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Academic procrastination was very common in students'studying.Academic procrastination refered to the behavior tendency that students betrayed their primary learning intention,and unneccessarily postponed executing learning tasks that they intended to do. On the basis of summing up and analysing the research of academic procrastination,the purpose of this study was surveying the procrastination tendency of junior school students,the procrastination frequency of junior school students on different subjects and different tasks,then going an in-depth study to explore the reasons of procrastinaon,at last revealed the relationship of academic procrastination between the performances of junior school students.
     First on the basis of a series of preparations,this study translated and revised Tuckman Procrastination Scale(TPS) and Procrastination Assessment Scale-Students(PASS),subjects were 600 junior school students and the conclusions were obtained as follows.
     (1) In general,junior school students didn't procrastinate frequently on academic tasks,but above 80% students wanted to change their procrastination behaviors.(2)Students procrastinated more on academic tasks than non-academic tasks,procrastinated more in Politics than in English,and procrastinated more on doing homework than preparing examinations.(3)Boys and girls had no significant differences in procrastination tendency or procratination frequencies of different subjects and different tasks.Grade had main effect on academic procrastination. Students of nine Grade had the most procrastination tendencies and frequencies,but students of six Grade had the least. Concerning the students coming from different schools, students coming from the city had the least procrastination behaviors, students coming from the District of Hualong had the most procrastination behaviors.(4)It was found that the reasons of procrastination were risk-taking、lack of assertion、fear of failure、aversiveness of task、fear of success、rebellion against control、peer pressure by factor analysis,there were differences amony Grades and schools.(5)Through the correlational study of procrastination tendency、procrastination in English、procrastination in Politics between performances,conclusion was found that procrastination tendency could anticipate total performances、performances of English、performances of Politics,and procrastination in English could significantly anticipate English performances,procrastination in Politics could signficantly anticipate Politics performances.
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