.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Logics of Worlds, London& New York:Continuum,2009, P.594.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Logics of Worlds. London& New York:Continuum,2009, P.595.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptpm6_articles/badiou.html.
    ① Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6 articles/badiou.html.
    ② Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6_articles/badiou.html.
    ③ Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6_articles/badiou.html.
    ④ Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6_articles/badiou.html.
    ① Alain Badiou:"The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6 articles/badiou.html.
    ② Bruno Bosteels:"Translator's Introduction", Theory of the Subject (Alain Badiou), London & New York:Continuum, ⅹⅹⅹⅵ.
    ① Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.272-273.
    ② Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.307.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.307.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.273.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.275.
    ⑥ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.430.
    ① Alain Badiou:L'itre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, P.431.
    ② Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.177.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.311.
    ④ Ed Pluth:Badiou:A Philosophy of the New, Cambridge:Polity,2010, P.132.
    ① Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.160.
    ② Bruno Bosteels:"Translator's Introduction", Theory of the Subject (Alain Badiou), London& New York:Continuum, ⅹⅹⅹⅴ.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.267.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.293.
    ① Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.308.
    ② Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.308.
    ③ 参见 Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.273.
    ④ [奥]弗洛伊德:《精神分析引论新编》,高觉敷译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,1987年,第52页。
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.308.
    ⑥ Michel Foucault:"The Subject and Power", Critical Inquiry, Vol.8, No.4,1982, P.781
    ① Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.311.
    ② Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.311.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.311.
    ① Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.306.
    ② Bruno Bosteels:Theory of the Subject (Alain Badiou), London & New York:Continuum, xxxvi.
    ① Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.306.
    ② Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.298.
    ① Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.306.
    ② Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1.982, P.313.
    ① [日]福原泰平:《拉康:镜像阶段》,王小峰译,[M]石家庄:河北教育出版社,2002年,第42页。
    ② [法]雅克·拉康:《拉康选集》,褚孝泉译[M]上海:上海三联书店,2001年,第312页。
    ③ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.314-315.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.313.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet. Paris:Seuil,1982, P.315.
    ① Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris;Seuil,1982, P.315.
    ② Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, P.315.
    ① Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ① Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ② Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ③ Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ④ Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ① Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ② Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ③ Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ④ [法]罗兰·巴特:《作者的死亡》,《罗兰·巴特随笔选》,怀宇译,百花文艺出版社1995年版,第301页。
    ⑤ [法]罗兰·巴特:《作者的死亡》,《罗兰·巴特随笔选》,怀宇译,百花文艺出版社1995年版,第307页。
    ④ Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ① Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ② Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ③ Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ④ 周国平:《悲剧的诞生·译序》,《悲剧的诞生》(尼采著),[M]北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1986年,第13页。
    ⑤ 周国平:《悲剧的诞生·译序》,《悲剧的诞生》(尼采著),[M]北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1986年,第13页。
    ⑥ Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ⑦ Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ① Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ② Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ③ Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ④ Alain Badiou:"Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art", Lacanian ink,2004, http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    ① Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.34.
    ② Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.34. 152
    ① Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.35.
    ② Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.35.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.37.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.37.
    ① Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.51.
    ② Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.51.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.24.
    ① Alain Badiou:Petit Manuel D'inesthetique, Paris:Seuil,1998, p.51.
    ② Alain Badiou:Conditions, Paris:Seuil,1992, p.110.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Theorie du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, p.92.
    ① 该诗的中文版被命名为《自寓》,请见《马拉美诗全集》,葛雷、梁栋译,[M]杭州:浙江文艺出版社,1997年,第93页。
    ② [美]昂利·拜尔编:《方法、批评及文学史——朗松文论选》,徐继曾译,[M]北京:中国社会科学出版社,1992年,第545页。
    ③ [法]马拉美:《诗的危机》,《马拉美诗全集》,葛雷、梁栋译,[M]杭州:浙江文艺出版社,1997年,第274页。
    ① Alain Badiou:"L'Etre et L'Evenement,Paris:Seuil,1989,p.213.
    ② Alain Badiou:"L'Etre et L'Evenement,Paris:Seuil,1989,p.213.
    ③ 秦海鹰:《文学如何存在——马拉美诗论与法国二十世纪文学批评》,[J]《外国文学评论》,1 995年第3期,第10页。
    ④ Alain Badiou:Handbook of Inaesthetics,trnslated by Alberto Toscano,California:Stanford University Press,2005, p.46
    ① Alain Badiou:Handbook of Inaesthetics, translated by Alberto Toscano, California:Stanford University Press,2005, p.55.
