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With the era of Internet, experience and word-of-mouth, all industries pay more and more attention to the customers'consuming experience, and try to win customers'good WOM. In the background of the new era, the tourism industries pay more attention to the tourists'experience and WOM. How to provide tourists with high quality tourism experience, and how to win the WOM of tourists become a major challenge of the new era tourism industries managers. Tourism activities are the process of interaction between tourism subject and object. From the perspective of tourists (tourism subject) it is the process of tourism experience, in the perspective of destination (tourism object) it is the process of service and reception. In the process of tourism experience, service and reception, there exists a certain relationship quality status between tourists and destinations. Then the process and the status would cause tourists' WOM which is the important behavioral outcomes in tourists'aspect. In the Internet age, The internet WOM is even more powerful, and it has a particularly important practical and theoretical significance. The paper, taking tourists to Dalian as an example, empirically analyzes key factors influencing the tourists' internet WOMW, in order to provide useful inspiration for tourism destinations and tourism enterprises to effectively manage tourists' internet WOM.
     First of all, the effective factors scale of tourists' internet WOMW is designed through the literature analysis, references to previous studies and combination with the actual interviews. Then the pre-test of the questionnaire is conducted, and the reliability and validity of the questionnaire are tested, therefore, the formal questionnaire of the effective factors is formed, including five dimensions such as the object image, the subject involvement, tourism experience, the quality of the subject-object relationship, as well as demographic characteristics. By formal questionnaire scale reliability and validity testing, descriptive statistics analysis, factors analysis, and ultimately to determine tourists'internet WOMW is influenced by the four variables measurements, including4factors of the object image,3factors of the subject involvement,3factors of tourists'experiences, and3factors of the quality of the subject-object relationship. Empirical tests show that tourists'internet WOMW could be measured by the assessment scale.
     Secondly, the4overall variables (including the object image, the subject involvement, tourism experience, and the quality of subject-object relationship) influencing tourists'internet WOMW are identified via the regression analysis and structural equation analysis. Specific performance:the object image. the subject involvement, tourism experience, and the quality of subject-object relationship have significant positive effect on tourists'internet WOMW:And verify the tourism experience and the quality of subject-object relationship mediating effect between the object image and tourists' internet WOMW, and verify travel experience mediating effect between the subject involvement and tourists'internet WOMW. The object image positively impacts on tourists' internet WOMW through the intermediary role of tourism experience and the quality of the subject-object relationship. The subject involvement positively impacts on tourists' internet WOMW through the intermediary role of tourism experience.
     Thirdly, the mechanism among the variables are presented as:3of4dimensions of the object image, namely tourism landscape image, the image of the service personnel, and the image of the network platform have positive effect on2of3dimensions of tourism experience (sensory and spiritual experience) and on3dimensions of the quality of subject-object relationship(satisfaction, trust, and loyalty), and also have positive effect on tourists'internet WOMW through the intermediary role of tourism experience and the quality of subject-object relationship.2of3dimensions of the subject involvement, namely the motivation involvement and Interpersonal involvement, have positive effect on3dimensions of tourism experience(sensory, emotional, and spiritual experience), and have positive effect on tourists' internet WOMW through the intermediary role of tourism experience.
     Finally, the dissertation also analyzes the differences that demographic characteristics influence on all dimensions variables. The results show that, in addition to gender, all demographic characteristics influence certain dimensions of variables. Tourists of different ages have significant differences in the variable of the tourism landscape image, interpersonal involvement, and the emotional experience. Tourists of different education have significant differences in the variable of the landscape image, the network platform image, and the spiritual experience. Tourists of different family per capita monthly income have significant differences in the variable of the special treat image and the emotional experience. Tourists of different destination tourism experience have significant differences in the variable of the sensory experience, relationships, trust, and tourists'internet WOMW.
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