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    干预下的内部人控制(吴敬琏,1995) 。建立怎样的公司治理结构,来控制“内
    部人控制”, 已被看作是“保护国有资产,实现改革目的的重大现实问题”(陈
    清泰,1995) 。
     一 一种相机性治理。各国公司治理结构模式都有其内在逻辑体系,这就要求各国
Since the year of l932 the proposition 't Separation of ownrship and control"
    was preseoted by A. Berle and G. Means in his initiated practical research, it has kept
    being one of the most importam aspects fOr the research of the colltradcton of
    principal-agent of the interest of ownr and manager in corporation caused by the
    proposition. It also becomes the core problem in the research of corporate govemance
    Which reached the high tide since the middle of 80' s. In order tO satisfy the
    shareholders and interest grouPs in corporation management, Various cotheies
    especially transitional economies make great effOrtS tO seeking a proper fOrm of
    corporate govemance.
    At present, corporatC govemance in differeflt cotheies manifests mainly in twO
    styles, bank-oriented in JaPan and Germany being the model and markct-oriethed in
    the United States and England being the typical case. However, it is hard tO give a
    determinative evalwtion tO say whch is bther. The fac that bubble economy since
    the end of 80's and the lasting economic dePression in JaPan and tWo digits ratC of
    unemPloyment and low economic grow after the union of Germany gives a rather
    good nUmer of scholars strong hints: do they have relationship in some degree with
    their bankng-oriented corporate govemance?
    After more than ten years development, corporations in China undergo a series of
    refOrms, al1 these reform measures fundamentally imProve the incentive system of
    corporations in our coUntry but as refOrm gOes deePer, the Phenomena of "Insider
    Condol" becomes more serious. So the corporatC governance in China behaves as
    the "Insider Condol" Under the governance illtCrvelltion. It becomes the focus of
    our govemance work and theory research hoW to establish a proper corporate
    govemance to cofltTol the "Insider Cofltrol" so as to promote our coUntr's
    corporation refOrm and tO sPeed uP the eStablishmeni of modern corporation syStem.
    From two asPects I stlldy the role of conunercial bank in corporate governance in
    the thesis. In one hand I discuss the mechansm of bank in corporate govemance, in
    the other hand I try to present a method using fOr a reference to help the choice of
    styles of efficient corporate govemance in our coUntry. It consists of five parts.
    As an introduction in chaPter one, the research excitation and its purpose is
    stated, research method, research expeCtations and some terminology also present.
    From five aspects including the origin, the meaning, frame of reference, the
    mechanism and corporation financing of corporate govemance the principle analysis
    is performed. It conStrUcts the analytical background of the thesis in chaPter tWo.
    After that, in chaPter three theoretical analysis of the function of bank control is
    done. Basing Marxism financial caPita theory financial intermediary theory financial
    restrain, financial Institution control theory, the basis of bank control, I demonstrate that bank has strong control function. This presents the theoretical evidences for my work.
    Applying the analysis method of comparative institutions in chapter four the different roles of banking in corporate governance in Germany, Japan and the America are compared referred to the system foundation, the mechanism, the performances and the evaluation of corporate governance. In the last chapter, the possible role that banking plays in corporate governance in our country is discussed through the analysis of the courses of enterprise reforms in China and of the variances of relationships between banking and enterprise. And I present some relative policy suggestions
    In the point of view of bank control the relationships between banking and enterprises are analyzed, the complete analysis both in theory and in practice are carried about the capacity of banking control. Banking has strong control on corporation by credit and shareholder equity. Because of asymmetric information, bank' s credit control intends to become weak. This needs the co-operation of bank' s credit control and mechan
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