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Nowadays manifold learning for face recognition has aroused extensive attention. Studies have shown that human faces are most likely located in a non-linear manifold, which prompted us to map the original data sets of high-dimensional space to the low-dimensional manifold. Through finding the representation inherent variables, according to these variables of the training set, images of different people can be distinguished. A lot of learning-based non-linear manifold dimensionality reduction methods have already been proposed. The main contributions in this paper are as follows:
     1. We give a overview of the current manifold learning methods, and introduce several classical manifold algorithm, including isometric mapping Manifold (ISOMAP), local linear embedding (LLE), as well as its transformation forms: Hessian Locally Linear Embedding (HLLE) and Local Tangent Space alignment (LTSA), etc; Sum up the framework of current algorithm manifold: manifold learning methods can be divided into the global (such as ISOMAP) and local methods (such as LLE, HLLE, LTSA, etc.). On the one hand, they can also be divided into linear and nonlinear methods; Analyze the current main manifold learning methods, and summarize and compare their deficiencies and advantages mainly from the time complexity, the desire character of the data sets and robustness to noise, etc.
     2. We present the sparse local linear embedding algorithm (SLLE) after investigating LLE deeply; at the same time we have put forward the corresponding algorithm of SLLE which maps the new high-dimensional samples to the manifold of training sets. LLE is one of the classical manifold learning methods and has many advantage, for example, its less parameters to set, fast computing speed, effortless of finding the global optimal solution, but the first problem LLE encountered is the search of neighborhood for data, which can be related to the embedded results. LLE is also very sensitive to noise, lacks of the learning ability for new samples, and works not very well in the face recognition. SLLE is proposed against the above-mentioned shortcomings of LLE. The algorithm can compute the neighborhood of samples adaptively and robustly. Experiments on the AR face database and the ORL face database show that the proposed SLLE method outperfoms the LLE method in terms of both semantic-relationship preservation and robust embedding against outliers.
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