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Since the reformation and openness, shaanxi province has experienced prominent increase after the reformation of economy and society, but the contradiction of the imbalance in the regional economic growth has appeared step by step at the same time, which will decide the developing process of shaanxi in the future .To solve the problem, shaanxi’s government has proposed the balanced development strategy which has been described as“Guanzhong take the lead, Shaanan break through and Shanbei experice spanning type in the developing process”. This article intended to contribute to the solution of the problem through empirical analysis based on the existing thesis.
     Regional disparities are widespread phenomenon in the process of the economic growth, Its theory and research methods are continually achieving new progress. The measurement of inequality coefficient and the application of convergence theory in economic growth has become a common way of regional inequality analysis theory in research, which has been widely-used in the studies of china’s regional imbalance of economic growth. But there is rare application of this theory and methodology in the studies of internal inequalities of the western provinces. The article is based on such ideas and empirical studies using the convergence theory for reference , which tries to find the changing pattern ,structural reason and the accurate factors that affects the economic growth of Shaanxi province .
     Chapter One: Introduction. This part elaborates the research’s background, mentality, method, goal and significance based on the domestic and foreign regional disparities, then gives the innovation spots.
     Chapter Two: The Academic Foundation of Regional Disparities and Convergence in Economic Growth. This chapter introduced the theories of regional disparities and convergence in economic growth, based on which we will make the analysis and measurement of the regional disparities and convergence.
     Chapter Three: The Pattern of Evolution and Influencing Factors of Regional Economic Growth in Shaanxi province. Based on the last chapter, this chapter makes systemic description of the status quo and evolution of the imbalance in economic growth through the point of view of the absolute and relative disparities since the reformation and openness. We regard that Shaanxi’s regional disparities of economic growth has experienced a double- apex change between the periods of 1978 and 2005,in which the peak value appeared in the year 1987 and 1999, and the valley value appeared in the year 1990. Secondly, we consider the influencing factors of Shaanxi’s regional disparities as the gift of resource, policy, human resources, and economic reformation, the most important of which is the economic reformation.
     Chapter Four: The Structural Analysis of Shaanxi’s Regional Disparities of Economic Growth. This chapter analyses Shaanxi’s regional disparities of economic growth of regions and rural regions by using the inequality coefficients, and makes a structural decomposition through the point of view of industry to explore the causation. The results are listed as followed:
     (1) The increase of the disparities of economic growth in Shaanxi province is the result of that the second industry concentrates excessively into xi’an, xianyang and baoji where there is basis of traditional heavy industry between the period of 1995 and 1999, and the decrease between 2000 and 2004 has been resulted from the development of the energy sources-exploiting industry .
     (2) The main causation of the disparities is the spatial-temporal imbalance in the course of rural industrialization, and the method to prevent the excessive disparities is to develop the country non-agriculture industry in the laggard area which will reduce the excessive concentration .
     (3) The industrialization and rural industrialization supplement each other in each region. The development of the regional industry will bring the progress of the rural industry consequentially , and the undeveloped areas such as the south of Shaanxi province can make a breakthrough in industrialization by developing agricultural and rural industrialization.
     Chapter Five: The Convergence of Economic Growth in Shaanxi Province. The chapter makes an empirical analysis to theσ-convergence andβ-convergence of economic growth in shaanxi province by using the data since the reformation and openness, the results reveal that : there is neitherσ-convergence norβ-convergence in shaanxi province between the period of 1978 and 2005; it shows weak emanative trend after the joining of regional invented variable, which indicates that there is no club convergence in shannxi province ,or at least no club convergence among the regions of Guanzhong, Shannan and Shanbei ; some of the periods of time show prominent absoluteβ-convergence when being divided into several phases; joining the incipient variable of human resource, the rate of investment , the rising rate of work force ,the result of the conditionalβ-convergence is prominent ,of which the rate of investment and the rising rate of work force are the crucial condition .
     Chapter Six: The Policy Suggestion for Promoting Economic Growth in a Harmonious Way. Based on the analysis of the previous three chapters, we proposed the brief policy suggestions of Shaanxi’s economic growth and development in a harmonious way.
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