    ② [法]马拉美:《骰子一掷》,《马拉美诗全集》,葛雷、梁栋译,[M]杭州:浙江文艺出版社,1997年,第140页。
    ③ Alain Badiou:Handbook of Inaesthetics, translated by Alberto Toscano, California:Stanford University Press,2005, p.47.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Theorie Du Sujet, Paris:Seuil,1982, p.111.
    ⑤ Jean-Jacques Lecercle:Badiou and Deleuze Read Literature, Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,2010, p.94.
    ⑥ Alain Badiou:L'Etre et L'Evenement, Paris:Seuil,1988, p.214.
    ① Alain Badiou:Handbook of Inaesthetics, translated by Alberto Toscano, California:Stanford University Press,2005, p.55.
    ① [德]尼采:《瞧,这个人:尼采自传》,黄敬甫、李柳明译,[M]北京:团结出版社,2006年,第10-12页。
    ② [德]尼采:《瞧,这个人:尼采自传》,黄敬甫、李柳明译,[M]北京:团结出版社,2006年,第43-44页。
    ③ [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈燕如、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第16页。
    ① [德]尼采:《瞧,这个人:尼采自传》,黄敬甫、李柳明译,[M]北京:团结出版社,2006年,第18页。
    ② [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈燕如、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第35页。
    ③ [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈燕如、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第55页。
    ④ [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈燕如、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第40页。
    ① [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈燕如、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第19页。
    ② [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈燕如、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第84页。
    ③ [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈燕如、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第84页。
    ④ [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈燕如、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第51页。
    ⑤ [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈燕如、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第51页。
    ① [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈燕如、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第110页。
    ② [德]尼采:《瞧,这个人:尼采自传》,黄敬甫、李柳明译,[M]北京:团结出版社,2006年,第137页。
    ③ Karin Bauer:"Adorno's Wagner:History and Potential of the Artwork", Cultural Critique, No.6, Spring 2005, p.70-71.
    ① Theodor W. Adorno:"Notiz Uber Wagner", Gesammelte Werke, p.205, 转引自 Karin Bauer:Adomo's Wagner: History and Potential of the Artwork, Cultural Critique, No.6, Spring 2005, p.70.
    ② Theodor W. Adorno:In Search of Wagner, translated by Rodney Livingstone, London:Verso,2005, p.91.
    ③ [德]麦耶尔著:《瓦格纳》,赵勇、孟兆刚译,[M]北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1987年,第243、244页。
    ④ Theodor W. Adorno:The Culture Industry:selected essays on mass culture, edited and with an introduction by J.M. Nernstein, London and New York:Routledge,2001, p.41.
    ① Theodor W. Adorno:Essays On Music, translations by Susan H. Gillespie, California:University of California Press, 2002, p.584-585.
    ② Karin Bauer:"Adorno's Wagner:History and Potential of the Artwork", Cultural Critique, No.6, Spring 2005, p.89-90.
    ③ Karin Bauer:"Adorno's Wagner:History and Potential of the Artwork", Cultural Critique, No.6, Spring 2005, p.90.
    ① James Little:Philosophico-Musical Vision:Badiou,Zizek and Music, International Journal of Zizek Studies, Volume Five, Number Two, p.8.
    ② [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈燕如、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第46页。
    ① [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈燕如、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第47页。
    ① Alain Badiou:Cinq Legons Sur Le 'Cas' Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.23.
    ② Alain Badiou:Cinq Legons Sur Le 'Cos' Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.24.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Cinq Legons Sur Le 'Cos' Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.24.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Cinq Legons Sur Le 'Cos' Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.41.
    ① Alain Badiou:Cinq Leqons Sur Le'Cos'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.102-103.
    ② Andreas Huyssen:After the Great Divide:Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism, Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1986, p.35
    ③ Alain Badiou:Cinq Leqons Sur Le'Cos'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.103.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Cinq Leqons Sur Le'Cas'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.103.
    ⑤ 参见 Alain Badiou:Cinq Lecons Sur Le'Cas'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.104.
    ⑥ Alain Badiou:Cinq Leqons Sur Le'Cas'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.104-105.
    ⑦ Alain Badiou:Cinq Leqons Sur Le'Cas'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.105.
    ① Alain Badiou:Cinq Lecons Sur Le'Cos'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.105.
    ② Alain Badiou:Cina Lecons Sur Le'Cos'Wanner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.105.
    ③ Alain Badiou:Cina Lecons Sur Le'Cos'Waener. Caen:Nous.2010. d.106.
    ④ Alain Badiou:Cinq Lecons Sur Le'Cos'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.165.
    ⑤ Alain Badiou:Cinq Lecons Sur Le'Cos'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.161.
    ⑥ Alain Badiou:Cinq Lecons Sur Le'Cas'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.162.
    ⑦ Alain Badiou:Cinq Lecons Sur Le'Cos'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.162.
    ⑧ Alain Badiou:Cinq Lecons Sur Le'Cas'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.162.
    ① Alain Badiou:Cinq Legons Sur Le'Cas'Wagner, Caen:Nous,2010, p.162.
    ① Jacques Ranciere:'Aesthetics, Inaesthetics, Anti-Aesthetics', Think Again:Alain Badiou and the Future of Philosophy, edited by Peter Haliward, London& New York:continuum,2004, p.222
    ② 参见 Jacques Ranciere:'Aesthetics, Inaesthetics, Anti-Aesthetics', Think Again:Alain Badiou and the Future of Philosophy edited by Peter Haliward, London & New York:continuum,2004, p.222
    ① [英]特里·伊格尔顿:《后现代主义的幻象》,华明译,[M]北京:商务印书馆,2005,ⅶ
    ② Alberto Tosocano:"To Have Done with the End of Philosophy", Pli:The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, No.9, 2000, p.220.
    ① [德]尼采:《尼采反对瓦格纳》,陈艳茹、赵秀芬译,[M]济南:山东画报出版社,2002年,第23页。
    [1]Alain Badiou, Le Concept de Modele, Paris, Maspero,1969.
    [2]Alain Badiou, Theorie du Sujet, Paris, Seuil,1982.
    [3]Alain Badiou:L'etre et L'evenement, Paris, Seuil,1988.
    [4]Alain Badiou:Court Traite D'ontologie Transitoire, Paris, Seuil,1988
    [5]Alain Badiou:Manifeste Pour La Philosophie, Paris, Seuil,1989.
    [6]Alain Badiou,Le Nombre et Les Nombres, Paris, Seuil,1990.
    [7]Alain Badiou, Conditions, Paris, Seuil,1992.
    [8]Alain Badioli, Saint Paul, La Fondation de L'Universalisme, Paris, P.U.F.,1997.
    [9]Alain Badiou, Petit Manuel d'Inesthetique, Paris, Seuil,1998.
    [10]Alain Badiou, Second Manifeste pour la philosophie, ed. Fayard, coll. Ouvertures,2009.
    [11]Alain Badiou, Cinq Lecons sur le Cas Wagner, Paris, Seuil,2010.
    [12]Bruno Bosteels, Alain Badiou, une trajectoire polemique, Paris:La Fabrique Edition,2009.
    [13]Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, Inesthetique & mimesis:Badiou, Lacoue-Labarthe et la question de l'art, Paris, Nouvelles Editions Lignes,2010.
    [14]Angelina Uzin Olleros, Introduction a la Pensee d'Alain Badiou:Les quatre conditions de la philosophie, Traduction, Graciela Mayol,la ed. Buenos Aires, Imago Mundi,2008.
    [15]Nicolas Alvarado, "Poesie et philosophie chez Alain Badiou",(Programme de Bourses de Haut Niveau de 1'Union Europeenne pour l'Amerique Latine, bourse no E07M403005CO 项目成果)
    [16]Judith Revel, Le vocabulaire de Foucault, Paris, ellipses,2002.
    [17]Raymond Boudon, Que sais-je? Le Relativisms, Vendome, PUF,2008.
    [18]Alain Vanier, Lacan, Paris, Les Belles Lettres,2000.
    [19]Jacques Lacan, Le Seminaire livre ⅩⅩⅢ, Le sinthome, etabli par Jacques-Alain Miller, Paris, Seuil,2005.
    [20]Jean-Pierre Clero, Le Vocabulaire de Lacan, Paris, ellipses,2002.
    [21]Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, Paris, Les Editions de Minuit,1999.
    [22]Philippe Sabot, Philosophie et Litterature, Paris, PUF,2002.
    [23]Mallarme, Oeuvres Completes, Paris, Gallimard,1945.
    [24]Alain Badioiu," Le Cinema Comme Faux Mouvement", L'Art du Cinema, No.4(mars 1994)
    [25]Alain Badiou, "Peut-On Parler d'un Film", L'Art du Cinema, No.6(Novembre 1994)
    [26]Alain Badiou, "Notes Sur 《Le Dernier Des Hommes》",L'Art du Cinema, No.16 (ete 1997)
    [27]Alain Badiou, "Le devoir inesthetique", Magazine Litteraire, No.414,2002.
    [28]Denis Levy, "Badiou, l'art et le cinema", Revue Appareil, No.6,2010
    [29]Stathis KOUVELAKIS, "La politique dans ses limites ou les paradoxes d'Alain Badiou", Actuel Marx, No.28,2000.
    [30]Olivier Neveux, "La Declaration D'Etat:Sur le 《theatre politique》 d'Alain Badiou", Actuel Marx, No.38,2005/2
    [31]J.-B. Mathieu, "La litterature a-t-elle quelque chose a dire a la philosophie?", http://www.fabula.org/revue/cr/198.php
    [32]Tristan Garcia, "De quoi Badiou est-il nom?", Philosophie Magazine, No.45,2010
    [1]Alain Badiou:Saint Paul, The Foundation of Universalism, translated by Ray Brassier, Stanford Caniforlia:Stanford University Press,1997.
    [2]Alain Badiou:Hand book of Inaesthetics, translated by Albeto Toscano, Stanford California: Stanford University Press,2005.
    [3]Alain Badiou:Deleuze The Clamor of Being, Translated by Louise Burchill, Minneaplois& London: Univeristy of Minnesota Press,2000.
    [4]Alain Badiou:Theorical Writing, Edited and translated by Ray Brassier and Alberto Toscano, London& New York:Continuum,2004.
    [5]Alain Badiou:Infinite Thought-Truth and the return to Philosophy, Translated and edited by Oliver Feltham and Justin Clemens, London&New York:Continuum,2004.
    [6]Alain Badiou:Metapolitics, translated and with an introduction by Jason Barker, London-New York:Verso,2005.
    [7]Alain Badiou:Logics of Worlds (Being and Event,2), translated by Alberto Toscano, London&New York:Continuum,2009.
    [8]Alian Badiou:Theory of Subject, translated and with an introduction, by Bruno Bosteels, London · New York:Continuum,2009.
    [9]Theodor W. Adorno:In Search of Wagner, translated by Rodney Livingstone, London:Verso,2005.
    [10]Theodor W. Adorno:The Culture Industry:selected essays on mass culture, edited and with an introduction by J.M. Nernstein, London and New York:Routledge,2001.
    [11]Theodor W. Adorno:Essays On Music, translations by Susan H. Gillespie, California:University of California Press,2002.
    [12]Andreas Huyssen:After the Great Divide:Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism, Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1986.
    [13]Peter Hallward, Badiou:A Subject to Truth,《巴迪欧:臣服于真理的主体》 Minnesota:The University of Minnesota,2003.
    [14]Paul Ashton, A.J. Barlett, Justin Clemens, The Praxis of Alain Badiou, Melbourne:Repress, 2006.
    [15]Jason Barker:Alain Badiou A Critical Introduction, London:Pluto Press,2002.
    [16]Lindsey Hair:Badiou/Deleuze:Art and cinema, Ph.D,, State University Of NEW YORK AT Buffalo(博士毕业论文)
    [17]Edited by Peter Hallward, Think Again:Alain Badiou and The Future of Philosophy, London& New York:Continuum,2004.
    [18]Christopher Norris, Badiou's Being and event:a reader's guide, London& New York: Continuum,2009.
    [19]Alex Ling, Badiou and Cinema, Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,2010.
    [20]Andrew Gibson, Beckett and Badiou:the pathos of intermittency, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2006.
    [21]Michael Potter:Set Theory and its Philosophy, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2004.
    [22]Peter V. Zima, Deconstruction and Critical Theory, translated by Rainer Emig, London&New York:Continuum,2002.
    [23]Richard Rorty& Pascal Engel, What's the Use of Truth?, edited by Patrick Savidan, translated by William McCuaig, New York:Columbia University Press,2007.
    [24]Michel Foucault, Power/Knowledge, New York:Pantheon,1980.
    [25]Roland Barthes, Image, Music, Text, selected and translated by Stephen Heath, London:Fontana Press,1977.
    [26]Judith Butler, Bodies That Matter:on the discursive limits of "sex ", New York:Roudege,1993.
    [27]Joseph Margolis, The Truth about Relativis, Oxford:Blackwell,1991.
    [28]Timothy Mosteller, Relativism in Contemporary American Philosophy, London& New York: Continuum,2006.
    [29]Hal Foster, The Anti-Aesthetic:Essays on Postmodern Culture, Washington:Bay Press,1983.
    [30]Jacques Ranciere, The Politics of Aesthetics, translated by Gabriel Rockhill, London& New York: Continuum,2006.
    [31]Jacques Ranciere, Aesthetics and Its Discontents, translated by Steven Corcoran, Cambridge: Polity Press,2009.
    [32]Jean-Jacques Lecercle:Badiou and Deleuze Read Literature, Edinburgh:Edibourgh University Press Ltd,2010.
    [33]Ed Pluth, Badiou:A Philosophy of the New, Cambridge:Polity Press,2010.
    [34]Alain Badiou, "Philosophy as Bibliography", http://www.lacan.com/symptom9_articles/badioul 9.html
    [35]Alain Badiou, "Bodies, Language Truth?", http://www.lacan.com/badbodies.htm
    [36]Alain Badiou, "The Subject of Art", http://www.lacan.com/symptom6_articles/badiou.html
    [37]Alain Badiou, "Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art",http://www.lacan.com/frameⅩⅩⅢ7.htm
    [38]Alain Badiou,"'We Need a Popular Discipline':Contemporary Politics and the Crisis of the Negative", Interview by Filippo Del, Los Angeles,2007年7月2日,
    [39]Alain Badiou, "Politics and philosophy:an interview with Alain Badiou", interview by Peter Hallward, Angelaki:journal of the theoretical humanities 3:3 1998
    [40]Alain Badiou, An Interview with Alain Badiou"Universal Truths and the Question of Religion", by Adam S. Miller, Journal of Philosophy & Scripture, Volume 3, Issue 1, Fall 2005(访谈)
    [41]Alain Badiou, "Existence and Death", Discourse, translated by Nina Power and Alberto Toscano, Winter 2002; 24,1; ProQuest Education Journal, pp.63.
    [42]Alain Badiou, "On a Finally Objectless Subject", Humanities, Social Science and Law, Volume7, No.2,93-98.
    [43]Alain Badiou, "The Event In Deleuze", Translated by Jon Roffe, Prrhesia,2007, No.2:37-44
    [44]Benjamin Noys, "The Provocations of Alain Badiou", Theory, Culture& Society,2003, Vol.20(1)
    [45]Ray Brassier, "Presentation as anti-phenomenon in Alain Badiou's Being and Event", Continental Philosophy Review (2006) 39
    [46]Paul M. Livingston, "Agamben, Badiou, and Russell", Continental Philosophy Review (2009)42
    [47]Eleanor Kaufman, "Why the family is beautiful (Lacan Against Badiou)", Diacritics, Fall-winter 2002, vol32
    [48]Adrian Johnston, "Phantom of consistency:Alain Badiou and Kantian transcendental idealism", Continental Philosophy Review (2008) 41
    [49]Jon Roffe, "The errant name:Badiou and Deleuze on individuation, causality and infinite modes in Spinoza", Continental Philosophy Review (2007)40
    [50]Tomas Marttila:"Review of Theory of the Subject', Foucault Studies, No.10, November 2010
    [51]Jeff Love and Todd May:"From Universality To Equality:Badiou's Critique of Ranciere", Symposium:Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, Vol.12, Issue2 (2008)
    [52]Peter Osborne:"Neo-classic:Alain Badiou's Being and Event",Radical Philosophy 142 (March/ April 2007)
    [53]Miriam Franchella:"Some Reflections about Alain Badiou's Approach to Platonism in Mathematics", Analytica, No.l,2007
    [54]Claire Joubert:"Badiou and the Ethics of Prose:Revaluing Beckett, Polart-poetique et politique de l'art,20/08/2004
    [55]Alexander James Ling:"Can Cinema Be Thought?:Alain Badiou and the Artistic Condition", Film-Philosophy Conference 2011,(会议论文)
    [56]Glen Fuller:"Punch-Drunk Love:A Post-Romance Romance", M/C Journal, Volume 10 Issue 3 Jun.2007
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